Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. You gotta get to the point where the mind works in your service, not the mind using you for its service. So, conceptualization isn't the problem, it's how conceptualization or duality is clung to, attached to, or interpreted that's the problem. Guns don't kill people, we do. Knowledge is needed, and so is knowledge of knowledge. This is where Philosophy can become helpful in navigating these balancing acts. You do the mind, don't let the mind do you. You do duality, don't let duality do you. You do conceptualization, don't let conceptualization do you. You do you, don't let you do you. Don't get trapped in the Mind-Matrix. The Ego is very tricky. God has no distinctions or limitations. You do the Mind-Matrix, don't let the Mind-Matrix do you. Use the Mind-Matrix as a CAD program to design your life. This is possible. Make awesome lemonade out of the lemons. This is the best strategy. The Mind-Matrix is an awesome simulator for designing and programming-in your entire future. Conceptualization can be good. Watch your presumptive valuations. Duality is neither good nor bad inherently. You use duality, don't let duality use you. Video on point to watch:
  2. There is an intuition guiding you if you have ears to hear it. Clarify that. Let that guide your Spirituality. That is where your Muses live. I've always had very strong intuition and have followed it well. Intuition is the voice of God. So, you have to realize that Being is *alive* and fine-tune your ears to hear it. Intuition speaks -- find it and track it like a bloodhound. Videos on point to watch:
  3. Being cannot be put into words, but I'll bite. Keep in mind that all language is a duality, and so is all thought. Imagine seeing all of the ways that the mind augments reality, and then imagine *living in* the residue when all of that is released or clung to much more loosely. It's hard to *see* Being if you are tightly stuck in the Ego Paradigm. You have to understand how the mind colors reality, and then you have to separate *yourself* from all of that coloration. The end result of this work is Being. And Being just is. Trying to explain Being in words is like trying to communicate the joy of eating a candy bar to somebody born without taste buds. And the attempt to do so may cause more harm than good because people would cling to the ideas of Being, which is 100 miles away from what Being is. Even to use the word Being or to say that Being is, we are dealing in dualities. Being is no-thing. But this is a duality too. If we're gonna communicate in language, we have to use the limitations of the mind. Duality is the limitation of language and of the mind when we are pointing thought at Being. It's like 2-dimensional space trying to capture 3-dimensional space. By arms-lengthing the mind, the Ego dissolves into Being. This is accomplished by raising Awareness. Awareness is seeing through all of the Ego's traps like a magician seeing through his own magic tricks -- understanding how the Ego works to conceal Being. When the ego expands outward by opening up enough, it dissolves into Being. Let the Ego Paradigm crumble due to its own weight, and feel the relief and release from that. Then, you might be at the doorstep of fully *seeing* and appreciating Being. You get to Being by breaking through Ego. Videos on point to watch:
  4. I might agree with you. It looks like I probably do. I'm talking about what Being and nothingness reference. But even that is a duality. Language is a duality. Rather than your "nothingness" -- I prefer "no-thing-ness." Nothingness sounds too much like a belief. No-thing-ness gets at the non-dual aspect of Being better than nothingness does. This is my preference of course, not the absolute truth. Belief is not reducible to thought or to duality. Even saying "Being is One" is a duality. Oneness implies a duality, it implies a not-oneness. Once the Mind-Matrix takes a slice with duality, even if it carves with the finesse of Bobby Flay, augmentation of Being is necessarily effected; fantasies are born.
  5. Know How to Turn Your Goals Into Tasks, and Then How to Triage Those Tasks to Fit Into Your Days You need to keep and make a written task list that gets triaged and revised daily. The clipboard that contains this written list needs to become your new constant companion. Everyday, I do a 30 minute task triage session. I put all my goals and tasks on 3x5 cards and spread them out on my table. Then, I order the cards for how I am going to work that day. This is called triaging tasks. I also keep a list in MS Word of all my goals and tasks, which gets revised daily. After I do my daily triage session with the cards, I run to the computer to revise my goal list and print it out. The goal list then goes in my clipboard. The clipboard goes on my desk and guides my daily actions. When I complete something, I cross it off the list. This takes about 30 minutes per day to implement, but it is so important. Make sure to make new 3x5 cards and throw away completed cards as needed. The cards and the written list work in tandem. And you need a clipboard too. Keep that clipboard right next to you when you work. All your life tasks go on the list and cards too, not just your work. Anything that needs action taken is included in this system. The Ego wants you to be off-point: that's its best trap.
