Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. Wasn't Leo into Pickup himself? He should have some sympathy for guys who go that route. Take these people and help them, don't tear them down. Be careful about becoming too puritanical. Take people as they come. You were that way once too, remember. Everyone is doing what they think is best. Guide them tenderly and with acceptance and compassion, don't shut them down and make them feel dirty, immoral, or stupid. Examine your own judgment about PUA topics. Why the strong moral feeling? That sounds like attachment. Realize that people as systems are doing their best to try to manifest their preferences. Every person is noble and smart in that sense. Don't beat that down just because right now in your growth this looks stupid, immoral, or uncouth. Don't put things in your Shadow by clinging to being puritanical. That's a Stage Blue trap.
  2. This is a great video on leadership. See, a great leader has great character. And reality reflects this back to the great leader. You gotta put wholesome energy into reality as a leader to become a great leader. A great leader is compassionate, encouraging, positive, polite, and inspiring. A great leader sees himself as his community. It's not me versus my community.
  3. When a leadership opportunity is presented to you -- what do you do with it? This question is bigger than most people realize. It's a humbling question. With great power comes great responsibility. I feel like everyone is growing here and has a lot more to grow too. Step into the challenge not away from it. You're not gonna be perfect, but realize too that right now you're probably not yet done baking in the oven as a leader. This stuff takes openness, time, and a willingness to self-criticize and right one's self too. If you think you're perfect already and don't need to change, that's a recipe for a big constipated block for improving as a leader. And you'll just continue to get beat up if you have that as a leader until you wise up. It's not everyone else, it's you. A leader has to take 100% responsibility for everything under his leadership. That takes a certain kind of character that's created -- nobody's born with that. Leaders must fashion themselves into leaders over time.
  4. When people are having awakenings they tend to go a little crazy though. You don't wanna treat people like assholes when they're going through awakenings.
  5. The secret to life is only you block yourself. If there's a block, it's caused only by you.
  6. This is why the leader of any Community should have high moral character. And this is within your control whether you wanna develop high moral character. Plato's concept of the Philosopher King gets at this. Not enough individualism and the system breaks down.
  7. This is a video worth watching if you're interested in Community Building Work and leadership in a Community.
  8. There are pros and cons to delegation of power. This is a very difficult systems issue to face when you're doing Community Building Work as an aspect of Personal/ Interpersonal Development Work. I've thought about this and tried to look at how to keep the pros and leave behind the cons of the way that this Forum system currently works. One of the things I want to do in my community is allow moderators to temporarily quarantine content or users (for no more than 24 hours) and to recommend punishments, but all final decisions come only from me. You wanna apply the Paradox of Individualism And Collectivism in your Community Building Work. Leadership needs to be located at a point. Delegating leadership can be a bad input to a system. These are really tricky issues in Interpersonal Development Work.
  9. It's not complicated at all. What's complicated is when you try to define yourself and reality using concepts. People get really stuck in that and it's harder than hell to get them to realize the full extent of their locks due to unwise application of concepts to themselves, to others, and to life.
  10. Apply the Paradox of Seriousness And Play. If you get locked in seriousness you become a bore*. If you get locked in play you become a clown. See? *Bore: a dull or tiresome person
  11. I think so. Many people probably disagree. But hey, there's more than one opinion in the opinion jar. That's why the value of pluralism is so important in interpersonal development work.
  12. Yep. It's part of my teachings.
  13. Liberation is when you can apply the Paradox of Truth And No Truth.
  14. Emotional mastery is much deeper than white-knuckle clinging to being nonreactive. Apply the Paradox of Being Reactive And Not Being Reactive.
  15. Wow. Great, I will watch this now. Thanks friend.
  16. Yep. Including the desire for Truth. This one is hard for certain personalities to understand.
  17. Yo. Don't hate the animal in us. Love that part of us. That's us! People get all high-and-mighty and get a stick up their ass with their focus on the Principled Self to the exclusion of their Animal Self. Embrace the Animal Self, it's an incredibly useful model.
  18. I dabbled in learning some Turkish prior to a 2-week vacation to Istanbul at the end of 2015.
  19. Turkish is a rather fascinating language that has some synthetic elements in it.
  20. Other Minds is an inference (an assumption) within the One Consciousness. Ditto for any other consciousness if you're dealing with reality on the level of Truth. If you're dealing with reality on the level of No Truth, probably you don't give a shit about this issue in the first place.
  21. Gottfried Leibniz was all about this project -- as were the early Bertrand Russell, Alfred North Whitehead, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
  22. We gotta design sure-fire, sustainable systems that make actual change, even if it's just one tiny thing.
  23. But Bernie will never win. You gotta be able to actually effect a change in Political Work as an aspect of Personal/Interpersonal Development Work.
  24. It's a little deeper. It's a Paradox of Surrender and No Surrender.
  25. Law Of Attraction means a very specific thing that's best understood through the lens of Energy Metaphysics. Law of Attraction means that reality as a system tends to reflect back the energy that's put into it. It's a mirror aspect of reality that one can apply. This also explains self-fulfilling prophesy effects quite well; enough for practical use anyway.