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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor
Joseph Maynor replied to EmptyInside's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This video is golden. Keep reading those books. It's easy to get into the trap of thinking you don't need to read more. You need that theory to percolate into practice and into growth. Theory is also good for getting you to experiment and to goose you out of whatever box your Ego-Mind has constructed for itself to feel safe, secure, and superior. Get yourself a daily routine to read books, listen to audiobooks, or watch/listen to YouTube videos. Watch with your friend, girlfriend (boyfriend), accountability partner using Watch2gether. You can listen to audiobooks together too using Watch2gether. This will allow you to do Relationship Development work as you soak up new theory, which is like killing two birds with one stone. https://www.watch2gether.com/?lang=en -
Anybody interested in relationships should get this audiobook and listen to it very carefully: "The Thriving Self: Expressing Self-Esteem in Work and Love" by Nathaniel Branden https://www.amazon.com/Thriving-Self-Expressing-Self-Esteem-Work/dp/B00RVRFI8Y
When I was moving from Stage Green to Stage Yellow I went through a short period where I really resonated with Conservativism. It's like my Ego-Mind needed to re-integrate with my Stage Green Shadow, including but not limited to re-integrating Conservativism.
Joseph Maynor replied to Paul92's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Goodbye dude. Feel free to come back around. -
Yeah. That's one of my daily practices. "Do Nothing Meditation" helps you locate being and learn to watch the Ego-Mind from kind of a corner in the room without identifying with it. This is a good video that goes with this kind of practice.
Joseph Maynor replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Leo's new video on dualities is amazing. I watched it three times. Good stuff. Authenticity goes like ham and eggs with transcending Mental dualities and integrating the Shadow. -
Ironically, you will love yourself most when you lose your self. This is one of the fascinating paradoxes of Enlightenment work.
Joseph Maynor replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
One day we're gonna get a simple answer from you haha. A one-liner answer from Scholar. -
The Ego-Mind loves to feel safe within the delusions of religious-like thinking. The Ego-Mind is bullshitting itself though which is no good for one's personal development in the long run.
Please identify, list, and describe these stages to extent that you can.
ON SPIRAL DYNAMICS STAGE TEAL (written by me) (1) 100% Transcendence of the Mind -- including but not limited to transcendence of white-knuckle clinging to metaphysics and white-knuckle clinging to Truth Teal, unlike Turquoise and Coral, has completely (100%) transcended the Mind. Teal has reached Satori (or the Zen Mind). Teal is not white-knuckle clinging to metaphysics or to Truth. This means that Teal is not not clinging to metaphysics or to Truth either. Teal realizes that it's the Mind that clings to metaphysics and to Truth, and Teal has seen through the Mind completely. Teal allows the Mind but is no longer ignorant of the Mind making itself seem more important that it really is -- this includes but is not limited to the Mind making thought seem more important than it really is. Teal is able to live their life without being trapped inside the Mind-Matrix while also picking up the Mind when it's useful to do so and putting down the Mind when it's no longer useful. Teal knows how to do thought without thought doing them. (2) Focus on real relationships rather than abstract metaphysical love Because Teal has transcended the Mind, Teal is not clinging to any concept of metaphysical love. Teal values real relationships, however, and places their focus on nurturing real relationships that they care about. This doesn't mean that Teal is selfish though. Teal continues to express interpersonal compassion and contribution, but Teal is not clinging to any metaphysical love or abstraction about love being part of Truth or anything like that. That's all white-knuckle clinging by the Mind which Teal is well aware of. Teal is ok with not liking everybody. Teal is also ok with being interpersonally reactive when it's authentic and doesn't try to repress, suppress, or demonize Ego or Ego flare-ups. (See No. 6 below) Teal is very relationship-focused and uses relationships to do personal development work. (3) Authentic expression and authentic being -- full integration of the masculine and the feminine Teal realizes that both masculinity and femininity express itself in all persons. Teal watches their personas change and is mindful of their personas changing throughout the day. Teal can identify when they're in their masculine and when they're in their feminine. Teal is all about authentic expression, healing traumas, reducing shadow, recognizing personas, and following your goose-bumps (or following your bliss) whatever that might be because that's what your Ego-Mind needs to do to grow and to become more authentic (even if your Ego-Mind needs to go in a negative or destructive direction). Teal has integrated the masculine and the feminine completely (100%). (4) Drops down from the Mind Space into the Heart-Mind Space -- this doesn't mean you lose intellect, you just don't have any ignorance regarding the Mind anymore — this is another masculine feminine integration -- full integration of the Heart-Mind Because Teal has fully transcended the Mind, they no longer have ignorance regarding the Mind. This allows Teal to descend from the heights of the Mind down into the Heart and to integrate both into the Heart-Mind. Teal has integrated the Mind and the Heart completely (100%). (5) Drops down from the Mind Space into the Body-Mind Space — this is another masculine feminine integration -- full integration of the Body-Mind Because Teal has fully transcended the Mind, they no longer have ignorance regarding the Mind. This allows Teal to descend from the heights of the Mind down into the Body and to integrate both into the Body-Mind. Teal has integrated the Mind and the Body completely (100%). (6) Realizes the Ego-Mind has pros and cons -- and doesn't demonize, repress or deny the Ego-Mind in a black-and-white kind of way Teal doesn't white-knuckle cling to the idea that the Ego is bad or an illusion. Teal doesn't white knuckle cling to the idea that the Ego is not bad or an illusion. Teal doesn't try to repress, suppress, demonize, or dissociate from the Ego or the Mind. Teal realizes that the Ego-Mind has pros and cons, and Teal wants to maximize the pros of the Ego-Mind while minimizing the cons of the Ego-Mind. Because Teal is relationship and connection driven (real relationships and connections), they are not likely to be as selfish and solitary as Coral. Teal doesn't think they're God because they've transcended this kind of white-knuckle clinging to metaphysics and to Truth. Teal allows both the light side and the dark side of the personality.