  6. This is the battle between the Lower Self and Higher Self. This is the key dilemma of life. The Ego is in cahoots with the Lower Self. The Monkey Mind is in cahoots with the Lower Self. The Mind Matrix is in cahoots with the Lower Self. Your job is to say no to the Lower Self and yes to the Higher Self, and that's what Personal Development and Enlightenment enable you to do. This is what Awareness enables you to do. This is why you hear people talk about Raising Awareness so much. When you have high enough Awareness, all the power of the Ego, the Monkey Mind, and the Mind Matrix melt away. But this path to Awareness is a true path: You need instruction, you need a teacher, you need to want to raise your Awareness. And the only way for the Higher Self to take the reins of your life consistency and over the long-term is if you can jailbreak Being from the Mind. Think of Being as a cell phone and Mind as the operating system on the Phone. You need to jailbreak the operating system from your phone. That's a good way to describe what the process of Personal Development and Enlightenment is. Videos on point to watch:
  7. I've done it. I'm going to start doing it again. Here's how I do it. Turn the heat up to pretty hot, then turn the water down all the way to cold. And stay under the water for 20 seconds. I would spin around under the shower-head so that water went all over my body, face, head, arms, back, etc. It was a good practice. Then I would go work-out after that. That was a good little routine I had.
  8. Here's the key question: Are you Being right now? Can you be it right now? Forget about thoughts or memories. The Psychedelics might point you to Being, but Being should stick. I'm starting to worry that these drugs are giving wrong beliefs and notions about what Being is. Being is no-thing, the object of no belief. All beliefs that point at Being too literally die on the vine.
  9. If you want to remain true to the truth of no self, you gotta be completely silent. Try this model on for size -- You are a self-aware field of no-thingness. Do you see the duality here, but also the pointing function of these words? When you know the destination, is is easier to appreciate all the *cute* belief-scaffolding we have.
  10. It might be that the "strong ego" has more chutzpah to pursue Enlightenment. It takes a lot of hard work to get real enlightenment shifts. Of course, I pursued the non-chemical route. I don't believe you can become enlightened without a lot of hard work. You need a lot of theory, instruction, guidance, and sticktuitiveness to boot. If you are just sitting on your ass waiting for something to come to you, y'aint gonna get anywhere with Enlightenment. This is because Self-Inquiry alone takes a lot of work. And then you need to see the problem of duality fully, which is not something you can pick up quickly. Enlightenment has to stew in you for a while, and you gotta be stirring the pot the entire time. Ever make rissotto? Well, you gotta stir like that for as long as it takes.
  11. When are you gonna be as rich and famous as Tony Robbins?
  12. These are my *currently* favorite Leo videos: 1. The number one reason you are not succeeding 2. Personal Development -- How your mind is like a rider atop an elephant 3. One simple rule for acing life 4. Willpower -- Scientifically proven techniques to build your willpower 5. Peak Performance -- How to hit and maintain consistent peak performance in life 6. Success & Creativity -- Why you should be more schizophrenic 7. Create an exciting life -- your proudest moments exercise 8. How to never quit -- The key to re-framing the toughest obstacles 9. How to stay focused -- The key to being extremely productive & clear minded 10. Personal Power -- How personal power creates success 11. Staying Hungry -- How to use pain for growth 12. Positive Thinking -- The key to thinking positive 13. The law of attraction -- How it really works and how to use it 14. How to stay committed to a cause 15. Self-control -- How to develop self-control to live an amazing life
  13. In other words, did you enter some career that doesn't really fit you to a T? Explain. When did you start to figure this out? What do you think you would do if you could do it all over again? Sometimes I can look at a person doing a job and see that they missed their calling to do something else.
