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Everything posted by Arthur

  1. I love Leo's post about survival strategies. You've made excellent highlights! I found a couple of more examples that illustrate how complex and highly intelligent survival mechanisms are. When observing the Nature consciously, it becomes very apparent that an intelligence far more magnificent than humans can understand is at play on every corner. Tuskfish uses tools to maximize its survival: Pufferfish creates amazing art to attract mates: Cuttlefish has incredible hypnotic body patterns: (the Cuttlefish also uses smart reproductive tactics. Smaller males will pretend to be a female to sneak into the big male's harem and reproduce with the females.)
  2. I think you didn't take enough, or didn't the right psychedelic. There comes a point where you simply cannot deny or dumb down the experience. When the experience becomes more real than your ordinary state of consciousness, then you made it.
  3. it is quite shocking, to say the least. The experience itself is extremely powerful and life-shattering. But also, the integration of it can be quite tricky. It is completely unexplainable what is going on at the peak of 5-meo. Our regular notion of reality collapses instantly. You return to that mysterious state in which you existed before you were born. Of course not as a "you" that you know yourself to be. The tricky part is how the heck do you reconcile that after you come back. You've experienced something impossible and completely out of the realm of your ordinary existence, or even some meditative states. With that being said, the experience is the Truth. It is the most sacred thing and everybody should have it. It is God, it is Infinity, it is Void and complete unity. Don't be discouraged, it is equally beautiful as it is grand and shocking. If it gets too hairy, you can always remember that you will be back to your present existence. The understanding will remain and you will be grateful for it. Godspeed.
  4. all it does is produces more EMF that is so called "good for you" ( I would question that assumption ). It doesn't cancel existing EMF, which is actually impossible with a device like this. At least tinfoil will attenuate existing EM waves.. and really almost metal will do.
  5. The situation is only getting worse as the US ( with Trump ) advances its geopolitical game. Seems like the 'Iraq war' scenario is unfolding again, this time with Iran.
  6. Grades in and of themselves are irrelevant. It's true that once you are out in the real world they might not be as important. With that being said, if you don't have the will power and work ethic to get your grades right, you have no change in the real world anyway. Study for the sake of maturing yourself and developing the right habits. It's all about being responsible, hard-working and dedicated. Leo said many times, study for the knowledge and the practice of studying, don't study for the grades exclusively. If you can't even put the effort to get good grades, how will you overcome the challenge of working on a business to escape wage slavery?
  7. Here is a story that illustrates the mania for success, entrepreneurship, and fake change that is going on in our society. The CEO in the story is ofc massively delusional, but she is a radical example. The same principles of business, technology, and personal success operate to a lesser degree in all Orange views of the world. There is a selfish motive underneath appraisal of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. It becomes a game of politics and deceit. (This YT channel is nice, but also very much sold on the idea that technology will save the world)
  8. I sort of seamlessly stopped eating meat. I've always had meat as part of my meal, mostly because of our culture and habit. My parents always had some kind of meat garnish for every meal. With transitioning to a more healthy diet, the meat just went out of the picture. I've started eating smaller portions and adding more vegetables to my diet. At first, I bought frozen vegetables to mix with nuddles or rice, with a little bit of chicken. Then, I just eliminated the chicken form it, and it didn't make much of a difference. If anything, I lost a bit of weight and stopped feeling tired after every meal. I've replaced milk with almond milk, dropped cheese and bread, and stopped eating meat regularly. Instead, I have vegetables, soups, salads, and eggs or oatmeal for breakfast. The need for meat to get extra protein or calcium, or any other nutrients, is mostly a mental projection. The mind just clings to it because it's what you ate most of your life. I'm not a proponent of any vegetarian ideals, but holding meat as crucial is basically defending a habit with rationalizations layered on top. I don't think you need to follow any strict vegetarian diet or advice. You don't need to count calories or nutrients. Just slowly start buying less meat. One day you will realize that meat is not as important as the mind makes it be.
