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Everything posted by AdamDiC

  1. @molosku I think there is a lot more to him than that. That was a surface level response. I feel like the amount of purification and integration he's done makes him chill. He may not be enlightened, but he's probably wouldn't hurt a fly. I met a awesome monk at a monastery in Thailand once. He said hes been doing vipassana 8 hours a day for the past 5 years. Super nice guy, present and free. The monastic life is basically 24/7 mindfulness.
  2. This is a short film by Alexander Marchand who's got a fairly impressive grasp on spirituality and the true nature of reality. It's actually quite shocking how distilled and powerful this video is. You really need to watch it a couple of times to even get the wheels rolling. Please do not pass up this opportunity, watch it now!
  3. @Thought Art You have to practice Talabya Kriya and various tongue stretches for a few weeks bedore you can do it. SG's books from Leos book list have instructions on how to acheive it. For now just do baby khechari until you get it. But it's not really a must , id just focus on mastering the basic practices first. ?
  4. @thibault Awakening pushes you towards more authenticity and Truth in your being. So if before awakening you had repressed homosexual desires then on your path you'll have to come to terms with your authentic desires. You don't have to act on them, but you also can't repress or judge them. You see them as they are and choose to act on them if you want. Some people become do have changes and some don't, it varies in everyone, but what's the same in both is the acceptance of what is. ?
  5. @Adodd Yoga was originally created as a vehicle for awakening, but now it is very hard to find hardcore practices. Most people don't know what yoga is really for and just think its a bunch of stretching. Patanjali created the 8 limbs and most people on know about the first 4. You really want to focus on the last 3 if you want to grow. The first 5 are pretty basic. Watch leos video, The Importance Of Real Yoga and read the yoga books on his book list. ?
  6. This forum had a liking system and even a member rank about 3 years ago. But Leo removed it because it create posting bias and honestly it just made the forum look a lot less professional . I like it this way, now all user posts are initially treated equal until they are read.
  7. So last night at around 7pm I did my highest dose of mushrooms yet, 3.5 grams. It was a lot and i kind of knew what i was getting into, but another part of me felt wreckless and i did it anyway despite my strong intuition not to. In the name of science i told myself. The trip was just dark, i felt like i was just swimming through my unconsciousness. It really became aware to me that I may be really ignorant about reality and I'm just lying to myself with a bunch of beliefs. The amount of suffering that took place during this trip was unbearable. I think it directly correlates to my mind lol. Like ive been following actualized for the past 3 years and have been trying to self-actualize, but all i was aware of during the trip was my own shortcomings and ignorance. My life seemed to be spiralling out of control, suicidal thoughts and emotions, uncontrollable body movements, pretty grimey experiences. Stayed up till 4am and got like 2 hours of sleep. I watched "The dangers of doing spiritual work" last night and leo made some good points. Some people just arent ready for awakening. I know i am, but the shit that happened to me last night, it's pretty obvious that how im pursuing spirituality does not lead me to living a balanced life. I feel like i really just want to be normal again. fuck. I still love spirituality and I know i have the seed for enlightenment. But i just cant commit to something that needs %100 of my attention. Because im a fucking scheming weasel and i fall into every trap there is. Belief systems, projection, judgement etc. Awakening deserves my complete attention. It feels like right now im doing spirituality to avoid the suffering of the world and in a very rushed, fearful manner which forces my introspection into a very survival oriented way. Basically im attached to results instead of being open and grounded. What i really need to pursue spirituality. Is my own place to live, a chill job that i like, and satisfied ego, and time to sit down and think, out of my own desire and pain stakingly deconstruct my whole reality for the truth. I just turned 20. Also, i noticed that i have incredibly high standards for my self whcih creates immense suffering. I feel like i should know everything and have and powerful life purpose. But what the trip showed me is that maybe it's ok to be normal for a while. I just want to like my life again instead of trying to destroy it. I really dont like my spiritual ego, it pushes me away from people and i feel wierd at parties lol. These are just a bunch of my thoughts. i feel alright now, like im kinda used to this stuff now, which is nice. But moving forward still seems pretty hazy. or not.
  8. I feel for you I'm in the same boat just a few years younger. It is hard to find purpose, or to create one from scratch. But that's what we are here to do. Create what we love. remember you don't have to do anything. Start connecting with Being. Just sit with yourself and connect to your heart. Ask yourself questions everyday. If you really want to find your LP you will. I've noticed in my life that the reasons I'm not getting good results is becuase deep down i really don't want them and i don't care for results or anything. Most of the time i just like sitting at home and indulging in worldly pleasures. Sure things get sad and it hurts, but eventually ill just grow tired of it and desire a new change. Authentically desire a new change, not out of fear but out of passion. You also talk about this breaking point that you fear, that your going to explode or breakdown if you dont find something soon. Maybe it needs to happen, idk. I've had very transforming cathartic moments born from suffering, their not necassary but they happen. The hardest thing for me to do is to surrender my anxiety and restlessness for results and just take in the calm and reality of the present moment. But overall just take baby steps every day towards something you'd love to create, because after all, What else are you gonna do?
