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Everything posted by Moreira

  1. All my childhood I wasa harassed by psychologyst and teachers that told to my mother that I wasnt normal, that was something wrong in me . Just because I dont behave like the mainstream society patterns? Observing deep down my personality I reached to the conclusion that my introversion is a hard survival instinct. Thats my defaul behaviour and no matter how I fight to be social and brave whyen I let go and get homeostasis all things come back to the beginning. Squirrels and other wild animals are fearful by nature. The abnormal are the ones domesticated by being in contact to humans.
  2. Yes I informed me about buddhist monasteries, because it isnt a religion. What I didnt like is that if you want to be a monk they force you to chastity vows, give up your family, obey superior range monks... There are lot of limitations, and I personally think we are here to live life fully without repressions
  3. I know what you mean. But the work what I do its by nature stressing, competitive, and the environment toxic. basically I create metal pieces in mill/lathe computerized, there's lot of responsability, pressure, and the boss is constantly angry If we dont finish in short time. Everybody in the worksop is stressed and in ahurry, no matter how positive or detached my attitude is, when I enter to my job is impossible to dont be impregnated by this toxic vibe. I cannot pretend that I'm in a bubble and nothing affects me because the job requires taking it seriously, if not ts very easy make mistakes. Thanks to others who answered me, but the real point of my question, what I need is TIME. Time to have a consistent meditative practice of at least 4 hour a day. It doesnt matter if my job is meaningful or altruistic. I'm thinking even in working at McDonalds if I can work 6-7 hours. Although I dont defend fast food, but is one of the few companies that doesnt force you to a 9-5 routine.
  4. I had a taste of enlightenment, but my ego became satisfied the moment he realized that I was eternal and dead dont exist, so i stopped going further. How do i know? Because you have a so BIG realization that you are living a delusion, all is a mental trick or effect of separation.
  5. If you want to live a long healthy life about 95 years renting will cost you more than owning a house.
  6. I cannot dedicate more than 5 years of my life into a life purpose doing the same day after day even this is my passion. The problem is the actual job-timing. It doesnt matter how much you love what you are doing, whenever you doit 8 hours a day everyday you get wasted and tired. This schedule is anti-natural.
  7. Wrong metaphore. In a mmorpg every player born with equal oportunities, possibilities and projections while in real life some born millionaires and good-looking, oither born in misery, war or wityhout legs. In a game the player isnt conditioned by a system that manipulates his thoughts, decitions, freedom. Free will is an illusion.
  8. Your actual situation is comfortable, why would you change it? Thats why you are lazy and procrastinate. Lets imagine a cyclone or earthquake destroys your house. You'd move your ass like no tomorrow.
  9. If you want to stop overthinking and the monkey mind in general the best technique is the concentration meditation. And for enlightenment purposes the letting go of everything.
  10. My mum tells me the same stupidity to force me to follow social conditioning behaviours like get married, have children... But who cares if my body is rotten and found 3 months ago? I wont be living in it anymore.
  11. I've also used weed to make my meditation sessions more present to the moment and differienciate what I am and what not, try to focus on that. Its called neti-neti meditation.
  12. you are dying every time you exhale or have an orgasm. You release your energy. But your essence remains the same.
  13. i think the natural state is the delusional separation, thats how nature made us in order to survive.
  14. I know a manlet who is 5.3 and his girlfriend is a hot tall mulatto dominican girl that works as a model. The guy is not a big deal, isnt rich, but always has a smile in his face.
  15. I think every "strange loop" is based on the double toroid structure that can be found in everything. Some ancient symbols that are strange loops are the celtic triquetra, the ouroboros, ying-yang, the symbol of the infinite.
  16. friends and girlfriends behave like cats.
  17. The Op is worried about survival while mantaining a full-time yogi lifestyle, and survival in actual world requires strategic thinking. He can be present, trust the process, follow his heart and this wont put food in his mouth. The most probable is that he'd let himself die. Survival is ego, enlightenment is destroying ego. The only way is to be in a monk community that guarants free food and shelter for gratitude. Other way is being in the matrix having a light job aligned with his values that doesnt reuqire a lot of time.
  18. If you want a scientific explanation I just can tell you that there are experiments made with buddhist monks which brains were monitored by electrodes. By being in a meditative-enlightened state certain brain areas were deactivated and other activated so the feelings and qualities by the meditator are these "joy, peace, compassion" that you talk about. Maybe god designed us these way to make us more inclined to act positively instead of negative.
  19. First understand that romantic love doesnt exist, every girls loves a guy by ego interest not by pure lovfe. The only woman that will love you genuinely is your mother. After rewiring your brain from all the social conditioning you learned in TV media youll be ready to try direct experience. Go to a prostitute ,not 1 but more times, reference experience, you'll learn that girls dont bite, try to tease her, be playful,be confident arount them. After the hooker youll have lot of confidence and decent social skills. Then try with no-pay girls. learn to be rejected by some but accepted by others.
  20. I see stage green as a lost battle against entropy. Trying to manipulate the world to make it the way we want, isnt ego driven? Shouldnt practice acceptance instead of attachment to defend one side and discard the other? Fighting in this neverending battle is a guarantee of unhappiness.
  21. In my opinion depends on the consciouss intent. You cant judge right or wrong in nature, for example, a lion killing a deer is bad? Well he's just eating, not trying to create pain for fun. In humans is different because he's the only being that has free will, knows what he's doing.
  22. You may have your dopamine receptors damaged due to the abuse of weed and tasty food, if you follow this lifestyle then it will be medically impossible to experience happiness. Stay away from short term gratification and stimulation. When your brain will be healed you will experience pure bliss just meditating. The little pleasures in life will feel like enormous pleasure.
  23. How do you know your goals arent programmed by society in your fragile sponge brain as a kid?
  24. Have you ever woku up feeling like a braindead zombie, groggy, like your brain desnt work properly? In summer sometimes I take a nap, and if the temperature is excessive I wake up like this, that what happened me today. The reflexion I had was terrifying: I wope up and sat in a coach, turn on Tv but I was completey lost, my ego wasnt there, even the pure awareness, our deep essence wasnt also there. For some minutes I want conscius of anything, life was happening but I wasnt aware of anything, just like being unconscious, one of the lowest stages of awareness. I thought this is what experienced my grandma when had dementia, and most of old people who have brain attacks, staring to the infinite, you look them through the eyes and there's nobody in the other side. You talk to them but nobody is hearing or recognising you. I was terrified to the posibility that when we die we will experience this NO-consciousness. These minutes that took to recover the whitness condition, the perciever who I am, felt like a hell. I can accept the death of my body, the death of my character that I'm interpreting, but losing the awareness is pure anihilation and feels like being a leaf in the wind, powerless, nothingness. Leo talked in a amazing video about the Infinite Intelligence, when he experinced absolute infinity and absolute intelligence. How can we explain these low consciousness states with zero intelligence? Are these payoffs of being human? What about people with severe brain injuries that spend their lifetime being a vegetable without consciousness? Will them be liberated after death of their nightmare of ignorance?
  25. Politicians are just puppets that say and do what their bosses tell them, just like actors interpreting. Dont judge them by how they act in their job.