Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. This is nuts:
  2. @zambize I love having female energy on the Forum from actual females. I think it's super healthy for the Forum. Otherwise things do tend to become quite the sausage-fest around here. I hope more females stick around. I know there used to be many women on here that I don't see around much anymore, although I often see them pop their heads in from time to time. Women are like the natural counter-part to men and vice versa. Men benefit from women and women benefit from men. Without integrating the other sex, you can become quite lopsided in your growth. There are some men on here who have integrated feminine energy a lot, but still I think that isn't enough to replace having some actual female energy on here. Women who have integrated the masculine are also super cool and often hot as well. We men tend to love women who have integrated the masculine, and I think women love men who have integrated the feminine just the same.
  3. This is the kind of deep insight that most people will not fully appreciate although it's placed right here in front of you.
  4. Thanks man, I appreciate your insights. Movies and art are delusion too, yet somehow we can learn a lot from these things. I remember when I was studying at UCLA, I was compelled to watch all the classic films and I was kinda neurotic about this -- and this experience had a kind of profound impact on the rest of my life, even though on some level all films are rubbish.
  5. I don't care about the issue at all. I don't try to define things like that or try to know things like that anymore. How can I clarify this further? I know this is a mindf*ck of a different way of being for people who are trained to want to know things. The issue died on the vine for me. It died when I transcended the Mind.
  6. I don't really care about metaphysics. In Zen, you get popped out of thinking about reality or metaphysics. I just don't really pay the issue any mind, if that makes sense. It's not an issue that I cling to as relevant 99% of the time. I'm not clinging to knowing reality in some kind of metaphysical way anymore. It's like I've outgrown that, like outgrowing a hobby or interest that you previously had when you were a kid.
  7. I don't take psychedelics to be anything literal. I think that's a trap. You learn from the experiences but then you come back into regular life where you do have an Ego. People who take psychedelics literally I think are misled. It's a temporary brain-state like a dream that you're conscious in. I think it's important to know when to stop using psychedelics on the Path too otherwise you can become pretty deluded.
  8. @Consilience Thanks. It's weird that Leo has never mentioned these interviews before.
  9. Have you ever actually done psychedelics? You're the kind of person I can see psychedelics actually helping.
  10. If you'e not feeling it, don't do it. I want you to experience these people without the burden of any request from anyone.
  11. Ask him what he thinks of 5-MeO-DMT and come tell us.
  12. Teal Swan's mannerisms and speaking style kinda reminds me of Ann Coulter for some reason. Ann Coulter is way more charismatic though.
  13. I thought you were saying Leo is meeting Rupert Spira in NYC.
  14. One man's meat is another man's poison. No pun intended lolz.
  15. I bought the complete set of these books and read them all: (It's a set of 4 volumes)
  16. I read the Upanishads -- but most of it was fluff and it was more like finding a few diamonds in a huge pile of fluff on the rare occasion. I definitely did not "enjoy" reading the Upanishads, but I did it just to know what's in there. Most of it I could do without frankly. I found reading the Tao Te Ching infinitely more rewarding than reading the Upanishads, but that's just me. I do suggest that everyone read the Upanishads though, you should know what's in there. It is fascinating how these ancient writings talk about stuff that we still talk about today. It was a worthwhile experience for me, but I had higher expectations.
  17. I still don't know what these No Fap people are doing lol.
  18. Wow, that's kinda black and white thinking man. Just saying.
  19. He'll get one of you haha. Make an example out of you!
  20. Love is the prize in Enlightenment work. It's hard to believe it until it happens to your life. All of a sudden love is effortlessly the center of your life. It's like the Mind gets traded in for the Heart. In Chinese Philosophy they have a neat concept -- the Heart-Mind. The Mind becomes the Heart-Mind with Enlightenment. All of a sudden love is everywhere and the most important thing. It's like the air you breathe. And because you're tapping into that love, others now love you back because they're drawn to love too. It can be a really odd thing to have new people suddenly attracted to you who want to spend time with you.
  21. Pseudo-gurus? Wow, that's a word. I think we all have different people that we think fit that label. Probably your guru is my pseudo-guru and vice versa.
  22. That's a great answer. I love dogs. Man's best friend.