  14. This is all just dualistic speculation, but what the Hell; I feel inclined to write and will honor that Muse here. We are programmed to follow the Lower-Self, probably due to our evolution. We aren't designed to live a long time. And before we were so smart, we needed strong instincts to guide our actions to survive and thrive. Go get food, go get sex, go get comfort, go get possessions, go get security, etc. The Higher-Self is a positive use of the Mind-Matrix that we constructed. (We can use the Mind-Matrix like a CAD program, see video below.) To live the Higher-Self requires that we fight the Lower-Self for control over our actions. To do that, we have to dislocate the Mind from our Identity, which requires the ability to see the Enlightenment Problem in all of its complexity. The final result of Being is simple, but arms-lengthing the Mind-Matrix is a very complex process. This is because you have to understand all of the ways that the Mind-Matrix interferes with reality, which gives you the knowledge of the *numerous traps* you need to maintain a true practice of Being. The biggest problem we have is we identify too tightly with the Mind/Mind-Matrix. That helps us practically to navigate basic evolutionary functions in the world, but it causes problems when we ask more Philosophical or Scientific questions. The duality and habits of the Mind/Mind-Matrix become apparent when we exceed the bounds of pragmatic thinking. One of the worst problems with the Mind/Mind-Matrix is it becomes a tool of the Lower-Self. The Ego calibrates the Mind-Matrix to be in its favor. The Lower-Self is one manifestation of Ego. The basic problem of Personal Development is transferring the reins from the Lower-Self to the Higher-Self. Don't cling to these dualities too tightly though. Do them, don't let them do you. Video on point to watch: Video on point to watch: (How the Higher-Self can be engineered in the CAD Program of the Mind-Matrix.)
  15. Turn the mind off and really live. That's what do nothing means. And it is exciting. I like the excitement in the drawing. Non-doing doing. Non-knowing knowing. Non-being being.
  16. I meditate in 15 minute blocks 3 or 4 times per day, as needed. I do not meditate on a fixed-routine except for the first 15 minute meditation which I do after I wake up in the morning. My body-mind tells me when it is time to meditate -- there's a stress that builds as I work my day. Then I meditate and afterwards I feel happy and rejuvenated. I do these short meditations a couple of times per day, and it keeps me nice and balanced. I did 1 hour per day for like a year and a half before switching to my new system about a month ago. I like the newer system, but I think I got a lot of gains by doing the longer meditations. I guess it depends on where you are in your progress what approach to mediation is best. I only do do nothing meditation now, whereas I did 4 types of meditation before. Also, before, I treated meditation more like a mindfulness or awareness exercise, whereas now I just focus on awareness of my body, integration of my body and mind, and allowing my mind to lie down and go to sleep for a bit. I don't neurotically focus on awareness or control like I used to -- I just dissolve into Being. I get strange jolts that bubble out of me sometimes too. I think they are little bubbles of neurosis coming to the surface.
  17. I suppose the analogy would be -- imagine the way a happy baby feels. We can't feel that good haha. We are too conditioned.
  18. This alone has really boosted my life. I am totally unhooked from mainstream media. And being on here instead has really programmed my standards very highly. You are what you eat. Birds of a feather flock together.
  19. Mastering savvily-clinging (and not-clinging) to beliefs and other Mind-Matrix objects. So crucial. Do-Nothing Meditation 4 times per day for 15 minutes. Getting my body and mind in harmony with each other and letting my Monkey-Mind take a nap. Reviewing the theory binder I made. I call these my "Yin/Yang readings". Self-Inquiry and mindfulness. Being present in the moment. Understanding the traps of the Mind-Matrix and of duality -- so I can notice and avoid traps. Watching my information and food intake. I cut myself off from most things except what is healthy for my life-purpose and for my emotional well-being. We stir our Monkey-Mind awake with all the shit we consume. I don't even know most days what is going on in the news unless somebody tells me. I don't know anything about what's on TV, and I don't watch movies or listen to music anymore either. Affirmations and visualizations. This is me feeding myself with healthy information. This is a counter-weight to the media garbage that we are bombarded with. That stuff will sabotage you. It is poison to the mind. I actively spoon-feed myself everyday with healthy, high-quality affirmations, visualizations, and information (reviewing my Yin/Yang readings and other highly-selected external readings or videos accomplishes my information component). Reviewing my Hero's Journey binder which contains all my goals, mission statement, action-plans, and written vision. Video on point to watch:
  20. I just picked up a stapler from my desk and it caused a stir in my beliefs -- a little goose to the ole ideology, as it were. It seems like I can know the stapler is an object without believing it is, because I don't need to cling to any thought to perceive that it is a separate object -- my senses reveal this. Picking up stapler makes the stapler a thing. Do it yourself while in a state of Being. This is so weird because this would suggest that the mind doesn't create (all) objects -- that (some) objects exist in Being which are not created by the Mind-Matrix. Where exactly in the process of picking up a stapler is the mind suggesting that it is a thing? It seems as though my perceptions are suggesting it is a thing. Once I hold it in my hand, I don't even need a belief to *know* that this thing is a thing -- It's felt as such seeming independent of Mind-Matrix interference. But this is all belief-stuff, Mind-Matrix stuff too -- because when I am in flow, I pick up the stapler without individuating at all. Thinking of a thing as a thing is a thought.
