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Everything posted by Moreira

  1. stop porn, masturbation and meditate.
  2. The samsara as hindus say, or the wheel of birth and death is just a concept product of the mind. And so we cannot escape of this process because we are IT. In this process some individual consciouness arises, and our brain trick us to believe that we are apart from the universe and we can escape.
  3. The most happy people in the world are tibetan monks. And they contribute zero to humanity.
  4. If you dont connect with her is because you arent in the same vibration level, you must ascend first, go vegan and meditate more!!
  5. Alaska has an extreme climate so the only way to survive is to be a trapper or hunter, this requires time. In teh other hand, in warm climates is very easy to live off the grid: Install an automatic irrigation system in a plot of land and grow vegetables, have some chicken... Plow, add fertilizers, remove weeds and feed the animals is 2-3 hours a day.
  6. Being enlightened or even having some "glimpses" make you live life from a very different perspective, calm of mind, acceptance, fearless. This way you welcome death without regret and positively because you understood the big picture.
  7. Judgement is necessary to survive, withoout judgement we would pick a poisonous mushroom and eat it, becausse nothing would be good or bad.
  8. You are right, the best guide is observe nature. But animals dont work 8 hours, not even 6. Animals who hibernate gather resources in the fall and spend all winter resting, while we are forced to work the same 8 hours in cold dark winter days, thats a nonsense.
  9. The only thing that keeps me in a job is family and friend's pressure. When my parents die I'll quit my 9-5 job, and have seasonal jobs. In hunter-gatherer societies people only worked 2 days a week, thats natural and reasonable.
  10. Dont try to convince anybody. let nature make its own work. If people cannot hear his own body that is weakening by a low nutrients diet and craving for some animal meat and fat...
  11. The actualized vegan legions are gonna hate you. Btw I also I've changed my diet to high animal fat and Im feeling better than ever.
  12. Elliot lost his ground time ago.
  13. I'm making an experiment about social anxiety. By curiosity could you tell me your diet?
  14. Does a slave can be satisfied with life? Can a slave have self-steem? self-eficacy? The feeling that he has the power to change his situation in life?
  15. Dont believe in Leo's personal experiences. That's a big mistake. Experiment things for yourself and take your own view.
  16. when the body dies the greater delusion ever is unveiled. There isnt duality, we are a BIG everything. So in my opinion, as we are a big living organism there is no place for individual souls. Its more of a cultural concept as a relieve of hope for those who are afraid of death. Although the idea of a soul as a animating energy that inhabits the physical body can be seen in the Kirlian photographies.
  17. If you want to quit wage slavery why do you say youll still look for new jobs? You got the guts to quit the slavery, dont come back, and dont lose time procrastinating your goal, start your business now you got the motivation. If you spend like a sabatic year traveling youll become lazy.
  18. Once Leo told me these sentence: "A buddhist monk would be happy in the same hell."
  19. I've been incel until my 30s. I missed what is to have a school love, a university love. Now I have problems because I like young girls and Im an oldfag.
  20. The key is Exposure to the source of fear. These experiences will prove to your subconscious mind that theres nothing bad. Then the Fear response wont happen.
  21. I've red form diferent cultures the fact that in ancient times people lived more than 120 years. The enigma is what changed in our DNA to have a short life. -Epigenetics? -Bad diet and toxics exposure?
  22. Explain what happened in your ayahuasca retreat that made you eat less meat...
  23. what if you develop alzheimer and you forget for the second time that you are God?
  24. Advertisings call the attention to everybody. Call effect. Only genuinely interested people should go into spirituality and self-improvement. if you have interest you'll search and youll find. Dumb masses cannot even understand most of the concepts. We here have the privilege to have an inner curiosity about things, but understand that 60% of world population are zombies who live their lifes in autopilot mode being a leave in the wind.
  25. My greatest mentors of all times: Leo- self actualization and inner work Elliot Hulse (old version pre strenght obsessed) - body-mind Osho - spirituality Tyler (Owen Cook) - social Dr Sebi RIP - health special mentions: carlos cataneda, Deepak chopra.