  9. Halifax, NS, Canada ( I didn't take those photos obv )
  10. It has its benefits and downsides. It's not for everybody. There are no benefits, no job stability, no comfort and hard to get started. On the flip side, once you are established, you can earn a lot, have a flexible schedule and be your own boss. I'm not a freelancer, but I'm educating myself and trying to break into that space. From what I've understood so far, it can be really hard to get started (Your success will follow an exponential curve with a very slow beginning phase). Most freelancers emphasize that it is basically identical to running your own business. Your product, in this case, is your own skill. First, you have to work on your business plan and foundation. Whether its web development, digital marketing, coaching or e-commerce, you have to build up the skills first. This can take a while if you are starting from ground zero. Practically speaking, you still need a 9-5 job while working on your skills/product. The second phase will be building your client base, getting your product or service out there. This will require a tone of hustling and marketing. It also takes time for the client network to grow. Probably will be a good idea to keep getting income from other sources (9-5 stable job). Finally, when you build up your skills/product, and when it is known to the world, you can transition full time into being a freelancer. At this point, you can introduce new features and refine your service to make it even better. My timeline for something like a freelance web developer will be - 1 year to build your skills, and 1 year to get known to the point of having more client than you can handle yourself. That is still a very conservative estimate, it takes into account that you hustle every evening and weekends. That's my personal opinion, I will love to hear from actual freelancers on here.
  11. Amazing report! You are very articulate. Getting closer every time! I'll add a small note. Maybe recording yourself and analyzing the experience too much is not always great. If I did that, it would have put a lot of pressure on me. Just try to be alone with the experience, especially the breakthrough. Don't be too critical of yourself. Be as you are and let it come. Focus all energy on surrendering to Hell, and the Heaven will come. Godspeed.
  12. During my experience as God, there wasn't really anybody to be afraid. It was a blast of all the emotions coming at you at once. Also our notion of "nothing" is not the nothing that God is. It is not an empty, cold and dark space. It is not an emotionless, still, vacuum. All that stuff is a human perception of the void, but God is beyond any perception. God is like the substance of the perception. The appearance of the appearance of empty space after death, if that makes any sense. It's on a completely different scale than life, death or anything else. I think where fear comes in is after you've witnessed that first hand. It's quite a mind fuck, to say the least. Hard to believe that humans can even experience this. It's a different type of fear though. Not like a fight or flight response, more like existential mind fuck. Like you've been living a lie your whole life. It loosely feels as if you just witnessed a supernatural phenomenon that you knew is impossible. All the laws of physics you've known told you that this is impossible. Yet here it is. So you just left with that as a fact and not much you can do about. You basically dumbstruck by the experience, and you are in the state of not knowing. You feel numb and you don't know what reality is anymore, or who you are.
  13. I don't blame you. I used to love science. I looked up to the mainstream scientists, took Engineering, read scientific books... Just to grow out of it. I realized that at the current stage, science has very deep roots in materialism. It is serving our stage Orage culture. It is deeply in bed with business and "success" culture. Science is not done for science's sake, but to serve companies and push new products. Even government-funded research has lots of ties to local business. Science became a tool for materialistic prosperity. Not to mention what is going on in big universities. Bureaucracy everywhere. You are hammered with non-practical content. The education is very expensive. No teacher-student relationship. (This is not a critique of science, but more how it is used by our culture) That's not the case with everything of course. There are true scientists who are passionate about what they do. Those are real experts, They have a very logical and analytical type of mind. They have a certain attitude about science. Doing science is their Life Purpose, and they actualize it. For them, doing it is not even a question. However, judging by the fact that you are hesitant, science might not be for you. And that's totally legit. I took me while a realize that engineering might not be for me. Don't go to study science because you, or your peers, think it's cool. Don't do it for money or prestige either. You have to know your personality, your strengths, and weaknesses. What you are actually interested in. Try to recall the happiest moments of your life, what were you engaged in?
  14. This is the key. This is exactly what I became aware of during a 5-meo breakthrough. My ordinary notion of reality got flipped around. When I died, so did the whole world. From being an entity in an external world, I instantly went to having the external world appearing in me. But It's not something that is understood conceptually. It just became so. I'm very puzzled as to how this switch can even occur. I think my ordinary state of consciousness is too low, and my mind distorts the perception of reality. Raw and pure awareness gets covered with layers of language and thoughts. It's really hard to get to the bottom of that. Yet at the end, consciousness includes all that, even the thoughts and the Ego.
