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Everything posted by Arthur

  1. My field is somewhat close to Computer Science (Electronic Engineering), I know a little bit of the inner working of Neural Networks. It is a very clever mathematical algorithm and certainly a breakthrough when compared to old-school number-crunching problem-solving approach. However, Neural Network structure is only a very limited imitation of a brain. It is far far far away from the capacity of the biological brain. AI is not capable of Intuition, which is the basic component of true Intelligence. AI is able to make smart decisions, but what people overlook is that the model requires many hours of training before doing so. It is not able to learn based on Intuitive insights like humans. For AI to be dangerous it needs to develop an Ego, To build such a complicated structure as Ego, it has to be at least as creative, intuitive and intelligent as you are. Single AI has to learn life and surpass you in all the tasks you perform, not just one like modeling data, playing Chess or Go. It is SD stage Orange Futurist's wet dream of living in a world full of conscious machines, and maybe one day we will. IMO though we are centuries away.
  2. Hey, I would say you need to start over. Moving to India might be too extreme to follow up. Instead, I would suggest you move out of your parent's place to a new city. Find a good developer job in a new place altogether. Here is the rationale behind it: You will move on from the breakup faster with a change in environment. You will mature by living on your own (you will have to sooner or later). Excellent opportunity for self-development - you will be lonely, but that's an excellent opportunity to go deeper into yourself and contemplate. This can be a beginning of your "hero's journey". It will be hard, but looking back, this will be the greatest decision you ever made. I experienced something similar. I immigrated to a new country leaving my job, my car, my friends, and my girlfriend. It was the hardest decision of my life. I spend months in serious depression. When those feeling passed, I started doing self-development, My life has improved dramatically. I don't know who I would be if I stayed.
  3. Well, if you are doing NoFap and only have sex once in blue moon, no wonder you can't last. I would say let yourself loose sometimes, sounds like you have a lot of tension that needs to be released fast. You only need NoFap if faping is an addiction of yours. Otherwise, ejaculating is quite natural, your body will even ejaculate during sleep if you don't do it yourself. Don't be hung up on lasting longer, the average sex duration for people is only 4 minutes! It may seem cool to last longer, but actually 30 min sex in not natural and very exhausting (I bet our ancestors had sex for less than a minute). Most girls will find it hard to stay aroused and wet for more than 10 minutes into actual penetration.
  4. @Shadowraix That is fundamentally true - "no man steps in the same river twice". However, some things are given at birth - eye color, height predisposition, skin color, brain structure and DNA. Since brains evolve in a certain way based on DNA, no reason to think there won't be common patterns throughout ones life. You would really have to go out of your way to actually "rewire" your brain, most people won't.
  5. I think Typology systems can be quite useful. I would recommend going deeper into it. Read about Socionics, which is another spin off from Jung's work on personality archetypes. The reason you change types, is because you are not familiar with it enough. You need to explore all the types, find examples of each and compare. Type is something you are born with, it is unchanged. MBTI or Socionics won't tell your level of Intelligence, conciousness, Will power and so forth. But its still useful in describing your general tendensies. I think the BIGGEST use of the model, is in describing relationships between types. This can save you from bad divorces down the road. Its is very accurate in describing who you will tolerate and who you won't.
  6. Almost 25. Started following at 21. A lot of Leo's content went over my head (some still does), but over time, with meditation, you come to the same conclusions. Next threat, occupation of followers besides Actualizing
  7. In my opinion, It might seem like certain conditions has to be met for life to emerge on a planet. But that's only from human's perspective. Because we haven't encountered radical life forms yet. Why cant life develop in -100 Fahrenheit? because it's not a comfortable temperature for any living organism known so far? Even if there were Earth-like conditions on an alien planet. Evolution could have taken aliens on a million different paths of development. Evolution is shaped by luck, unpredictable events (ice ages, meteors etc.), geography and more. They might have completely different biology which means different language and understanding of reality. I think Mathematics is very much dependent on the mind, and it is a modern invention. There are Native tribes that have a very different language structure and cognitive understanding of reality, not like any modern languages. Yet, they can do basic addition and subtraction without any concept of numbers. Interesting perspective about alien perception is depicted in the movie "Arrival" (2016). The aliens there don't even have the concept of Time, let alone mathematics. Here is an example of human silliness. Today, we all image aliens on a sort of flying discs. But before the first human flight was possible (around 1900), when people had no concept of airplanes, everybody imagined aliens using boats for transportation. People thought aliens would come on a vessel from the ocean. This goes to show that we project a lot of our own reality when we conceptualize about aliien species. But I think we can never know for sure.
