Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. This is gonna sound very nerdy, but I work on my Personal Development for fun. I can do that for hours and hours and hours, days and days on end without getting tired. It’s like effortless effort — Wu Wei.
  2. Oh yeah. I’ve come to the conclusion that many times people with the hugest egos are the ones trying to claim they have the smallest egos. This is a way to hide their own shadow traits from conscious awareness. Their ego has clung to the trait of no-Ego, but it’s not really reality for them, they’ve just repressed the truth from conscious awareness by pretending the opposite. But when you watch their behavior, in contrast to their talk, they reek of massive ego.
  3. The paradox with Enlightenment is you have to both seek and not seek at the same time. This balance confuses the hell out of the Mind, which wants a singular, rational kind of answer.
  4. Our chin-wagging is like the cry of a neurotic bird in the forest amusing and comforting itself.
  5. Agreed. Leo has a conflict of interest in that he is part of the Enlightenment educational system, so he needs to make sure that that mileu continues to be needed. haha. Every profession has a bullshit game that they play to try to make themselves seem very valuable. That's one of the downsides of playing the game of business -- you get wrapped up in that.
  6. "The Sanctuary of Self" by Ralph M. Lewis. Explains what it means to be a mystic.
  7. I've worked really hard on my Enlightenment. I paid my dues. Not saying that I don't have further work to do -- but I got the basics down. Enlightenment doesn't puzzle me anymore.
  8. You gotta become influenced by yourself. That's the only true path. You gotta be your own guru. I have a huge shore of reference, which is rare. Therefore, more knowledge ain't really gonna do much for me insofar as Enlightenment is concerned. I don't need to listen to people talk about Enlightenment. I am it. The paradox with Enlightenment is that it is both complicated and incredibly simple at the same time. Once you grok that and live it, what more do you need? More talk? More reading at McDonalds? You guys are gonna talk yourselves out of Enlightenment if you don't watch it!
  9. I do man. But I'm the guru to me. I've been influenced by you though.
  12. When you tell them that there is no right answer to a particular point or issue. They don’t get to be right, I don’t get to be right. Rightness is not that big of a concept all the time, although the Mind likes to project that it is almost all the time. That attitude causes so many blocks! It’s like taking the foil the candy is wrapped in as more important and valuable than the candy is! That’s us! Although the Mind is calling bullshit on me — of course! Do you see why? You need to understand what the hell the Mind is. Do you? Nope, you don’t! You do not. Thoughts are sticky and we don’t have a great awareness of that. We don’t. The Mind tells us we do, which is false and self-serving. We do not appreciate the stickiness of thoughts — not really, not fully, not sufficiently. I can’t stress this issue more. The Mind is telling us that we have something handled that we don’t, for self-serving, self-survival purposes. That’s the mechanics of this particular kind of trap. Do you see?
  13. Yeah. Totally. The Mind is like a crazy girlfriend, you never know what you're gonna get -- but every extreme is there.
  14. I've been alone for the past 4 days on purpose absent my participation on here. I've been working 12 hours a day on my personal development stuff. And one thing I noticed is that I am so much happier and at peace than I was last week with all the holidays and the social shit. I'm just being my authentic-self working my butt off and it's like I'm not even working. Life is only brutal when I am not doing this. When I am doing this, I am at peace and happy. Even Enlightenment culture makes me unhappy. All culture grinds on me after a while. I've recently just become conscious of this fully. I realize this is probably a block I need to get over at some point. Song to set the mood: And another: And another: Video on point:
  15. I really appreciate this post. I'm gonna print it out and study it carefully. I need to do more work with the body, instead of being so top heavy with the mind all the time. I am top heavy. I need to balance out my enlightenment by doing more for the body-mind.
  16. Here's a good exercise. Write out an answer in your own words to this question: What does it mean to be compassionate? Just write what authentically resonates with you. Forget about writing what you think you should write. Just channel what comes out authentically. And then a week later do the same for this exercise: What does it mean to be uncompassionate? I want you to wait a week do you forget what you wrote for the first exercise. I want you to have a clear head for both, without any biases in there.
  17. I mean construction in the sense of your own genuine knowledge/ philosophy. Video to watch first to get your mental juices flowing:
  18. Nature works a certain way, and then labels and meanings are attached to how the Mind conceives of that way.
  19. It's a self-acceptance issue too -- accepting not-knowing. The neurosis behind need to know is often a self-esteem issue. I've noticed it in myself. It manifests as chronic know-it-all-ism. The Ego likes to be the guy who is always right -- the guy who always knows.
  20. The problem is that once we find this, we wanna run around and tell everybody that that is the way things are. We want to promote our ideas. We are not content to just keep our beliefs to ourselves. We need that sense of feeling superior to other people that we deem to be ignorant in comparison. This relieves us of our insecurity of being inferior, which we have been programmed with in our childhood somewhere. This whole sense of needing to know is a disease. And a lot of people are not conscious of this trap fully.
  21. I like all of it. I don't put it in that kind of hierarchy. Most of Leo's videos are excellent. Some are good. A couple are average. None are bad. Some of my favorite videos are the 2013-2014 videos. But all the eras of Leo are great. I see that he's tracking his own growth. But I like algebra because if you don't learn the basic rules of algebra very well, all advanced math is much harder to get through. Those early Leo videos are the algebra. Now, is calculus more important than algebra? Well, not really. Algebra is what makes calculus possible.