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Everything posted by Moreira

  1. The ego wants enlightenment to have a free suffering and painless life, but enlightenment kills the ego and this is when the conflict appears. You can start your enlightenment journey whith illusion, make some progress, but when your ego realises he has to die and let go of this illusory self-image, paradigm, personna, that he invested so much effort to build the enlightenment journey becomes a path of resistance, sadness... and the ego says Oh nono! I better come back to my normal life. The 99.9% doesnt want to let go everything. That's why usually enlightened people is somebody who lost eberything in life and had zero attachments. When you are broke and living in the streets like Eckart Tolle, o give up everything like buddhists monks... We live in the most consumist, capitalist age, when everybody is ego centered taking selfies and posting them in insta, which ego want to let go?? Very few.
  2. The ego is the character of the movie. The true self is the watcher, the witness.
  3. I've studied personal trainer and got lots of formation, because I love fitness but that have'nt make me successful in this area an I'll tell you why. Nowadays it doesnt matter how much passion you've got in sport. Being a coach or a trainer is being a salesman, persuade people, make them thing they need your service so bad, and that is against my principles. I hate sales and going behind people trying to trick their mind, I just want to coach people who are truely interested. If you are franchisee with a gym you have the pressure and stress to recruit lots of customers. And if you work for yourself the insurance is gonna kill you, and there are going to be months without benefits. It depends on the facilities which your country has for enterpreneurs. I live in Spain and here it's a suicide. You are right that it's hard to get credit when you are young with zero to little experience. Try to get a inferior job and when you got a full idea of how this world works go for it.
  4. Last week I rented a cottage in the woods, to see how it's like a meditation retreat experience, away from civilization. My practise wasnt so hardcore like what Leo did, I basically meditated only 1 hour in the morning, and 3 in the afternoon. I didnt had any glimpse of enlightenment but its easy for me tu summon the samadhi state. I felt beautiful feeling one with nature, the trees, the sun, the birds... My biggest improvement I've noticed is the rewiring from being without internet and stimulation. My anxiety disappeared, and this helped me to be in the now. Actually, back in the society I feel sad because here we take so much care only about stupid stuff, it's like people were blind. I dont want to be part of this farce, again. It's very hard to come back, in nature I felt authentic, I didnt have the obligation to fit in, to be nice. I'm not interested, but I'm forced to go back to work, to keep relations in order to survive.
  5. What bores me is that general people does not have interest in knowledge so they are dumber than me, previsible, that kills interest. I'd die to have a friend more intelligent than me, that teach me valuable things, but its so hard to find, they're only in the internet. So yes, going out with a group of chimps to some sushi restaurant to talk about action movies, cars and drink alcohol to me is boring. Thats why I only see my friends 1-2 times per month.
  6. I'm taking Proviotic (vegan), i'll make a report if it works after. Later I'll eat some mushrooms like shiitake or reishi that are really goot boosting the immune system. And of course the daily multivitaminic.
  7. It depends of your character. Are you a home guy or always want to go out. I personally love being at home as a naturally introverted and my sign is cancer, home is where i can recharge my batteries and feel great. Also having a place to call home, the process of building and decorating at your own taste its a pleasure.
  8. Passions come and go during your life, like your hobbies or interests. The right way to choose a career is to find what has more value to you, and offers value to others.
  9. I'm gonna recommend what worked for me. Before your meditation session grab a notepad and write all your ideas or pending issues, take your time and dont left anything in your subconscious. Then start your meditation and let go of yourself, just melt in the moment.
  10. When did he signed a contract to deliver a video weekly? i wanna know. He's free to do whatever he wants. If there's a video be grateful and accept it like a gift if not go out to enjoy all you are missing closed in your room in front of a screen!
  11. I'm 34 and have changed of career right now, and Im not even worried about being hired to work. As far I have valuavle skills and knowledge I know i'll be hired. And dont think about the gap time in your curriculum. You always can say in a job interview that you were taking care of a ill parent.