  8. I agree that our society totally mistreats nature. However, consider this before getting rid of humans: Human consciousness is a higher order phenomenon in the universe. Evolution and emergent complexity happens in nature for a reason. Each higher stage system brings new experiences into reality. Without human there wont be the experience of human love, thought, contemplation, human intelligence, human perception, engineering, research, friendship, belief, leadership, family and so on.. The Universe wants to experience the full blast of everything possible (including the "bad" stuff). I don't think we can just take away some aspect of it.
  9. @Leo Gura oh sweet! should I get one of these Ascent Vaporizers then?
  10. @Leo Gura You are right, I was rushing and didn't appreciate the dept of each insight. I was doing so because I only have a small window to experiment with psychedelics right now, before I get soaked into the business of life. From now on I will slow down and be more prepared for next time. I'll look into HCL to freebase conversion as well.
  11. @outlandish I didn't want to share my dosages because they were much higher than the general trend, and produced lesser results for me. Which makes me think that either my substance is not pure, i'm losing most of it during administration or some strange body tolerance. But if you are curious, the trips happen 3 days in a row, here are the dosages: First trip was 18mg with nasal snorting as RoA. Second trip was 34mg snorted. Third trip i did something stupid that I DO NOT recommend. First I used 31mg with rectal administration, aka plugging. When I was coming to the peak (after about 15 min) ,I felt frustrated with not getting a breakthrough so I snorted another 21mg. Which just prolonged the peak and didn't gave me a breakthrough anyway. I was only confident in doing so because I knew the affects of this specific substance on my body. From now on, I will stick to just plugging and increase the dose gradually, snorting makes me nauseous and I'm left with dry nose and slight nose bleed the day after.
  12. Hello Actualizers, Question here for experienced Psychonauts about 5-MeO DMT, to help me get the best experience. ( sorry for badly written English ) So I got my hands on 5-MeO-DMT HCL (Wasn’t difficult since it’s legal in my country). It does have a different color (dark-purple) than in the US (brown/white), but I got it from reliable source and the molecular structure looks the same. I got no prior experience with psychedelics. I’ve took it 2 times so far, with snorting as RoA. First time, I took 18mg, second time 34mg. My procedure is the following: Weigh the substance in one chunk Put it on the table and split into two rows Lightly snort the rows by putting my nose next to the table (no straw). I’ve read that you are not supposed to snort it very hard, and I thought with the straw it will bypass the blood vessels in the nose. First trip, I’ve sat straight on the couch and lifted my head in kind of horizontal position (looking at the selling). Second trip, I was lying on the bed with chin lifter up. During the come-up, I did felt increased heart rate and shivering. I felt slight burning in my nose, and the sensation of substance going down my throat (not a lot). My visual field got slightly distorted, like looking into one of those curved mirrors. My nostrils became very dry and filled with kind of sticky substance. No terror or panic attack feelings. Both experiences were amazing! I felt very deep love and emotional connection to everything. Very similar to what was described in this forum on a small dose. However, the Ego was still there, I was still thinking and rationalizing (no breakthrough to the Absolute). What’s more, the 34mg dose felt very much like 18mg.. All that makes me wonder if I’m doing something wrong. I’m pretty confident in the substance, same molecular structure C13H18N2O.CIH (not sure what .CIH means though). I weighed the substance more or less properly. The first time I messed up a little bit, not entirely confident it was 18mg. But the second time, I’ve calibrated a couple of time, measure the full bottle before and after, measured the container before and after a couple of time. I subtracted the differences and took an average of about 10 readings. I got 34mg, thought probably around 4mg was wasted just in the process of snorting. So my conclusion is that my lame snorting skills prevent me from experiencing the blast. Alternatively, I might have a tolerance for 5-MeO, or my Ego is just super dense. I’ve re-watched Leo’s video “5-MeO - The Magic Pill to Enlightenment & God” and made a couple of points to try for my next trip: Measure the substance in two doses for each nostril Use plastic straw or paper to snort Tilt the head completely upside down Massage the nostrils for good 10 minutes I will try all that for my next trip and see if I get any better results. If you do have experience with 5-MeO or snorting in general, please let me know what I missed or how you do it… (also wondering if the receptors in the nose located higher up inside the air chambers or right after the nostrils) Thank you!
