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Everything posted by Moreira

  1. I dont pretend to find happiness directly living in the countryside, but it will give me PEACE. If I'm at ease with a good mood is more likely to be inspired to do meaningful things instead of living in the city full of rage, anger resentment and hate to humanity because they dont let me sleep with they noises, disrespect and rudeness.
  2. I dont want to choose a purpose like a calling of oh I'm gonna go to Africa to help people, or invent something that makes people life's better... We arent good just and one thing, everybody can do everything with the right motivation. I find it stupid to cling into one specific purpose and dedicate all life, focus and energy because this is a form of attachment. Living life itself is the purpose, and in my opinion following a purpose is limiting because excludes all other options.
  3. Think about this question: Do you love playing video games, or do you love making them, because there's a huge difference. I love sport, and love to train, I decided to study to be a personal trainer. But in the end I hated having to convince people to train, having to motivate lazy people, dealing with undisciplined people, clients that rely more on TV and magazines than what I say. fancy and appealing professions arent as shiny as they seem.
  4. Dont be tempted to talk to this things with your friends, family, partners, .... they are not preparet nor open minded to accept the truth. When I talked about the nature of the self and reality to my sister and mother ther told me I was crazy and needed psychologycal help. Let them stay in the matrix, this journey has to be lived alone.
  5. The price you pay to learn something from fictional characters is that you accept unconsciously some wrong believe systems and contaminated reality.
  6. I remember being a kid and thinking that one day I’d never exist anymore, that cruel idea made me sweat and dizzy. In my adolescence I accepted death and viewed life as a gift that has to be lived to the max. Then in my twenties I started reading Buddha, Deepak Chopra and opened my mind to the possibility of reincarnation. From then I’ve read every theory about afterlife. First I was into David Icke, repeating his words like a parrot: I’m infinite awareness living a human experience. There’s also the Quantum Consciousness theory by Stuart Hameroff. The Biocentrism by Robert lanza, everything is created by our mind. I’ve read lots of books but all end up without showing clear explanations or conclusions. In the other hand the scientific community denies afterlife, and I became angry when Stephen hawking said that afterlife is just a fairytale for those who are afraid of the dark. There’s another interesting theory in reddit that the brain on DMT released when we die creates a long afterlife and its eternal because in DMT the time passes very slow… Even it has been denied, I’ve always clinged, well (my ego) clinged to every hope of afterlife: Near death experiences when the patient was clinically dead, and was able to report everything that happened on the room, and the exact words of the doctors. Those who claim astral projections out of the body. The No location of the consciousness inside the brain. Like the brain was the receptor of consciousness who is located in other side of the universe… Leo told us in a shocking video that the SELF doesn’t exist, so what remains after the lost of memories, body, ego, energy? The perceiver, the consciousness. But how will my consciousness after losing his human identity be aware that it’s the consciousness that witnessed my life and not the consciousness of my neighbor? That’s sad. And moreover, I’ve recently read A Watts, Out Of the trap, in the last chapter Tribute to carl Jung, he admits that reincarnation, Buddhism, and enlightenment is a big fat lie, and that is impossible to separate the ego of the true self because it’s the same. I feel so fooled. If somebody has access to this book, please Id like to comment the last chapter with you.
  7. If you are happy only when having fun is because you accustomed your dopamin levels to that. I'd suggest to take a dopamin habit detox, by reducing tatsy food, visual stimulation, music, internet... when you reset your brain you will be satisfied with whatever your purpose is, just because being content is the natural state.
  8. When your mother, partner, family have pain in the neck, or the back and you make them a massage to alleviate the muscular tension or the pain do you think is gross? No you are doing something beautiful, human and altrustic. Sex is the same, you are mutually providing and receiving pleasure. Just view it like you are making a massage with your dick.
  9. You live in Germany which is the most politically correct country in Europe, where people is respectful, considerate with the others, polite... If you lived in Spain, Italy or with gypsies you'd become crazy.
  10. Name:Axel Age:33 Gender: male Location: Spain / BCN Status: single Kids:no Hobbies: fitness training, going in nature, tattoos, japanese culture, cooking. Back in 2014 I'd been in depression and social anxiety taking SSRI, this medicine kept me numb, lazy and sexually impotent so I decided to stop taking it. Then I meet a girl by social media and started dating her, this served me as motivation to become good in pickup, self-development, manliness, inner work. By that time I was following the advices of Elliot Hulse, Leo Gura and Tyler of RSD. I'd love to say thanks to Leo and the other mentors that helped me thru their videos to: Become a man, I was raised with no father and I was like ungrounded stupid boy which his higest value was his physical attractive. Stop being the flower and start being the warrior. Beat my depression because my psycology sucked. I've to mention ralph Smart from Infinite waters, very useful material. Stop repressing thanks to bioenergetics and catharsis. Today I still struggle with internet addiction, videogames and stimulation and general that algo sabotages my meditation habit.