  12. I'm eating in the kitchen and have a brillant idea, theory or doubt, and I've to immediately go to the Pc room to google it because the curiosity is killing-me. If I dont search it I get anxious, and when i find it I'm satisfied. I recognise that what makes me addicted is to find people who think like me (reafirmation) but also genuine curiosity for knowledge. it's getting worse, today I was at the suppermarket and saw the employees name on their shirt and had the urge to search them on facebook, I was curious about their life. It's nothing bad, because when humanity didnt have internet they asked every doubt to the elders of the tribe, shamans, or scholars. The problem is that I feel bad if I dont do it immediately, I cannot stand uncertainty. How can I do to dont give a fuk, or stop obsessing with my doubts? Meditation of course, but other technique to stop the compulsion?
  13. You experienced samadhi, the oneness, unity with the divine, and then you lose the fear of death. Oh I'm infinite! i dont need to know more. Now let me live my human experience with my ego, I'll have all the eternity to be pure awareness. That's why I dont pursue enlightenment, soon or later enlightenment will be revealed to me after death.
  14. We got diferent concepts of ignorance. Of course you can achieve enlightenment and see all the non duality truth but this wont end your ignorance, never. What I mean is that the only way to see how the universe works is becoming the creation itself.
  15. I dont understand why those who reach enlightenment or higer states of awareness via raw meditation or with the use of psychedelics consider what they experience as the ultimate truth or the most accurate version of reality without questioning it. Science has explanations for all the main phenomena that people report in these states. -The oneness, samathi, non duality, I'm everything, no-separation. -Everything has sense now, every decision i made in the past was perfectly planned to take me where I'm now. -Peace, stillness, love for everything. -Accessing to hidden knowledge. All the phenomena es related to the deactivation of certain parts of the brain, for example: Prefrontal cortex, the creator of the false self and all his related problems. Amygdala, sense of fear. Insula, bodily sensations. I recommend to watch this video: After that I wonder how do we know that we are one if my brain has been tricked? Is like wearing a pink glasses and saying that the world is pink.
  16. Your ego doesnt want to be ignorant, but thats a rule of life. We have to play the game of being a ignorant human. Every truth will be revealed after death when we will become infinity. I dont believe it is possible to be liberated from ignorance while being alive.
  17. In my case i've noticed that the more I progress in spirituality the ego becomes humble and accepting everything. And also a signal of spiritual progress is accepting others like they are, in their stage of life and awareness that they are, and not considering them inferior. Everybody has their own walk and their own path. Criticising others that are in lower stages of awareness or progress is like a deaf making fun of a blind.
  18. The answer is fear, and who fears? The ego. The usual arguments say those who fear foreign races: -Fear of x race will take their jobs. -They will take our women and we will become single forever. -Fear of invasion and lost of cultural identity. Some fears are delusional, some others are real like for example some races are more agressive than others. Nationalists and extreme leftist-marxists both have a subjective deformed view of reality.
  19. Everybody that wants enlightenment is seduced by the idea of a life without problems, without suffering, absolute bliss, this sound perfect. But nobody thinks about the toll they have to pay. They want the beautifulness of enlightenment but conserving all atachments and samskaras, and that's impossible.
  20. In the drying process the fruit is exposed to heat that affects the vitamins and most of them are lost. Also it's easier to eat more because it's size is reduced but the sugars are more concentrated so its easy to eat in excess. The other benefits like the antiox or anthocyanins aren't lost in the dry process. I would choose dried over fresh only if this specific fruit is not available fresh in my country.
  21. It's curious why nature give us survival instincts that make us ego centered while the direction to go is love and altruism. The paradox is when you are loving others you are loving yourself because there's no separation. But not vice-versa.
  22. In my opinion, with a living body via your brain your eternity will be the one and once you experienced it you have seen a trick of the mind. Only without a living body, with died brain the creation can be seen as it is. Enlightenment isnt the end, just a playschool dimension, the beginning.
  23. there are entertainers that can turn the most boring topics into something fascinating. Try to improve how you express yourself and put energy behind it. I'm intro like you and usually very quiet and talk with low energy. Sometimes when i force myself to talk loud and with energy I got amazing results.
  24. Well, but the fact is that depending on culture, religion, beliefs change the content of the enlightened experience says that all is in the mind of that person. For example Mckenna talked anbout elves, magic entities and nonsense, an hindu will experience shiva, brahma... If the truth experienced is not equal for everybody that means is not the true reality, but a subjective one created by the mind.
  25. The brain is our most energy consuming organ, so if we stop overthinking maybe we get extra power.