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Everything posted by Moreira

  1. Passions come and go along your life thats why I thing it's a bad choice to pick a long term career acording your passions. When I was a kid I loved painting, now as an adult I find it boring. Back then I hated numbers and finances, now I find crypto-trading interesting. My conclusion is choose something that when you are doing it time flies and you melt into the moment.
  2. So If there's no ego how them will be judged as "problems"?
  3. This happened to me when I was younger. Now that I'm old I dont even tolerate this manipulative and disfrespectful behaviour from a boss, if he does it I quit. If you hesitate when he doesnt treat you properly it means that your subconscious still thinks he has the right to do it. You need to work in your self-steem, self work, and forget the boss-employee hierarchy. We are humans and its your birthright to be trared good and not manipulated. They are who's wrong, and they should be ashamed and their heart racing not yours.
  4. The problem is believing that a egotistical act of having a girfriend will enter in conflict with spiritual development. But I'm sure your "personal development" is the perfect excuse to remain in the comfort zone, that your ego doesnt get hurt by rejection of women or disaproval. If you learn the right "mental game" of zero neediness, abundance, confidence this will also be a personal development improvement, and even spiritual because you will aproach girls from your true self instead of your mask-ego
  5. All we that follow this forum have something in common, we are opend minded, thats the n1 thing that make us think that another life is possible. Your parents and friends arent open minded, or doesnt question the lies that mainstream society tells. But dont feel bad, every time more people is awakening in the planet and thank to internet the message is spreading. Sooner or later everybody will find the truth.
  6. you are desensitized with straight porn and the novelty ghets you excited. Nothing wrong. But you should quit porn in general because this will make you porn induced erectyle disfunction in the future.
  7. I've always been a hungry investigator with huge curiosity and I read a lot. They say knowledge is power, the truth will set you free... but in my case it has been the opposite. Knowing the truth has made me unhappy. Leo doesnt want we talk about politics so I'll keep this short. I've discovered who is behind the puppets that we think they rule, all the secret societies, their agendas, their rituals with children, false flags, etc. Their plan to reduce the population, the pharmaceutical conspiration, the cancer industry... I live in catalonia, Spain, and I've seen how they manipulated and indoctrinated the population, the media, the schools (it's like north korea) to create separation and hate in our society. I know I (ego)shouldnt be attached to ideology because this makes me suffer but it's almost impossible to see evil things happening in the world and remaind cool and grounded like a buddhist monk. If I cannot do anything abvout this and I cant teel this to the masses because they are so dumb to understand, should I cut looking to this information and live happy isolated from all the atrocities that happend in the world? Is it moral to be unattached to what is right and dont defend justice and truth in order to avoid suffering?
  8. Never tell a woman that you like her. Never. If you do it you're done. Masculine energy wants freedom, femenine wants to catch the man who is free. Your neediness is telling her, please catch me. This kills all attraction. You have to suggest that maybe one day she will catch you, give her the illusion, but never admit it. Show her how cool you are and then she'll want to spend time with you. Then go for a beautiful travel that will raise her emotions, then and only then you can ask her to be a couple or compromise.
  9. Music is a stimulation. And as all the stimulation (TV, videogames, tasty food, sex) it fucks your dopamine receptors so in the long term you wont feel pleasure.
  10. Conservative old people wont accept the truth, because their mind is unable to understand these concepts. don be so hard with the OP, when I was younger and my grandma died I also tried to convice my family into thinking that death is a lie.
  11. This afternoon I went for a walk and listened the old podcast of leo with Tripp Advice, he says money is not important but women percieve this as a symbol of success, somebody who is passionate and makes money from his passion or life purpose. I chose to have a minimalist life since I had the realisation that we are slaves and it's unnatural to work 9-5 65 years and also reject all the consumist culture. So I just work in seasonal jobs to afford life without petty stuff. Also I dont need to have tons of friends to be fulfilles, I've got literally 2 very intimate friends. It doesnt mean that I'm a retarded, I can be social if I want to, I could find a slave job if I tried and have a mortgage to pay and a big house... but I dont need it. The fact is my simple life is not attractive in the eyes of women indoctrinated with the mainstream society, high stimulation junkies, approval seekers, novelty and inmediaty. I know I can trigger good emotions, improve in story telling, be confident, but is this enough?
  12. It can be agressive for shy people. In my case I view it like a challenge.
  13. If I was totally awakened I wouldnt immerse me in the matrix to rescue people for humanitary sake. Its the same like when christian prophets went to turkey and died dilapidated. I'd just only try to convince someone who has a seeker nature, a genuine hunger for thuth.
  14. There's no pupose in life so nature gave us a monkey ego to have purposes in order to keep moving your ass and keep expanding the universe. But here you got the key: Happiness and pleasurte feels good in the body, pain and suffering feels horrible, so you can make an idea of which way to choose. Everything follows an intelligent pattern, created by a superior mind and this mind wants us to love each others, otherwise killing and hiting people would feel awesome.
  15. I'm 34 and I know I cant be so demaning to find the perfect woman that fit my lifestyle. Otherwise I'll be living with my mother forever. The fact is I like younger women than me, 7-10 years younger, but unfortunately they are the most superficial. A yonug girl with mature mind its like the holly grail.
  16. basically when my flaws in social skills are going to be evident, I act introverted. The less I interact the less risk to show my flaws and unconfidence in this field.
  17. I've been always very introverted. There have been periods where i forced myself to socialize, be more talkative and I've become more comfortable in social situations. But when I've cut social practice whatever cause I had ( being ill and spending days at home, working hard or studying, concentrated in my career) My mind loses all the improvent at the speed of light. After 3-4 days without socializing I barely can talk fluidly and social anxiety comes back. It's like my natural state. I have the theory that this behaviour is transfered genetically by our parents.
  18. It's better to eat them from the natural form but in most cases the requirements are high and we should need to eat 3 bags of oranges to meet the amount of vitamin C we really need (not what the fake health agencies say). There are some micronutriens that you can obtain by superfoods of herbs that are dehidrated or powdered.
  19. Quieting down the voice is the liberation of suffering. But I dont think It's a life purpose.
  20. The outside world is created by the brain as a sum up of perceptions. Out of the brain colors doesnt exist, not forms, and sounds.
  21. black garlic hummus lasagna
  22. I've been following leo for 4 years, I've improved in some areas but I still dont take action. I know all the theory I'm a sage, but I feel so comfortable in mediocrity that I dont want to risk my current comfort taking actions that creates me fear, anxiety, sacrifice... You will only change when It's a matter of life or death.
  23. How much liters of milk may be needed to produce the whey protein? A lot. Do you think that all the hormones and antibiotics will just disappear in the process?
  24. You cant be blunt and say directy whta you think because you may hurt others. That's called social acuity. The indirect approach is made to calibrate the other person, what can you say to him and what not. It's a survival instinct. If you see a bald bearded giant in the street yo cant speak what you think: Hey bald dude I want to talk with you. Because you dont even know if he is hostile or friendly. Once you know him you know if you can make jokes about his ugly bald head or he will beat you. Dont pre-assume that everybody will be nice with you by default, and the opposite of course.
  25. The ilusory ego created by the mind is who's doing. The true self is just awareness with no power over the body-mind. If you say that the ego isnt doing is like saying that the software insnt doing anything with the hardware.