  9. @inFlow Hey man, kriya has a lot of auxilary practices that are kinda of irrelevant to its goals. Many on the forum would agree that you only really need to practice a handful of the most powerful ones to see results. Leo has recommended doing: Mahamudra x3 Kriya Pranayama x24 Supreme Fire x3 With time you can increase the pranayamas to 36-72, and the supreme fire to 10-20 min. Try to work your way up to begin a more whole, powerful, practice.
  10. @Proactive Fuck science. You are the scientist. Do it for 3 months and tell us what happened. First hand experience is your only way of knowing what is True. I can tell you that 2 years ago, i did NOFAP for 4 months. It was a crazy time in my life. A lot of energy in my body and my consciousness. I felt like i had an orb of kundalini in my chest. It felt like pure life force. I would tell people it felt like i wanted to kill someone, or fuck someone. Real visceral energy. My passion for life and my creativity was increased, and so were my relationships with women, i naturally felt attracted and comfortable to say the least. It ended because i had no real energetic practices to ground the energy and it was getting unbearable. I've never got past a month since. Hope it helped. Good luck.
  11. @Sleyker Not sure why it happens, but i wouldnt give it too much thought. A good rule of thumb for meditation is to not get attached to any states or phenomena. No attachment or aversion. Just let everything be as it is. Instead of loving it, try noticing that you love it, know what you are doing.
  12. Hey guys. So i tried doing 5meodmt. Booked about a day and a half in a cabin to get a breakthrough but i couldnt get it. I have oxalate form. Heres how i dosed. Day 1: 2:30 - 10mg rectally (felt nothing) 5:00 - 15mg rectally (felt nothing 7:30 - 21mg rectally (felt something, weird, body load, coldish, slight staelte change) Day 2: 11:00 - 24mg rectally (felt like i had to take a shit, stomach hurt, felt nauseous, no dramatic shift, discomfort leaves after 20 minutes, left with a weird state) 2:30 - 15mg snorted (felt discouraged with plugging, wanted to feel something...still no noticable effects, basically nothing) 5:00 - 33mg rectally (felt like the 24mg trip but more intense discomfort, couldnt imagine how it could be close to a breakthrougg, no dramatic state change) The End Not sure what happened, ive read on this forum that some people need 40-45mg to breakthrough. I could have tried that dose but i just felt sick on the 2nd day. Maybe my stuff is fluff or the 1-3mg microscoop i was using was off. To hit 33mg i did 11microscoops. Thats all i got. Thanks.
  13. @Leo Gura not really... had some stuff still in me. how do you empty your bowels??? i tried fasting and drinking a lot of water but i couldnt get everything out. @halo damn @Jed Vassallo im pretty sure its pure. Source seemed valid. Havent tested it
  14. Thanks. Any tips? I put the elastic band on 6ml mark, went doggy style and chilled with it in me for about 3minutes, then i lie down? 3ml water. Stir for couple minutes...
  15. @Leo GuraYa i figured. I have a cheap $30 mg scale. Would that be enough? That would suck if im imunne.
  16. Thats the point. Keep going. Dont stop. Tell me where you are in 5 years...
  17. This is a great talk by Martin Ball. The orgasm is in the middle of the video, he surrenders and is possessed by Source and you can see he is visibly, cosmically orgasming. Lol. Love this guy.
  18. I found a very detailed high-dose breakthrough trip report of DPT on erowid. Enjoy.
  19. @Vido It's best not to mess around with this stuff. Just stick to the core practices. Kriya Pranayama + Mahamudra + Supreme Fire
  20. "While practicing Kriya feel the inspiration of God in the spine" - Swami Yogananda
  21. @outlandish wow. Thanks a lot dude that was awesome. Taking notes lol.@Jed Vassallo ok dokey. Ill start at 10mg. @nowimhere I have the oxalate type. Its a salt.
  22. @Jed VassalloHm yes i understand. I have not been working up and ive never used the substance. My plan was to start with 1 micro scoop (around 3mg) and do max 2 sessions a day rectally. So id say i could do 4 sessions in the 3 days of being there, with 1 morning to chill. And what do you mean by ill prepared? Lack of education, surrender, and a lot of fear? I've been reading Martin Ball. Thanks.
  23. A lot of people would love to be a meditation coach. But the truth is, do you deserve to be? Anyone can tell me to focus on my breath. But how long have you sat for, how many retreats have you done, do you have insight or are you just looking for a easy job? Be honest
  24. I'm planning to have my first breakthrugh 5meo experience at the end of october. Just wondering how many days i should book, im renting a cabin. right now i have just 29th 2pm - 31st 10am. thats around 1 and a half days. Do i need more integration time? Will I want to do it again? Idk.