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Everything posted by Paintballer

  1. Kundalini and awakening of the heart, gut and mind are different. These three types of awakening are symbolic more than anything & represent different ways the truth can be experienced. Activity in the heart chakra has little to do with the heart opening. If you are interested in different ways the truth can be experienced look up the book runaway realization by almaas. Have never done 5 meo though *wink* what you talking about *wink* Ooh.... people can see me haha
  2. Teachings are unclear because the are filtered down versions of a truth that can not be filtered down.
  3. When the ego highjacks the principles or insights of the path or an awakening it often leads to depression. I would recommend some psychedelic therapy, and attempting to realize what is making you depressed is how ego sees certain truths not the truths themselves.
  4. The heart often awakens after the mind. The mind awakening is understanding your true self and the heart awakening is being your true self.
  5. What you believe is no different than what they believe. You have no proof for it yet, and if you did you would not make this thread. If we are in the business of judging beliefs, all beliefs are false. If we are not, lets us look for an experiential reality that goes beyond understanding instead of putting ourselves above others due to what they do or do not believe in.
  6. @electroBeam Instead of hallucination let me say irrelevant to our waking life, that is both more coherent and consistent as martin ball says that any of our other states. The state we live in most of the time as bodied beings. Technically a dream and a hallucination are just as real as consensus reality, but we need to understand and keep in mind that on the spiritual path attaching importance, meaning and value to such experiences will confuse us, make us egoic and make us stray further from god,
  7. @Azrael Have you experienced "the voice" that martin ball talks about, and can you enter the 5 meo state via meditation?
  8. @Shin yeah but then you can falsely identify as your "soul" which would be just as false as identification with ego.
  9. If you are god or emptiness. What exactly is projecting? You are just having vivid hallucinations. Enjoy your hallucinations though I could be wrong though
  10. @cetus56 "you have to kill the buddha on the road to cross it" Heavy lifting is sometimes necessary on the path, and eventually the teachings of teachers will sound like empty words that can carry you no further. You then have to stand and walk on your own two legs.
  11. @Bebop A teacher can only take you so far. Honesty with yourself if more important than having a real life teacher.
  12. The majority if the planet is fast asleep, and in the west, the home of modern day spirituality seekers are outnumbered by those that know no other way to live, but in the prison of the ego. All we can do is be a positive influence on the world, and spread the truth by being it, living it and embodying it.
  13. @nightrider1435 Vasanas are unconscious and sometimes physical forms of resistance. That remain after the loss of one's ego.
  14. The end of seeking comes before the end of ego, and the end of ego before the end of resistance. Be open to what the world ahows you, learn from and you should be golden.
  15. Neo advaita at its best foeces an unprepared person to realize their true self. The good thing about neo advaita is it is quick, the bad thing is it does no talk about embodiment of truth and leaves it to the individual to figure out.
  16. You can not get rid of physical pain. There are senaory pleasures and displeasures in life. A fact that god has already accepted and one that your ego wants to deny.
  17. Imagine if you were deep you already have now let that go
  18. We do not know what causes spiritual awakenings and enlightenment. We know what tools can help us get there. Focus on the tools, and what we know and forget about what we don't.
  19. You are thinking too much. Just relax into your new persepective and stop judging the rest of reality because as you know reality is you, and you can not be any other way. I am that I am. Judgement is egoic. If you think the world is fucked up help, and if not carry on carrying on.
  20. Making your biases consious so you can see through them and let then go is a necessity, and something that can be quite uncomfortable. Just be honest with yourself and try not to use said honesty to make yourself feel special about yourself.
  21. Dark night of the soul, depression and other negative side effects when one has an opening they are not ready for is a commom side effect of awakening. A rarely talked about one at that. It'll blow over. You can not get rid of the ego without it struggling. Good luck man
  22. Talks of realms. While you know only this one is pointless, and talks of this realm being a hell. Even more so. Calling this planet, the lives in it, and the suffering in it an illusion. Is itself an illusion. Suffering exists. So do egos. They are very real, however you can get rid of both and live in bliss if you so choose. "After satori one might think mountains are no longer mountains, and trees are no longsr trees, but after enlightenment. Mountains are once again moutains and trees are once again trees"
  23. One can act "serious" after ego but would not view oneself as "serious" or anything else for that matter