Oliver Saavedra

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Everything posted by Oliver Saavedra

  1. What I read about what you've written is that you know the WHY (the values, the purpose, the intention) but might be missing the HOW (the actual plan) to which I'd ask: Are you aware of your specific skills?, of the thing you most most love doing? Are there any pieces of your puzzle you still need to understand?, What do you need to understand? Is there anything you'd want to do but you haven't tried?, is there something you'd like to learn? Do you REALLY know how things work or are you just assuming?, be honest with yourself and if you don't know something its time to go research. Also, I empathize with that age and everything that comes growing up, I'm 25 and these last two years I have been moving things around in my life structure as a prototype to what I'd like my life to be. Allow yourself to try different things and piece by piece you'll understand WHAT lifestyle you'd like to build.
  2. Sounds like you're becoming conscious of your own resistance, of the status quo trying to stay the same. Everytime you do what you know it's best for you, you're beating it. Keep going! ?
  3. Honestly, cry a lot, detachment is hard, and you might require to grief to let him go. First accept that you might never be with him. Write a LOT, get it all out, every fantasy, every ideal, every broken dream, cry while you write, write while you cry. Write your story and end it. Now for a manly answer... Get busy, work on your goals, create a vision for yourself, make your life about YOU not about someone else. It's easier to escape and fantasize about someone else (that's how us men get caught in porn). The thing is to re-direct your focus, you've been mantaining the idea of him, the problem is not him, he's just a dude, the thing that's stuck is the idea of him, the story you've made of him. So learn to let it go, and shift your attention to what really matters.
  4. Control is the name of the mechanism that is at work here. I'll try to describe it. "Things should to be this way", "People should be like this", "I shoud be like this" If they are not the way you think they should, you get frustrated, stressed, angry, upset, violent, impotent, and so on. Notice how your control mechanism behaves, notice the thoughts and feelings arising and wanting to explode, notice your body building tension. Notice your whole body-emotions-mind system starting to stress out and go crazy, when you notice it happening go relax your body and your mind, let go of everything. The oppposite of control is Allow. Allow things to be another way, allow people be what they are, alow yourself to be what you "shuldnt". Drop that grammar nazism. Allow yourself to not know, allow yourself to be unable to do things, allow yourself to fail, even allow yourself to control, because trying to control your own control mechanism won't work. Allow yourself to relax. Let yourself rest a lot. Work on learning how to manage your frustration. Check Leo's "Next level of meditation", also an app called Prana Breath helps a lot. Most importantly, learn to love yourself as imperfect as you are Takes a lot of practice, but your control mechanism will want a magic pill solution Love ♡
  5. How is your approach to learning? Are you learning new stuff from different perspectives? Sometimes all you have is missing pieces from your life-purpose, sometimes you get stuck in your box, and learning is the way to expand it. I don't mean reading more books on self-help, sometimes you need to stop reading theory and you need to get hands-on developing skills. What is your profession? What skills would expand your art? What would you love to know to do? For example, I studied product design in college, but what I love is the creative process, I love building methodologies and teaching and guiding through them, so I'm training as a teacher and coach. Also my dream is to make an online educational platform of creativity so lately I've been studying and practicing animation, video production and storytelling. Building those skills are fundamental for my life purpose. Much love
  6. Every song is a Love song, made of Love, speaks about Love in its own way. If you enjoy the rythm, if you enjoy the rhyme, then just enjoy the song, dance to it if you want. Don't get lost in concepts, words are only noises. Try changing your perspective so you hear words as sounds, forget about the "message" when you know its nonesense. If the lyric hits you, you create its meaning, if its aligned with yourself take it, if not just leave it and keep enjoying yhe music. Have fun:)
  7. Thanks for this!
  8. He's literally crying of God's overwhelment these days, I feel its just getting more and more emotional. I guess in the old videos he wasn't very emotional because most of his viewers are men, so he uses a more masculine language, but now he's just fully himself.
  9. Jump into doing what frightens you, I know its emotionally difficult, its easier to go to your cave, to not say a thing. Say say say, what you think its important, what you like to talk about, make the conversation about you, fuck 'em, own the dialogue, be yourself, own your throat, own your words, say dumb stuff, have fun talking whatever you like talking about. I feel I'm saying this to myself haha I have a hard time talking too (specially with family). I find myself self-censoring, not being authentic, afraid of being myself, believing "nobody wants to hear me" but its just a limiting belief, you don't need nobody to say whatever you want, are you afraid they won't understand you? or they will disagree or mock? there's always 50% chance they will, so its irrelevant, they'll hear what they hear. The challenge here its not about them, its all about you. If you said it, whatever you said, you won already, keep practicing being yourself. Be You.
