Real Eyes

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Everything posted by Real Eyes

  1. I wonder if a 5-meo-dmt breakthrough is equivalent to the 5th/6th jhanas, the "infinity of space" and the "infinity of consciousness".
  2. How can you know this for sure? Many mystics would claim the opposite, that if you do not embody the truth in this life, you will be cast into the cycle of transmigration again and again until you finally figure it out during life. In fact this is the opinion of the great majority of mystics from the East. They could be wrong of course, but maybe they are right. Claiming one way or the other without direct knowledge seems unwise.
  3. Personally I don't want or care for any of these things, I just want to be liberated from ignorance. The pursuit of enlightenment for happiness has always been a real head scratcher for me.
  4. Yeah i notice this when wearing really strong noise-blocking earmuffs. I'm pretty sure this is normal, and not the same thing as tinnitus.
  5. By the way, how did you manage to get a meeting with him? I imagine he is quite popular, was this a retreat or something?
  6. Hi @Franz, how is your state now? You mentioned in the OP that your mental state has remained excellent since then, have you noticed this effect weakening at all? Also, assuming you still have this state, would you guess that it is similar to the "persistent non-dual awakening" that non-duality teachers talk about? The reason I ask is because it seems most people, even after having an ultimate 5-meo breakthrough, do not end up in a permanently non-dual state directly following the breakthrough. So maybe you managed to surrender more fully somehow.
  7. Does Rupert recommend any specific practices to realize this? I've not read his books yet.
  8. @Franz Can I ask about your other practices during these past few months? Any meditation or self inquiry etc?
  9. Are you of the opinion then that anything "evil" that we encounter is nothing but our own projections? That there are no malevolent forces "out there"?
  10. Amazing report. The "surrender" thing is what I struggle with most. Because what if I surrender to some sort of malevolent force? If I knew I was surrendering to the highest good/truth, it wouldn't be as scary.
  11. Thread title is misleading, sounds like you are thinking of foregoing school forever or dropping out or something. So basically you just want to know if you should take a gap year or not? From everything I've observed, gap years tend to be excellent experiences for most people, and will help you decide what you want to do when you do return to school. Nothing wrong with broadening your horizons before hunkering down for 4+ years of school.
  12. @DoubleYou Very cool experience, I'm glad you shared it! Could you talk a bit about your spiritual practices/studies/psychedelic use etc prior to this?
  13. Fantastic trip report! One difference I note in your experience versus Leo's was that he had a sense of "getting to the bottom of things" or "putting all questions to rest" or whatever, a feeling of completion. Did you get that feeling at all?
  14. Yeah that's something that could be done immediately, so it's good. But I also think one should have a long term plan for how they'll get financial independence, and be working towards it. Preferably not when you are already very old.
  15. Yeah as appealing as monastic life sounds in one regard, I don't want to waste my time involved in tons of petty chores or power struggles. This is why I have always felt the ideal route to go is to make enough money while you are young, to be able to spend a good chunk of your life with no need to work, and able to devote all of your time to practice. Live the monk life with none of the drawbacks.
  16. Edward Muzika gives his perspective of the role of the guru here, even though the main thrust of the article is awakening vs enlightenment. It's an interesting read:
  17. That was really profound, never thought of this perspective really. Even if we don't think we subscribe to the dogmas of our ancestors, they are still there beneath the surface.
  18. Do you mean you can get back to the 5-meo state by meditation, or do you mean that this state is constantly with you all the time? If it is the latter, then you may be the first case I've heard of a lasting awakening after their first 5-meo breakthrough.
  19. That's amazing. Could you share your dosage and how you administered it?
  20. Maybe 30k was a bit steep of a goal, wonder if they could trim the budget back.
  21. This was posted in the 5-meo-dmt mega thread, but I think it warrants its own thread as well. There is currently a Kickstarter to fund a documentary about Martin Ball's 5-meo-dmt approach. Here is a link to the actual Kickstarter, notice that you can make pledges for roughly the same price as buying his books, and you'll receive signed copies of the books, all while supporting this project!
  22. Well as I've said I haven't read it yet, however IF the visions are very specific, I don't think these reasons you provided are enough to discount them being valid. The best sort of evidence we could get would be a study with people from different cultures taking the same substance in the exact same conditions, and have them report their experience. Maybe this has already been done. I'd like to see the results if so.