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About Simon

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  • Birthday 10/26/1988

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    Zürich, Switzerland
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  1. Thanks for your answer. I guess you are quite right... However, I always carried the hope and intuition that there is something bigger than "the game". Something more meaningful, maybe more unifying and connecting, also more egoless maybe... Now I start to realized that playing 'the same game' as everyone else seems the only possible option of living. I guess accepting that fact might be a good point to start☺
  2. Interesting points, you might be quite right in what your saying...
  3. Hey actualizers I'm having a small crisis at the moment since I realized that most People are always looking for their own benefits. As example, a girl wants to chat to you since SHE wants to be entertained and feel this particular Emotion. Its not about a mutual positive connection with each other, but rather what each part GETS from this relationship. I start to believe that everybody just creates their own bubbles without looking at the outer world, especially at the things not running so smoothly. All they want is to maintain this bubble as safe as possible, Maybe by having a nice job, cool Friends or an attractive boy/girlfriend. Nobody is really interested in you but rather in what they get from you to feel safe and grow their Bubbles. I find this quite sad since I strongly believe that the world would be better if we would be less looking for our own Bubbles but rather that all Bubbles are in harmony with each other... I appreciate your thoughts on this Topic.
  4. @Epiphany_Inspired Hi! I think being INFJ is a wonderful gift and poison at the same time. Our intro-intuition combined with extro-feeling makes a pretty damn explosive personality combination. If we manage to get our internal conflicts and deeply felt emtions under control we can be beautiful and true. However, so many don't manage, which can lead to manipulating, bitter, antisocial and ugly behaviours. So I think we have such a huge potential - We just have to work our (self-actualization) asses off to reach the sky and help our society moving on in a humanistic positive way. I think for INFJ especially its freaking important to cultivate a self-love habit
  5. Doing my phd in molecular cancer biology working in the field of melanoma research!
  6. @Lynnel Hey! Infj and Infp are very different types. While Infj lead with Ni helped by Fe, Infp lead with Fi helped by Ne... The functions are very different. Infp are more similar to enfp while infj are more similar to enfj. Infp are in tune with their own subjective emotions (Fi) combined with lots of free-spirit creative energy relating already preexisting objects to each other (connect the dots) (Ne). Infj intuition works differently. One idea/object is related to already prexisting subjective toughts and patterns, it is a subjective function. Its long term system building since it always relates to subjective patterns. Next, we use Fe, meaning we are more in tune with the emotions of others. This is our objective function. Its more expressive than Fi. So they are very different type of folks... Famous Infp: John Lennon Famous Infj: Gandhi
  7. INFJ here I'm surprised, I always tought Leo is a clearcut INTJ! I can see strong introverted intuition as dominant function combined with extroverted thinking as auxiliary...
  8. They last for usually 1 day. Afterwards I feel normal again - As nothing would have happened. Actually even more happy than before. However, after some days/weeks of rest, a new wave rolls on thanks for the reply anyhow
  9. Hi all! Since I started meditating on a daily base (2 month), I experienced on the one hand more energy and focus. But on the other (dark) side, I observe deep feelings of sadness and depression I never experienced so strongly in my life. Did any of you experience the same? Would you suggest continue with the practice or quit? Thanks