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About Sprite

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  • Birthday 10/27/1993

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  1. No emotions involved I'm specifically referring to physical pain. For example say someone was wounded or poked. The pain is felt while in a conscious state of mind. So how would one master it? The body is physically conscious of the pain being felt, so how would you separate your mind from it while still being conscious? I'm sorry if I don't make sense. You detach from the negative story? Sometimes there isn't always a "negative story" attached. Again I'm sorry I'm referring to physical not emotional pain. When you fall and scrape your knee, when you have a chronic illness, or when a monk lights himself on fire. How are pain receptors separated from that in your mind? Mind over matter but how? A higher level of meditation?
  2. You mentioned you were going through an ordeal that doesn't fall under the normal spectrum of stalking. I'm going through a similar incident myself, which I don't have proper "evidence" to give to the authorities. It's been constantly escalating since my attacker realized that as of yet she won't face any consequences from her actions. It's been going on for three years now. I dropped out from college, because I couldn't take the stress of it all on top of my studies, and also because of the way my professors were brought into it. I feel so alone and psychologically trapped with this (which is one of the reasons I turned to Leo's videos). I don't mean to bother you but could you tell me more about what's going on/went on with your situation? (In a PM? If you're uncomfortable here.) I would go into detail with my own, but its so insanely out there that I'm tired of repeating it to every person who afterwards doesn't "see" anything. Let's just say it pertains heavily to electronics and hacking. I need serious help, but I'm not a "victim" because of the way that everything is being so craftily done.
  3. To overcome reoccurring physical pain on your body with your mind how would one go about it? Pain is felt when you're in a state of consciousness, so wouldn't you have to somehow transcend the state of consciousness while still being conscious? Would it be more along the lines of meditation, so only when you're being still the pain isn't present? I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense.
  4. Sometimes you just have to do what's best for you and disregard what other people say to you. Once you've given them your explanation and they shoot you down, then just let it be and do your thing. I understand how it can be exhausting don't feel obligated to. You don't have to go into extensive detail. Let them know that you're doing whatever it is to improve/benefit yourself, and leave it at that. If they ask for more just tell them it's too difficult to explain in a way that would make sense to them. That is the truth isn't it?