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Everything posted by Arthur

  1. I just copy the name of the book, or the author and use Google Play Books for e-book purchasing. You can use the app or view the books from your browser on any device. I've never had trouble finding the right version for the 5-star rated books on Google books, might be different for less known material thought.
  2. I've never had habit of reading paper-cover books (maybe because I'm from a newer generation where media is prevalent) I do read E-books thought, on Google Play Books with my smartphone or laptop. In my opinion here are the benefits: e-book prices are lower than paper-cover, and I find Google e-book prices lower than Amazon's. your library stays with you where-ever you go, and since its all store in google's cloud, you have access from any device with internet. easy to read at night because of the back-light. This might be a negative point for some people, but I find newer smartphones all have night-light software feature that filters blue light. Also with the new OLED display technology, the phone's battery does drain as much. Hope I helped