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Everything posted by MM1988

  1. I have the same anxiety problem altough i never had heart problems so for me its a completely random fear induced by a panic attack I once had. I always checked my pulse while on LSD I couldnt chill out. When I do MDMA all the anxiety is gone, the whole experience is warm and gentle altough the drug is probably harder on the heart. Its really completely nuts. I dont know if its a good idea on shrooms but maybe 1 or 2 beers beforehand could help.
  2. Im trying my luck with cognitive behaviour therpy and stoicism right now. I meditate daily but I just know it wont cure my depression but it has a good synergy with all the psychological-level stuff im doing.
  3. They should be green because they have so much emphaty that they care about every animal, yet they do things that seem very psychologically immature like starting fights with people who are fishing, or throwing blood at customers. I mean, I'm a politically left and symphatize with a lot of green ideas but how exactly are these People ABOVE me?
  4. @White Wow this tree hugging shit is so stupid. I mean a tree certainly tries to preserve itself in a way but why would you project your human feelings on to it. Do they really think this tree feels pain and is afraid like a human? Why arent they crying about the thousands of insects they are stepping on in that forest that are more simmilar human than that tree as ridiculous as this sounds.
  5. Very true, thanks to hypergamy girls only go.for the top 20% good looking guys. There will be a lot of angry virgin guys without a wife which will abandon society or go crazy like with the Van Killer in Toronto or Elliot Rodgers
  6. Is there a way to learn it online? Any more info on this? Is the purpose of this to get people up to a normal level so they can start proper yoga? That would be exactly what I need... I do meditation right now but I feel like I would need a therapist first.
  7. I think I am one of these autistic males Leo is talking about. I also have a problem with passing into green. Im politically left and I have no problems with hippies though. I just cant get laid and im almost 30, and there is a lot of material online that points out how feminism is probably the reason for it. I try myself not to become hateful at women but its getting hard. I can feel thats holding me back to ascend. I tried hitting on girls which just lowered my self-esteem after every rejection, I tried to break off all contact with women and go full monk-mode which made me miserable. Whenever I start talking to a girl I get needy like 15 year old teenager in puberty because of my dry spell. Im stuck with this bullshit loneliness/depression for years now and its frustrating as fuck, its the reason im involved in this personal development stuff in the first place.
  8. But how can a yelling hysteric vegan throwing blood buckets be more psychologically mature than a stage blue fisherman calmly going about his day? Something doesnt make sense here for me.
  9. Meta-Metaphysically it could be true though. This whole physical reality along with the awakening and absolute infinity could be simulated. This begs the question where does the simulation take place, but it still could be an infinite loop of simulations. I still dont understand why awakened people are so damn sure that they know all of reality. It could be descartes demon but on another level, the level of consciousness at work. You cant ever be dead sure of anything. Granted, these awakened people probably know more than us, but you can never be sure in my opinion.
  10. Seeing that Leo has probably dealt with it (the right way) and what people on various hairloss forum are going trough with this emotionally it would be a good a idea to have a video for it. It really isnt that important and basically principles already heard apply. But I think its searched a lot for on youtube and would get more people to subscribe, especially these people who obsess over external issues could gain from the information here a lot.
  11. How are people who where hippies in 1968 that grew up to be ruthless capitalist business men in todays world explained by Spiral Dynamics? The 1968 movement are THE stereotypical stage green people, but its a well known fact that many of these hippies grew up to be conservatives or capitalists. According to Spiral Dynamics however you cant regress back into a lower stage.
  12. Why would people who are not at that stage of thinking associate with that community though?
  13. Maybe a moderated wiki would be a more appropriate platform to gather and archive all this information, same with recipes, self-inquiry and meditation techniques. These valuable threads will just be forgotten in a few months and you cant just pin everything
  14. whoops i think this should have gone into the self-actualization forum
  15. The date of birth determines your zodiac sign right? Nobody talks about accurately predicting the personality but if there arent even small tendencies whats the whole point
  16. @Girzo "The relationship between date of birth and individual differences in personality and general intelligence: A large-scale study"
  17. @Leo Gura The personalities of 15.000 people have been psychologically profiled and there was zero corellation found between their personality traits and when they were born. I mean its pretty simple, what is there to misinterpret?
  18. Numerous studies have shown that Astrology is Bullshit, they cant predit stuff at a better rate than a random number generator. @Leo Gura will probably tell me that studies are worthless and that the results are much more "subtle", but astrology is supposed to be something pragmatic and if the predictions are that subtle that they cant beat RNG they are worthless in an utilitarian sense. I dont say planets have zero influence on us, but I highly doubt anyone can make useful assertions based on their position. Astrology is basically an early form of Astronomy/Science. People are so quick to accept that luminiferous ether doesnt exist and point to how science was wrong before, because it was relatively recent. But once a science is literally ancient it MUST have some mystical truth to it I guess.
  19. @Sparkist so you are saying a guy who is a potential rapist turns you on? Thats exactly what I'm saying and what studies confirm. How would feel about a man who physically dominates other men?
  20. @Spiral
  21. There is one thing that really ruins my day over and over. I havent had sex in over 8 years and despite trying over and over I cant get girls attracted to me. Its just ridicullous when I text with some girls and I try to analyze if this or that is a hit. And then I see these same girls interacting with my friends and they are really forward and flirt with them. When that happens I get all kinds of emotions. A strong feeling of being inadequate and jealiousy, because this is normal for my friends to get flirtet on like that by girls and its no big deal for them while it basically never happens to me, and shocked that these girls behave that way, because to my they are always completely non-sexual and suddenly they hit on these guys while I never get even a hint of interrest ever. I meditate and have achieved enormous personal growth, but with this dating thing there was basically zero progress. I get the desire to just throw it all away and become a monk. But im not sure if its possible or healthly to simply skip this stage of maslows hierachy.
  22. Agressive/Violent behaviour