I don't understand what you mean by God has infinite intelligence and love. Do you have infinite intelligence and love? What is that which thinks something has infinite intelligence and/or love?
Ignorance. God Awareness loses sight of who He is temporarily. It's like watching a movie and thinking the actors are doing something other than acting.
Joseph Maynor replied to AstralProjection's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What is that which becomes immortal? -
Please elaborate so I can address your concerns substantively.
An essay I wrote months ago in my Journals on point: STAGE TURQUOISE METAPHYSICS VS. STAGE CORAL METAPHYSICS (1) Turquoise sees Non-duality as the Universe acting and speaking through all of its parts, as if all the parts are a conduit of the Universe a.k.a. one giant Mind. In contrast, Coral sees Non-duality as what is literally real, which is the true Self a.k.a. God Awareness but excludes Maya (a.k.a. Thought and Experience) from what is real because Maya is a literal illusion. (2) Turquoise tends to think of Consciousness or its rough synonym 'the Universe' as being a container that contains everything that Turquoise wants to exist in reality. In contrast, Coral is very literal in how they look at reality and realizes the only thing that exists is God Awareness, and God Awareness exists alone because all Thought and Experience a.k.a. Maya are a literal illusion. (3) Turquoise tends to think of God or 'Absolute Infinity' as they might call it as the 'full magnitude of everything that exists'. In contrast, Coral realizes that Absolute Infinity is Maya and that the only thing that exists is the true Self a.k.a. God Awareness. (4) Turquoise tends to equate Ego with the Egoic self, and tends to think of Ego as drawing a boundary in Experience. In contrast, Coral sees Ego as God Awareness forgetting who He is and becoming embedded in or distracted within Thought and/or Experience a.k.a. Maya. (5) Turquoise tends to think of Non-duality as everything losing all boundaries and becoming Oneness. In contrast, Coral tends to think of Non-duality as God Awareness being fully conscious of who He is and that all Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience is a literal illusion. (6) Turquoise makes room in their metaphysics for perspectives of other beings and for themselves as a perspective within a Network of Perspectives. In contrast, Coral realizes that there's only one perspective that exists in reality, and that's the perspective of God Awareness a.k.a. the true Self. (7) Turquoise tends to cling to a life purpose aiming to help other people in truth-leaning ways and/or to change the world for the better in some manner. In contrast, although Coral does teach on occasion; rather than cling to an external Life Purpose, Coral is mostly focused internally on addressing their own Macro-Level Actual Problem Situations with their time.
Don't feel bad. Integrating the Mind and the Heart into the Heart-Mind is a long process. This is where you descend from the Mind Space into the Heart Space and integrate the Mind and the Heart. This will solve a lot of your problems of being too locked in the Mind Space.
I like to have 2 pillows: one soft fluffy one and one spongy firmer one. Then I find some arrangement of these two pillows to support my head and neck well as I sleep.
Spiral Dynamics is whatever you decide to make it to be. If you want it to mean that then it will mean that. If I want it to mean this then it will mean this. Follow your own Heart-Mind as to what it means for you. You do your thought don't let your thought do you. Thought has whatever significance to your life that you permit it to have.
I think people over-complicate Spiral Dynamics. It's clear to me that Trump operates from Red.
Trump is Stage Red.
Personally, I think Coral and Teal exist past stage Turquoise because I've moved into them. Turquoise is not the last stage, don't fall into the trap and limiting-belief in thinking that. And my hunch is that stages exist past Teal too, although Teal is pretty evolved because they've transcended the Mind 100%. I might have to make up a color for the stage past Teal when I start entering into it. The Ego-Mind fears higher stages because it wants to feel like it has finally found something that doesn't change to cling to: it wants to locate the top and say, "I've reached the top and there's nothing beyond this". Wouldn't that be convenient for the Ego-Mind to believe it didn't have any further to grow? See how this sh*t works?
You should do videos on Ken Wilber's Integral Theory. That would be useful to a lot of people including myself.
Joseph Maynor replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Don't pull your bread out of the oven before it's done baking. Don't underestimate this beautiful Forum. Just when you thought you were done, you soon realize -- you've really only just begun. You'll understand why in Zen they always say, "keep a beginner's mind." The Zen Master keeps a beginner's mind. He or she knows why they do so too. It's because there's always some ignorance that you can root out even at the highest levels of Ego-Mind transcendence.