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Everything posted by Espanha

  1. So there's this girl...... We've been hanging out some times for a couple of months. Made out, no sex. We keep chatting from time to time, but the thing is, she's been overly unnavailable lately. I mean, she's "refused" to meet like 4 times in the last month. I don't know what to do: • Stop asking her out and wait for her to come ask me out or send some signal, and accept that she might never do it. • Keep asking her out and risk that she might get even more distant (in case this is all happening because of my possible neediness). • Confront her about it and risk being needy as well. I don't particullarly like this one because we are not in a serious relationship and really, I don't want one. Getting into a discussion for why she doesn't prioritize me won't get me nowhere, the way I see it. Also this could be just me being insecure for no reason. She keeps starting conversations with me, and is pretty responsive. In the back of my head I am afraid to turn into an online friend who is always available for her when she has nothing to do (I'm not always available but I'm deffinetly more than her). On the other hand I don't want to lose contact with her. I really like her as a person and want her in my life.
  2. There's this girl that I am friends with. I used to hit on her but nothing actually ever happened, and we are just friends at the moment. The problem is I am jealous of her, she's always with other people and she always tells me. I've broken contact with her before because of this, but we are now talking and meeting sometimes like we used to, and I like it. I like having her in my life and she likes me too. However I feel that the only way for me to stop this suffering from jealousness is breaking contact with her again. I hate having to choose between having her / feeling shitty and jealous all the time. I really want to end this. I have short jealousness attacks from time to time, when I think of her. It's awful, I feel like I want to kill something, punch everyone, untill I can forget whatever happened. Can you think of any other way to end this? Or do I really have to let her go? PS.: I won't ask her to not tell me who she's been with.
  3. I want to tell me that I love her. What I feel is too much to be just obsession. If I had to guess I'd say I love her the same way I love my family/closest friends - I love her flaws/unique traits and I am happy just from knowing she is as well. I want this relationship to be positive. I don't care if I never fuck her, as long as it's the best for both of us. But what am I supposed to do? Reading that this is just my ego doesn't make the feeling disappear. I'm still having attacks. There were days in which I couldn't masturbate because I kept imagining her with someone else, which is both extremely funny/sad at the same time. What do I do in a situation like this?
  4. Thanks guys. I sometimes ask myself what this jealousy has to say about me - it's love or obssesion (can't think of anything else). Either way, I still feel it, and I still feel like I should do something to stop it immediately. What I mean by "having her" is actually having her influence my life. Breaking contact with her means I don't have her anymore. Thanks for the reply ^^