  11. I've just used them for "endorphine release" when I got a very hard headache and ibuprofen doesnt work. I've to say that binaural beats saved my life lot of times. The song/file is called Endorphine release mediation
  12. your source is bullshit, hundreds of men talks about the true benefits of NOFAP even science prooves that after 7 days of nofap tehres a testosterone peak. Also the prolactin release after cum is a hormone that makes you feel sleepy, tired, unmotivated,depressed AND Social anxiety. this is true.
  13. From childhood I've always been a quiet boy, the opposite of an hyperactive. Unless i recieved an exciting new or surprise. Nowadays I'm like the same. I push hard myself in groups of people but always end up being the watcher, listener, when I would like to be the leader, at least once. But I feel my physical level of energy low, tired, and I cannot put myself loud and active psychologicaly when my body says no. I only feel on fuyll potential and awake when I take some pre-workout drink, coffee or tea. Anyone experienced the same low energy? Tips to overcome it? or I'm condemned to be the tired quiet guy.
  14. I forgot to say that all my life I've been going to sleep very late almost at 4. Some people say that sleeping out of the circadian rythms is bad, that is not as healing, but sleep is sleep. Would this be the cause why I feel tired?
  15. This video explains the benefits of sexual transmutation
  16. First stop filtering yourself, dont try to find interesting and meaningful topict to talk, whatever you say interesting if you find it interesting. Its not about the content but how you say it, the energy and feeling behind. Try not to be very serious and logical, make jokes. Also you need DIRECTION, I mean the interaction has to have a goal, escalate, if you dont know it your relashionship wont progress.
  17. Do you thing indigenous culture, traditions and rituals are positive to implement in a western cosmovision or paradigm? carl Jung says buddhism and hinduism is meant to help oriental people in the way they see the world, but for us is not helpful. I think shamanism is for societies living in full contact with nature feeling themself one with the forest as a big living being, feeling more and thinking less, using intuition instead of reasoning, truely believing in the so called "new age" energies and this stuff. just my humble opinion.
  18. BBC is another jewish illuminati channel, so they 'll say Castaneda is a Fraud, McKenna was a hippie fool, and Osho the same. Dont trust the mainstream media.
  19. Sure thats why all the geniouses like Tesla or Einstein didn had sexual life, they focused their masculine energy into their purpose. Only sperm retention do wonders, but I've read something about the kundalini, I mean breathing exercises and postures to channel the energy from the sexual chakra to the brain.
  20. If I dont release in day 7 I start to get insomnia at nights because I cant handle so much energy. Experts say to transmutate this sexual energy into creativity, but I still dont know how.
  21. Of course No-Fap is real. I've living in a depression, mental fog lazyness all my twenties because the masturbation. I thought I had bad health, some disease, always tired and depressed. Now i nofap till day 7 when theres a testosterone peak, and then release. Now in my 30's I got more energy than ever, I have a physical job and workout lifting heavy weights. It also gives me more confidence in social situations. Its all true and it works.
  22. As Carl Jung says every human is selfish, God made us this way, and theres no reason to condemn or hide this part of you. Accept that you are selfish and fuck this society that told us that was a bad trait. Evereything is necessary, selfishness is needed to appreciate altruism. Be at peace with every good or bad trait of yourself and accept it.
  23. Trying to get answers to everything is great, that means that you are motivated and thirsty of knowledge. Dont be so proud saying you were very good at college, basically they teach us to storage information like parrots and then vomit it in the exams. And you keep doing the same with youtube and self-help. If you learn info without questioning it, processing, understanding, being critical, you'll lose mental skills.
  24. The biggest problem that prevents people to have successful relationships are wrong thoughts, 2nd hand experiences that society teach us and arent true. There are IMO 3 ways to beat these wrong thoughts: 1-shadow work 2-overcome and learn by 1st hand experience, proving wrong the negative thoughts 3-trascend the ego thru enlightenment and then play (lila), and have relationships (without having an ego)