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About Green

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  • Birthday 07/28/2001

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    West Rutland, USA
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  1. Awareness or rather consciousness as Leo might say, is all that there is. I haven't felt this way yet personally but from Leo's last trip report it certainly seems like he has felt it. He talks about how everything is just a layer stacked on another layer which is ultimately groundless. Now this idea of infinity, unless you have experienced it like Leo, it can only be an idea. As well, the notion that infinity includes everything isn't necessarily so, at least theoretically. This is a complex idea so I will include this video. (watch both parts) I will explain a little. You can have a infinite combination of numbers and as well not use all of the numbers. For example a binary code, (101010101010......) There are only two numbers here though it could be infinite. But at the same time it does not include all possible combinations. If we consider instead time as infinite, and the events as the individual situations, than will still only can include situations in relation to the previous ones not including all possible situations. So in this way we see awareness or consciousness could be everything that there is, but infinity doesn't grasp it fully, and if we could find a word for it, it would be a fatal illusion because (everything) isn't a word, but a conscious feeling. More importantly don't take these ideas too seriously for again with a lack of true experience, these concepts are subject to mental masturbation. The more expectations you have towards achieving something you don't really understand, the more likely you will never get it. @Lorcan I hope this helped.
  2. With my own experience to Alan Watts's material, which is quite extensive, I find that he never actually perused enlightenment in the manner or attitude as most of us here. He didn't take enlightenment as a goal, or at least not very seriously, for because of his vast experience in zen, I think he found that [enlightenment] "can take" as the famous quote goes, "thirty years, or just three minutes". Realizing this you see that chasing enlightenment or any desire as @Hsinav shared a video above, is to be as useless as forcing yourself to remember someone's name. I am pretty sure Leo has as well used the same quote. Also Alan Watts didn't advise us to follow a daily meditation habit. This is because he considered formal meditation to just be the enlightened experience sitting down. Leo has said in his guided meditation , "every experience is the enlightened experience". I also think @Leo Gura would agree that you can build a great self awareness with formal meditation, but Alan Watts's attitude towards enlightenment was more developed than most may consider.