  21. I want to investigate my limiting beliefs more. I'm going to make a list of limiting-beliefs that I am clinging to. Your ideas could help me. All limiting-beliefs are existentially false. I get that, but the issue is that we still cling to limiting-beliefs in everyday life. This is a practical question more than an enlightenment question.
  22. Why does it have to be an either or? Do you appreciate that this stipulation is a duality? Enlightenment requires theory, practice, being, all of this. Once you learn how to cling better and the irrelevance of belief to Being, you can cling much more dynamically instead of these big, broad, binary, context-independent approaches to clinging. That is a stipulation of the Mind-Matrix too. Enlightenment requires it all, and you will see at the end that there is a specific thing that you want to get (<=listen to how dualistic this sounds!). Then Enlightenment gives you the tools to cause that "experience" (<=look at the duality here lol) more or less at will. The Mind-Matrix tricks you into thinking beliefs and need to believe are really important -- but listen to this: Beliefs are irrelevant to Being. Totally, 100% irrelevant to Being. If you are clinging too hard to beliefs, by definition you will never "know" Being. Being requires an arms-lengthing of the Mind-Matrix combined with a deep understanding of the nature and limits of duality. But see, even this is said using language which is dualistic. So, don't cling too hard to this. Enlightenment is hard to "teach". Enlightenment is *loosely challenging* (<=no word is appropriate here because it is too dualistic) the medium in which teaching happens: duality. Clinging to beliefs is important to Being, it depends on the situation, but it will happen intuitively and naturally pursuant to context. But, the "Being that is de-void for the most part of Monkey-Mind" has little to do with beliefs. Beliefs, once conceived as such, are an object of the Mind-Matrix, not an object of Being. There are no objects in Being. All objects are Mind-Matrix elements. Tip -- Let go, but don't turn letting go into more ideology, dogma, or beliefs. Enlightenment is about loosening our grip on beliefs and becoming smarter about how and when to cling to beliefs. And knowing the limits and traps of *need to believe*. You don't need beliefs as much as the Mind-Matrix deceives you that you do. Being has nothing to do with beliefs. This isn't 100% true, but it's a good affirmation to say to install this into your subconscious-mind. I almost hesitate to write anything at all because of the duality of language. Ultimately, theories, combined with your own self-inquiry, will cause shifts for you, and those shifts will cause your enlightenment, not mere beliefs alone. Enlightenment is not conceptual. Even this is too mechanical. There is a conceptual component to Enlightenment too. See? Nothing I say is as certain as the Mind-Matrix wants to make it seem when it is communicated. The finite cannot capture the infinite. But even this claim is finite. There's a rigidity, a mechanicalness, that is built into duality. It's like trying to design a human being using strong AI -- it's never gonna work! Engineering is too dualistic to create a human being.
  23. Watch this video Do the exercise in the video!
  24. Totally. Trying to interfere will often-times cause a lot of ego backlash. It is really deep to see how little control we have over the situation where we have a song stuck in our heads and can't get it out. It is very revealing about Monkey-Mind, Ego, Mind-Matrix, Duality, Conscious-Mind, Subconscious-Mind, and all of the cool stuff that we talk about in Enlightenment theory and practice. What I like about this is that it's a real example, not just more theory. This is a real problem that we can inspect, like the half-crazed scientist, by getting our prodding-tool out, and actually taking a gander at what is going on there under the hood. It's a good "where the rubber meets the road" example for Enlightenment. We have a real phenomenon to investigate!