  13. @Girzo Around 24 hours passed between the trips. First trip lasted for about one hour with 15min come-up, 15min peak and 30min slowly coming down. Second trip happened the day after, with about 10min come-up, 10min peak and around 20min coming to base-line consciousness.
  14. Thanks for replies @Enlightenment I am considering smoking freebase as alternative, but right now I only have HCL and I'm afraid I'll mess up converting it to freebase. @Wow I will do my best @DrMobius Yea it might not be pure, definitely some coloring added in the process. I got it from a Chemical vendor known on Psychedelic forums but you never know.. @Leo Gura Thanks Leo, I will give nasal snorting one more try and do plugging next. @fabriciom It's not like recreational drugs. Its a medicine.. and what do you mean by getting high, you can say meditation is a way of getting high.. maybe meditation causes slight increase in 5-MeO in the brain. Feeling excited is a type of high, caused by Serotonin. If every emotion and state can be described chemically, why single out psychedelics..
  15. Great modern day mathematician Edward Frankel . Shows that stage Yellow is very spiritual, and when you take mathematics to the limit, you have a small gimps of Infinity. @Leo Gura Leo, check him out.
  16. Watch Michael Moore - Where to invade next. He has a section on prisons in Norway. Seems like its a much better approach to reform criminals - through love.
  17. Sounds like you are very excited about Spiral Dynamics, can't stop thinking about it. Consider some unpleasant points that come with the model, you might stop thinking about it as much: SD brings to light that there is much misunderstanding and hatred between different groups in society. And that is it almost inevitable until stage Yellow. SD shows that our civilization still have much development to do. consider that most un-developed countries are Red-Blue, and "developped" once, only Blue-Orange. If you are practicing SD honestly and objectively with yourself, it really exposes your weaknesses and limiting paradigms. (not very exciting) At the end, SD is limited, as its just one model. There exist many other topology systems that describe human beings. But they all fall short when you actually consider how complex we are.
  18. In "Spiral Dynamics Integral" book, Don Beck speculates that past Yellow, the stages sort of loop around. Stages of Tier 1 are revisited, but on a much higher plane and level of consciousness. For example, stage Purple can be some what similar in appearance to stage Turquoise. Both are communal, in touch with nature and selfless. People in those levels on development seem to be able to tap into a higher form of perception. He described for example, how Purple hunter-gatherers were able to find water and animals from miles away, there were able to predict the weather and navigate effortlessly through desserts of Africa. This is ofcourse just a speculation. But would be cool to see a higher Tier 2 Orange fighting intergalactic space-war one day ?
  19. I'm not a web-developer, but i'm familiar with the field. Start with understanding of the web in general: whats a server, or a client? what is front-end development? how it differs from back-end? Move to HTML 5 and CSS: Learn the HTML frameworks, DOM, how to style properly and build a static web-page Start playing with JavaScript: Learn JS frameworks, HTTP POST and GET requests and build interactive web-page. When you are comfortable with all of the above, pick ONE specific back-end framework/language and be good at it: JS - nodeJS PHP C# - .NET Python - Django RubyOnRails etc. This will also require you to learn mySQL or other databases, but that's part of the framework. It may seems like a lot, but its not rocket science. In my opinion, Web-dev market is actually saturated. You might want to really develop those skills deeply, and go beyond, to distinguish yourself from others. And do a Google search on road-map to becoming web-developer, you will find more material than you can handle.
  20. I feel like a lot of it has to do with your mental state, as well as external factors. If you are motivated and driven by something, its much easier to spend less time sleeping. You've mentioned starting University, maybe you just found yourself at a transition point between high-school and college, not sure what to expect and where to move forwards. If that's the case, your psychological state is normal and it will pass. Keep in mind though, that 8 or at best 9 hours of sleep, if you are doing lots of meditation/exercise, is enough for the human body. More than that, and it's just your mind coming up with reasons to be lazy and escape reality.
  21. Sorry I don't have a book suggestion. But I really like the way Ralston approaches the subject of Love.