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Everything posted by Moreira

  1. I was thinking that the times I fell in love more intensely it was with androgynous looking girls. Im no talking about girls with dick, or lesbians. Just women that genetically inherited with masculine traits like physically: Wide face, strong jawbone, long neck, fit body... And psychologically: Leader character, stong confidence, easy for sports. Then in my youth when I was a beta manlet (raised without father) I found a huge source of happiness being around with the androgynous girl's I was into, because they provided me optimism, security, and I admired their qualities. Now that changed a lot, and I learned to be a real man and I'm in the way to have an alpha personallity. When I look at ex-gf that were androgynous type some ended being lesbians, but lot of them ended with skinny femenine-faced guys and I find that curious. I would like to know if the "what women want" topic in Leo's ideo would work to creat attraction in andro women or just the opposite. I assume that very femenine women are attracted to manly machos, and andro girls are attracted to more femenine man? Or even more masculine?
  2. Boiled potatoes, brown rice and quinoa.
  3. When you are ready to die (from an ego perspective) not literally.
  4. I wake up very early so I sleep 5-5.5h at night and when I'm back from work have lunch and make a 1-1.5h siesta
  5. I'm also called weird by the fact that I refuse shallow talk and other social conventions that arent useful. Breaking the conditioning is seen as weird from the outside.
  6. I'm missing when somebody answer quoting me because notifications were removed
  7. When their parents die , this is when they will start to learn the lessons of life, and the crashes will be heavy.
  8. I was going to start a post the last week about the possibility that we live in a dream, but I dismissed the post by fear to be treated like crazy, or people would criticise me, days after leo records a video Life is a dream.
  9. The question is, are all individual dreams interconnected? Is the dream called life a closed system? Or other dreamers can interact with me in my dream? Are you all the forum posters product of my imagination? Am I product of your imagination?
  10. Ok, but from a microlevel we can ask how and where arises consciousness within our physical body. The reception of the perception by our senses creating the sense of the perciever is what give us the sense of being conscious, aware. How this consciousness arises? can the consciousness exist without the body in other place that isnt a brain? theres lot of quantum stuff in there that we dont know. Are we just a receptor of consciousness like an antenna?
  11. karma depends on your principles. If you thing Its ok to steal something to a capitalist big supermarket that gains millions of profit by unethical ways, no problem.
  12. His ego is so resistant that whenever somebody tries to help him to erradicate the toxic self he disqualify every argument to stay the same.
  13. The problem is that you have an ego that is judging the situation. You judge that having no desire, feeling empty is bad. The false self is analizing your lifestyle and saying that's a loser's life. Yo can achieve absolute hapiness without fulfilling desires, being successful, doing something with your life. You missed the basics, meditation to get rid of the ego, and be anywhere elese but in the now.
  14. I'm always on diet eating healthy food, but when I try chocolate, cheese or other junk food I cant stop. It's like the cravings are stronger than normal people. And I have zero control. is weird.
  15. I have 2 careers and other courses, and have been useless. If you want to have a good job actually, contacts are more useful than studies.
  16. The ego is the body's survival mechanism to watch out for physical safety and food. When you lose it survival is not your man worry, everything is ok.
  17. If you are talking like "targets" and "hit" you're not looking for love, justa a fuckbuddy.
  18. Introversion is a deep aspect that is in your DNA, dont fight it. This natural tendencies like introversion, social anxiety, enjoying loneliness may sound bad in a society where the general narrative says that we must be social and extro. But this tendencies are survival mechanisms inherited from our ancestors. In other ages, the cautious, introverted, queit that didnt rely in strangers survives, whereas the overly social that trusted everybody may be cheated, ambushed, robbed or killed.
  19. When you meet a girl she become your source of hapìness, you are obsessed and needy so you worship her thinking that this will make her attracted but it's repulsive. You have oneitis. Dont put your eggs in one basket. Try to meet 5 girls and then you wont end up obsessed with the only source of pleaseure. The less needy the less friendzoned you'll be, because you'll have options. And remember to take the lead, initiative, and dont hide your desires. Even if you're shy, virgin, you have to show sexual interest, dont be ashamed.
  20. You have to plan a strategy to recover your social muscle lost in the periods of isolation and un-action. Start progressive. I assume you overcame your gaming-loner-comfort zone spiral. Practise conversation with close friends, develop confidence, read, record yourself talking to the mirror...
  21. I thought the enlightened person had lost all his will from the ego (samskaras). Osho once said he didnt dream anything because he had no wishes or goals. Are you telling me that enlightened ones still have desires?
  22. My dream is to have a wood eco house in the countryside and a field to grow vegetables and fruit trees. Then Ill eat and give healthy fruits to my family and friends. Any recomendation?
  23. Elon is a guy who centered his efforts and energy in his career and has become successful, end of story. He is very far from an actualized, you can see basic unsolved issues when he barely can talk in public without stuttering and showing signs of social anxiety. Is the typical nerd who lacks social skills.
  24. brown rice, potatoes, bananas, seeds, turkey and chicken, honey, nuts, lentils, beans...
  25. Are psychedelics legal in Amsterdam right? We could make a shrooms retrat