  15. I've had periods in life where I drank a lot of it, and at times, none at all. I used to drink it regularly, and I didn't like that. Some of the effects I noticed are: Hyperactivity - lower ability to concentrate. Nervousness - more monkey mind. Headaches when attempting to stop. Psychological addiction - can't start the morning without it. Needing to urinate a lot - caffeine stimulates bladder activity. In general, sort of the opposite of even-killed state. But it's not all bad. At times, I do need that boost! For example, if I have a project that I need to work on, or when I'm driving for over 8 hours straight. Right now, I'm trying to use coffee on and off. I don't drink it in the morning, because I don't want to depend on it when I wake up. I drink my coffee around 11-12 when I need that 1-hour boost for work. I'm also doing 2-1 or 3-1 routine, where I will have 2 days with coffee and 1 day off. This way I don't get overly addicted, and I'm able to remain very sensitive to it. I only need a tiny amount of coffee to notice the effects.
  16. Creator. Visionary. Had to overcome challenges and switch careers. Pursued his Life Purpose despite many struggles. Actualized his creative potential. Great communicator and source of inspiration. An intelligent guy who always speaks his mind. (he sure reminds me of someone we all know)
  17. That's a good question. I don't think I will ever reach a point where I can comprehend what happened. It's in a completely different domain from my typical state of consciousness. It's way beyond what a person can conceptually understand. With time, the shock from the experience went down for me. Not that I can ever forget what it meant, but everyday life has a tendency to pull you down so to speak. I'm also taking a break from 5-meo. I feel like I got more Spirituality shoved down my throat than I can swallow, especially at a young age. Practically speaking, there are a couple of things that helped me to cope. The book "Turiya - The God State" by SantataGamana, was recommended by @Greatnestwithin Re-watching Enlightened masters talking about spirituality. Even things you are very familiar with, now they will make sense on a deeper level. Understanding that I'm not the first or the last person going through this. Talking to people on this forum. Coming to terms that life is not material, not physical and essentially a dream. Coming to terms that the "outside" appearance is actually happening within me, as consciousness. (Still freaks me out). Just going through the motions. chopping wood and carrying water.
  18. No need to overglorify A.I. At the current stage of development, it's pretty far from challenging human's ability to approach general problem-solving. Even at one specialized task, after 200years of continues play, the human brain would have beaten AlphaStar.
  19. Some very immature discussions here. The bottom line is, if you are serious about Spirituality, you will do whatever it takes (including psychedelics). Otherwise, here, take this for your efforts: And keep your awakening to yourself, no need to share it or educate other people.
  20. I would invest this money into my own growth. Leave a low-consciousness job. Work on developing new practical skills. Invest in Life Purpose. Get courses and books that I need. Maybe buy a small thing or two, but overall, keeping the same minimalistic lifestyle.
  21. Just for fun, try to flip things around and observe Joe in this interview. It can give you a clue as to where he is on the Spiral. He keeps referring to how great Mike was. How much of a "Champ" he is. He emphasized how much fame he achieved and how much of tough guy he was. When in reality, he doesn't understand how miserable Mike was. His life was filled with dysfunction. You can see it in his expression and the way he carries himself. He matured significantly, precisely because of all the struggle he went through. Problems with marriage, drugs, fame, success driven materialistic mindset, anger issues and much more. Poor guys need to medicate himself, he can't relax in public. He struggles with finances, dispute earning millions. He had awful upbringing and never been a normal teenager. The reality is, that if you were in his shoes for even a day, you would never want to trade your life for his. The way stage Orange society looks and judges Tyson is very superficial. All they see is the materialistic achievement. In actuality, Tyson grew enormously from all his life experiences. His current understanding goes way beyond silly success stories. He even mentioned it to Joe, he said he's not that guy anymore and never wants to be the same. If Rogan was more intuned with Yellow or even Green, he would focus more on the lessons Tyson had learned and the amazing transformation he has achieved.
  22. I'm an ESFP and also extraverted by nature. I still struggle with concentration, but. I think I've improved on it a lot. I forced myself to concentrate when I perform certain tasks, and over time it became easier. Also, I think playing the piano as a child helped me with long periods of concentration. But the biggest one is definitely Meditation. At first, 20 minutes was a nightmare. Now I can sit through an hour with only slight discomfort.