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Everything posted by Moreira

  1. From the ego perspective life will always be unfair, but thats just a judgement. From the universe perspective everything is alright.
  2. All we seem to have the I'm not enough thought. We were taught to believe that be need to become flawless, perfect, but the truth is that we are perfect like we are. There's nothing wrong to try to become a better version, the problem is that we will only take action when we achieve the best version, and this moment never comes.
  3. Ive met women with weak psychology who ran away their past looking for refuge in the yoga-new-age spiritual thing, and to calm their guilt. But they remain in the superficial aspect or yoga, they would buy every fancy useless amulet, dress with hippie disguises, mandalas, incense, or buy a expensive pillow for meditation... Spirituality today is attractive to low consciouss people who make the mistake to look enlightenment in the future, waiting for a perfect moment that never comes. Some lazy people are also attracted to this lifestyle. Also alpha women have strong ambition and purposes, they progress in the matrix, but are trapped into it. For me a spiritual alpha woman without psychologycal issues would be the deal, but hard to find like a gold nugget.
  4. Ok, but low consciousness doesnt mean that this person has no values, just that she/he is in another stage and that isnt incompatible with a love relationship. A girlfriend has the role to provide love, intimacy, affection, sex, live experiences... but not a spiritual companion. The same when guys expect his gf to be their best friend, NO. I'm into spirituality, self development, have great wisdom, but I cant talk about that with a friend or a girliend or family because they cant understand me, and I dont expect them to understand me. I cannot say I will only socialize with awake people who meditates, vegan, who doesnt smoke, not materialistic... Otherwise I'd be alone and miserable, I know I dont have to change people, accept how they are, in their stage of spiritual evolution where they are.
  5. I dont think the promote the ego, because when I'm surfing the web or forums I act like a mind reading information, not as a self. The dangers of the points and thumbs is that they are dopamine triggers, that's why they are addictive and make you look the forum often, and when you see 4 likes and 2 quotes you become stupidly satisfied.
  6. LEO fix the notificatios when somebody makes a quote, otherwise they'll be ignored and that's a problem.
  7. Thats why I'm obsessed of leaving the city when I got money and live in the countryside. When I'm in nature I easily become part of the ecosystem with the animals and plants, the spiritual feeling of oneness in the forest is awesome. That's not a fully enlightenment but a samadhi experience.
  8. Where is the PC muscle? Woul Kegel excersises be useful?
  9. Reward system. Leo was a videogame developer and he knows how to cath people's interest.
  10. i dont think that Leo's trips to the other side would rewire physically his brain to a point of no return unable to come back to duality.
  11. lets question evolutionism
  12. I know that reputation, ranges, points and likes are EGO inflators, maybe a distraction for enlightenment seekers. But you have to know that some people doesnt pursue enlightenment, and come to this forum just for improving in their psychology, lifestyle, health, relationships. For them this little ego pump or self steem is better than worse.
  13. Reputation is needed to differentiate users who help from trolls. Also newbies can rely more in experienced users. Thumbs are needed for feedback. And seeing people from the other side of the world that resonate with your ideas and principles is very good in a dumb society where the awaken are few. It also indicates if you'be been useful to somebody, or to say thanks without having to make a post to type it.
  14. habits become part of your character, you'll end up doing them because they're aligned with your principles and what you think is the right way to be. Then being yourself will be effortless.
  15. You are not depressed, is your ego. It's true that we are just one, but in this 3dimensional world we play a little part as single independent consciousness. It sounds sad that we are alone but when you play your character and know other characters duality looks so real that we forget the sadness.
  16. -multivitaminic -astragalus -spirulina &chlorella -ashwaganda -glutatione -saw palmetto
  17. I have gynecomastia from eating tons of whey and chicken during years. This is how it works: farmers dont give a fuk about our health, they want the max production so they inject antibiotics, vaccines, anabolic hormones and femenine hormones so their animals gain weight faster and grow bigger. Thinking that this endocrine disruptors will disappear by cooking the meat or isolating the wey is just stupid. We eat antibiotics and our immune system gets ovrerreactive, or suppressed and get ill very often. Then the hormones, kids grow too quick and reach puberty at 11yo. Males eating this produce aromatase that increases tits and belly fat.
  18. I'm actually very worried about chemtrails as far they're increasing brutally en Europe. I live in Spain and yesterday I saw more than 20, no kidding. I know they are used in geo-engineering to erase clouds, and for heating the planet, because we shold be in a glacial era but they create an artificial global warming. Investigating I noticed that some ones create artificial clouds and others avoid rain possibly to (sell monsanto GMO seeds that can tolerate dry weathers). But the most negative consequence is that this heavy metals produce alzheimer, cancer, autoimmune diseases, sexual sterility. I'm so worried to the point of contemplating leaving my life here and live in another part of the world chemtrail free, like south america or africa. I feel itchy skin and headaches the days when they spray a lot.
  19. Basic argument here. carnivor animals have short digestive system and powerful enzymes to digest the meat and their stomach is very acidic. Herbivore animals have very long guts, more alcaline ph. Now the humans, we have 11 meters of thin intestine (that mean we're designed to eat vegetables, and less meat). Guess what happens when you put meat on your guts. It has to travel so much metres taht becomes rotten inside your body. This rotten meat contains carcinogen substances.
  20. Chlorella can be taken in a big dosage once a day while spirulina has to be taken in 2-3 times
  21. Sensorial isolation is very helpful to break the idea that you are your body. Percieving exterior stimuli reinforces the false illusion of the self. That's why I like to meditate in warm weather, comfortable seat, the less pain or discomfort the easier is it to me to melt in the now and the everything.
  22. Sadness comes from learned samskaras, attachments, frustrated expectations. Without ego sadness cannot exist because there isnt a self judging things and evatuating them as good or bad. I'm agree with the OP, the problem is that in our sociaty is not allowed to be absolutely free. In fact freedom, is punished by gobernments, we must stay ordered and behave in certain ways ansd this repression prevents us fromn showing the authentic self, who is happy by default.
  23. I think the karma is the subconscious judging the conscious according the belief systems of the person.
  24. I cant find the relation between AI and lifespan. I think in the future people wont live longer. If you take a look in the elite's agenda the n1 prtiority is to keep world population uner 500 millions, you can see it in the georgia guidestones. To accomplish this goal they deliberately put toxics in water, foods and air. A collateral benefit is the pharmaceutical profit from the diseases caused by this toxics. Also everybody is living in a sub-clynical scurvy and malnourishment. Daily doseage recomendations of "health" agencies are the least to keep you alive, not to stay healthy. Fruits and vegetables are low in nutrients becasuse greedy farmers dont respect the off times. Even China started to manufacture fake food: rice made of plastic. Meat steaks made of offal. Human beings are created to live to 120 years. But not eating poison.
  25. Your post makes me think if we didnt had a CNS the world wouldnt exist for us. This sounds terrible.