Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. Can one know the full-extent to which they are are deluded? This is a fascinating question.
  2. Wow, this is a profound and good question. I can see how it is a game on some level people people become attached to Enlightenment and then that becomes their life, their conditioning, their own self-constructed rat maze. See, this stuff is tricky! Tricky tricky!
  3. @DrewNows I'm just really in the masculine right now. In the mornings I tend to be in the masculine and in the evenings I tend to go more into the feminine. It doesn't always work like this, but I've noticed a rough trend. This is gonna sound nuts to most people I expect.
  4. Rogan likes to stir the pot which is a kind of manipulation. Stirring the pot is a waste of time mostly. He needs to grow up on some level. He's still kind of teenager in many ways. Not trying to be rude either, just an observation. He's a Stage Green guy who can grow a lot if he changed some things in his life and his priorities. Making dumb people laugh for money is a weak schtick. I think comedians fall into the trap of not taking life seriously enough. It's like the opposite of the nerd who takes life too seriously. You gotta find the right balance between humor (fun, games, joking around) and taking life seriously. Too much joking around and you stay a kid. You're the perpetual teenager. Look at David Lee Roth as an example of this. Balance! if you stay 14 years old forever, there's something wrong with that. That's a failure to mature in your life.
  5. I'd like to see Joe Rogan on this forum.
  6. How do Blue, Orange, and Green compare and contrast regarding how they think of Truth, Judgment, Understanding, Conceptual Understanding, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Absolute Truth, Concepts, Relativity, Pragmatism, Mind vs. Heart, Perspectives, Black and White Thinking, Linear Thinking, Paradoxical Thinking, Relativity, Absolutism, Skepticism, Dogmatism, Morality, Open-mindedness, Duty, the Self, Other Persons, etc.
  7. VOIP -- Internet Phone Video chat Instant Messaging
  8. Only a fool wouldn't take advantage of this community to improve their life. This is like the Grand Central Station for personal development work.
  9. This one is working.
  10. The second stage of the Enlightenment Path is 100% transcendence of the Mind. You're not gonna be white-knuckle clinging to metaphysics or to Truth at the second stage of the Path.
  11. Stage Teal transcends thinking their worldview is superior because Teal realizes that all perspectives that are White-Knuckle clung to are incomplete. This doesn't mean that Teal doesn't have a worldview, it just means they don't white-knuckle cling to it. Every Spiral Stage has a worldview, but they get more and more adaptive, integrated, and useful as you go up the Spiral. Teal allows thoughts to flow in and out as the need arises, and they put thoughts down when the need for them ceases. Teal doesn't pretend to be a relativist like Stage Green does. Teal doesn't demonize Ego like Stage Turquoise does. Teal is not white-knuckle clinging to metaphysics and Truth like Stage Coral does. Teal is well aware of their perspective but sees through that perspective 100% too. Teal realizes that Truth has pros and cons.
  12. One of the easiest strategies for the Ego-Mind to feel superior to others is to criticize others at every opportunity. If I can be sadistic to others, I must be superior to everyone. These people are fundamentally insecure about their status and their Ego-Minds are using that strategy to place them at the top of the Totem Pole of Egos in their own heads. If I get to be the chicken that pecks all the other chickens, that must make me the superior chicken (or so they think).
  13. Make sure you weigh yourself every morning and keep a log of your weight by date. Install this habit -- it will keep your awareness higher.
  14. I hope more people will chime in on this question. I'll take a crack at answering some of this question myself soon. I need to gather my thoughts somewhat. Great question!
  15. One tactic is to take the original argument/question and blow it up into 50 side-issues to confuse the original question/issue. Certain people are adept at that. I'm not saying the side-issues aren't important, but it can leave someone like you who is arguing with everyone at a disadvantage if you lose sight of the issue and/or control over the argument. You get my props for hanging in there. You'll learn something from this either way with all the hard work you put into it. What you work hard on is what you'll improve.
  16. The reality is that there are pros and cons to both liberalism and conservativism, and the Stage Yellow and above person keeps the pros but ditches the cons and gets away from being ideological one way or the other. People get so entrenched in ideology that it thwarts your ability to be open and to solving problems where you need the best idea for the job no matter what it's labeled as. Sometimes it's best to be a little more liberal and sometimes it's best to be a little more conservative, it depends on the context. You can see how you do this in your own life too. So, don't pooh pooh conservationism. We all appreciate and use conservativism in our own lives in certain contexts -- you just gotta notice it. Sometimes it's wise to be conservative, it just depends. But don't white-knuckle cling to either liberalism or to conservativism in some kind of context-independent way. That's a very limited Tier-One way of thinking about things. There's a kind of Yin/Yang aspect to liberalism and conservationism. You wanna balance liberalism and conservativism in a healthy way that's sensitive to context. I call this context-dependence. In contrast, people wanna have these context-independent ideological views that they white-knuckle cling to which is very limited. You do your ideas, don't let your ideas do you!
  17. Here's another good book to read along the same lines. Highly recommended: (Get the audiobook from Audible) A fun book to read. Don't use this to become a fool though or to entrench into ideology. This is gonna give you another perspective if you read it with the right attitude. This should be required reading for those moving from Stage Green to Stage Yellow. This is like a closed-minded book to read with an open mind if that makes sense. "The Closing of The American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy And Impoverished The Souls of Today's Students" by Allan Bloom
  18. A fun book to read. Don't use this to become a fool though or to entrench into ideology. This is gonna give you another perspective if you read it with the right attitude. This should be required reading for those moving from Stage Green to Stage Yellow. This is like a closed-minded book to read with an open mind if that makes sense. "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness" by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D.
  19. "Systemic inequality" is such a Stage Green buzzword. I'm not knocking it, just pointing this out. "Systemic racism" is another one. It's the Man holding us down dude. It's not my shitty attitude, it's the system. Green is like a child blaming its parents for all its ills. It's never us, we're good. We gotta change the system to be more like us. I gotta change the system to fit my morality. That's Green. Green loves to blame everybody other than itself for all ills -- and the more general the better for Green's Ego. Green loves to play the role of the long-suffering social martyr.
  20. Think about this: duality is a duality too, see. You have to transcend the Mind 100%. It's useful though to go through all this duality material though, don't get me wrong. Duality vs. Non-duality is a duality. This is why you need the Zen Mind aka Satori. Recommended reading: study this carefully