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Everything posted by BePresent

  1. Hi Leo, Just wanted to say thank you for your video's, 'I' am finally happy and that is down to you and your videos. How did 'I' achieve absolute bliss? 'I' learned as much information as I could, had radical open mindedness and studied with an enlightened master. But 'I' didn't even know that he was enlightened lol. What caused the shift in awareness was your videos, 20 years of unhappiness and someone talking about belief and religion to me. My friend told me about ancient civilisations and how there was one prediction that would happen soon.. 'When world peace is achieved then the world will end'. I could see how she was scared because she believed this, but this statement gave me chills and made me cry. I realised that I have been leaving messages for myself over millions of years. That is why we discover these hidden messages because god is trying to awaken himself. What I didn't do was seek enlightenment at all, but I studied science, quantum physics, energy, and was always 100% in the present moment. I never sought after enlightenment because I am 21 and at university so I have been too focused on my career. But I learned about it through your videos so thank you. I went insane the past 2 days. I thought I was a genius and could change the world. And I can. But everybody can. My family fell out with me and it hurt me deeply. I thought I was going to die because my heart was going so fast and I wanted to change the world. This was because I knew there are infinite possibilities and my actions dictate how my life goes. Stop searching and live the life you want to. Now I am going to follow my dreams and do everything I thought I couldn't in the past. Focus 100% on the present. Learn as much as possible to convince your logical mind. Stop searching and live the life you want to. I have never taken psychedelics or done a meditation retreat. I don't even meditate that often. All 'I' do is learn and focus 100% in the moment. Infinite Love <3