  10. Hahahah I love this, I'd like to put some animated letters on top of it
  11. Dropping shoulds its a beautiful thing because you stop relating your personal value to being what you "should be". Then you are free to be yourself. You are perfect as you are! Its normal to feel bummed when your productivity dropped, you dropped a motivational mechanism which worked even if it was unhealthy. Now you need to install the new healthy motivational mechanism for action. "Do things because you want to, not because you have to" is the healthy paradigm to install. Follow what gives you pleasure, do things you love, build your most fulfilling vision and use it to motivate you everyday. Enjoy every day, be very thankful for everything, appreciate everything for what is. Everything is perfect as it is, and now is your job to make it even better
  12. I'd recommend to first create the habit of structuring your day, planning what you'll do the day before, so making new habits later fit into that. Its so nice to wake up having a vision already of what the day will look like, and will help you install better habits later. I'd recommend you do it on paper so your brain would better register it. Love
  13. What does it imply to truly love someone?
  14. Once I had an interview with him, was on a dream-trip. He told me Everything.
  15. This is gold, thanks a lot! ? beware of being lazy and not taking your own notes tho.
  16. Does anybody else feel emotionally numb? Does anybody know any technique to expand our capacity to feel? I sometimes think I understood emotions and how they work, but then I realize its just my mind the one who thinks it understood. I know my subconscious structures and all but I have to admit I only know most things mentally. On practice I find it hard to empathize and be compassionate, I find it hard to be vulnerable to myself and to others. I'm finally fine with all my relationships but I feel some numbness on them and also find it hard to adress the important issues. I think I know what to do (oh the mind always thinks that doesn't it?) but emotionally I feel like a dumb baby sometimes. Its just frustrating to not be able to feel strongly, sometimes I barely know I'm feeling something, making it hard to identify it and expressing it. I'm trying to be less focused on my thoughts and more into the energy inside me and all around, but takes practice I know. Any guidance?
  17. Hahaha good clickbait, nice booklist
  18. Thanks a lot! I'd be practicing just that
  19. As individuals become more conscious and let go of ego, we connect to our life purpose to serve and awaken humanity. Was connection the real challenge of our evolution? We've learned a lot through our history, and a lot of the big leaps seems to be about establishing peace and connection to create a better world for us. Now we find ourselves individually just to connect diversity and make our collective system work. I dream and believe we're able create an utopian peace, where we've befriended the collective shadow and made this Earth Reality be enlightened. I like to call it the United States of Consciousness haha Is learning to connect for collective creativity our path as a species? What do you think or feel is happening with us as a collective system? --- Also fun question: do you believe that beings from other planets/planes will show up when our collective conscioussness is ready?
  20. I love this!, i do it when I wake up and feel like a machine calibrating haha I'll try it with music and humming Thanks everyone for your answers, I'll add them to the list:)
  21. Couldn't find a list about practices for calming the mind on this forum, so maybe we could compile them. If you know a method please share it. Some of techniques here: - All kinds of meditation - Do nothing - Observing the breath - Mantra chanting - Power naps - Noticing thoughts and letting go - Focusing on the space between thoughts - Concentration - Mental maps The more you can relax the mind, the more you push it to work for you. Creating a calm mind is a long-term process, and to have it on a fast-paced distracted world is complicated, so practicing many techniques and habits is necessary.
  22. Using one technique is ok. But when you use your mind a LOT and you work with lots of concepts, connecting dots, and creating new ideas, your mind tends to become hyper-active and then you REALLY need to learn to calm it down. Otherwise sleeping, resting, and meditation become very noisy.
  23. That discomfort is obligatory, with change comes that discomfort. It is made of a combination of dislike of doing things differently + fear of the uncertain. It's ok to feel it and it's brave of you to act according to what You know its right even when there's resistance. Stay on the observer's point of view, watch the discomfort come and go, get used to it because it will be there forever. The more you practice feeling it and still acting right, the easier will be to keep on the right track.
  24. Get into it and have fun, explore what a relationship is about, just be radically honest with yourself and with the other, and make agreements together.
  25. I say you should go and have lots of fun, yes your relationship and her's might suffer and generate caos and confussion, but from that will come a lesson both of you have to learn, that's probably why you met. If its really calling you, you won't be able to deny the calling. Be careful and be radically honest with yourself and with everyone. Goodluck!