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Posts posted by Gagan

  1. I need help in understanding this technique.

    When i start meditating using do nothing I am good in the beginning but after sometime I have no idea what I am doing and what is the difference between doing do nothing technique and sitting there and thinking about random thoughts ? how to loose control over my consciousness ?

    If I am thinking about random thoughts (lost in my monkey mind). if it is right or I have to do something additional?


  2. @Nahm

    Thanks for reply,

    Now I can understand that meditation is not for improving concentration and cognition but I am observing a pattern when I am doing concentration meditation (concentration target) that my inner mind is trying to disturb my concentration in the same way my concentration get distracted in my daily routine work. 

    Now I have a new doubt that if I will keep doing concentration meditation with some other kind of mediation weather it will help me in concentration or not ?

    If there is some other ways than playing instrument to improve concentration some kind of meditation or other brain exercise.?

    Shall I stop doing Concentration meditation (concentration target) and do nothing  together? (shall I choose either ?)

    Doubt about do nothing

    When I start do nothing practice initially i feel calm and free of control as supposed to be but after sometime I am just sitting and thinking about various things about my life which I also think when I am not meditating (can't feel the difference between meditation and  thinking about random things),If it is normal for do nothing technique or I am doing it wrong.

  3. Thanks for reply,

    Now I can understand that meditation is not for improving concentration and cognition but I am observing a pattern when I am doing concentration meditation (concentration target) that my inner mind is trying to disturb my concentration in the same way my concentration get distracted in my daily routine work. 

    Now I have a new doubt that if I will keep doing concentration meditation with some other kind of mediation weather it will help me in concentration or not ?

    If there is some other ways than playing instrument to improve concentration some kind of meditation or other brain exercise.?

    Shall I stop doing Concentration meditation (concentration target) and do nothing  together? (shall I choose either ?)

    Doubt about do nothing

    When I start do nothing practice initially i feel calm and free of control as supposed to be but after sometime I am just sitting and thinking about various things about my life which I also think when I am not meditating (can't feel the difference between meditation and  thinking about random things),If it is normal for do nothing technique or I am doing it wrong.

  4. Hi,

    I started meditation as an exercise of my brain to improve my cognitive skill and being more productive person, i was expecting to have better concentration but now I am realizing that there are different meditation for concentration (with concentration target) and different for other meditation (do nothing technique).

    If it is good for my concentration if I keep practicing do nothing technique with concentration meditation.

    my main goal is to have better concentration and better cognition in daily life.  Any suggestion?