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Everything posted by Torkys

  1. @Prabhaker Definitely not Osho Dynamic Meditation... By the way, I think that your monkey mind just gave up after 10-15 minutes. Experienced this, I combine SDS with Do Nothing though. It's normal and awesome. I can agree with @cetus56, keep it up!
  2. When I listen to music, sometimes I hear a line which sticks in my head and I am almost forced to think about it. I will share the two lines I contemplate on. The first line comes from a Hungarian song, the first line of this song caught my attention: "Be kell csuknod a szemed / úgy láthatsz meg engemet", which roughly translates to "You need to close your eyes, / that way you will see me". What could this thing be? It does not matter that the next line is "To conquer my heart, / you need to know my soul"... Could this be Nothingness, God, both, or something completely different? The second line is from Kygo's and Selena Lopez's It Ain't Me. It is just a fraction of a line, but it sounds very paradoxical: "Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?". You can exchange waking up with awakening, and get "Who's awakening?". If this refers to spiritual enlightenment, it means that "you" awaken when you realize that there is no one to be awakened. Kinda freaky and paradoxical. What do you think about these? Do you have other lines like these?
  3. The strength of the Do Nothing technique is that the monkey mind can express whatever it wants and "you" need to watch it, it does not matter where it goes. It can be used to create emotional mastery and to see the seperation between pain and suffering. If you are frustated when you are automatically jumping to the Mindfulness meditation, let it be. If you are being calm while your mind does the other technique, let it be like that. You will still do the technique either way and getting the "benefits" of it.
  4. I am referring to words like good, bad, worth etc. These words have no intrinsic value and people throw them like they are the most important words ever. I would like to see a list like this from @Leo Gura.
  5. What the hell? For me, SDS actually helped me to tolerate physical and mental pain (I'm a newbie, I do 20-30 minutes of it per day). Slow down and do the amount of strong determination sitting that you feel comfortable with + 5/10 minutes (you can add more if you want to be more hardcore). This will make you push your comfort zone slowly. Also, if you are doing it, stop judging the pain that comes up and just notice it AS IT IS. You can do this by doing a labeling technique or you can also do a "concentration practice" focusing on outer feel the feelings in your body). With the latter technique, if you are judging, you are not concentrating on the outer feel, so you need to get back to it.
  6. I thought about the question "Who am I?" and did the Neti Neti guided meditation by Leo with great effect. I thought I knew the answer, but knowing that enlightment isn't rational knowing, I started my first session of self-inquiry. My thought process in a nutshell: I very quickly scanned through the body and with the knowledge of if my body parts were changed piece by piece I would be still me (sort of a Ship of Theseus story), I realized that I am not the body, with the exeption of my brain which has to have the same neuron connections as "my old" brain. With a very similar process of thinking I discovered that I am not "my" experiences. I found one experience which I couldn't say I would exist without: my birth. Here I wasted around 5 minutes thinking that this birth experience I am looking for is the one when I experienced the "real world" for the first time. I realized that the moment I am looking for is when I started experiencing life in my mother's womb. What can I pinpoint? - I asked myself. I am not the human being - this thing could experience life in a body of a turtle, any time, any place, so I am not linked to time and place. I am not the first sound - I would be still alive without it. I am not the "touch" - I could exist without it. This is where I started becoming frustated. What is it that makes me me? I believed the answer before: consciousness, awereness, or presence. The breakthrough was this question: If there is nothing sensory to experience, what would I be? "I created" a term for it: ability to experience. Again, I believed what Mooji said: "You are awereness without the concept of awereness". I asked myself the question: Would the "ability to experience" exist without the concept of it? "My" answer was a definite yes. Here is where I am stuck. Thoughts can only work in concepts. Without a concept, I couldn't know myself. I am looking for an experience with which I can "shut off" my mind and become one with the experience itself, so there is only the "ability to experience", which I can only think is the true I, remains. Did I fuck up? What should I do next? Namaste: Torkys
  7. You are not the human being. Do not believe in that.
  8. @PetarKa @Sevi I would recommend these videos. These changed my opinion. If you are lying about PD and spirituality, you are creating a self image for others which is not you. They will like/love the image, not your authenthic self. If you are serious about this stuff, stop lying and be authenthic! The people who reject you won't help you grow. Only the people who remain can make you "better". If you are hiding your "true self" (doing enlightment work, this is ironic to say), you are just creating conflict in yourself.
  9. Yupp, most people play the role of the victim. This video really shines the light on what makes real growth real growth. This is what most people don't accept. Deep down, you are the cause of every single emotion you have, 100%. In the perpective of Leo, this is his life purpose. On the other hand, self actualization/enlightment/mindfulness work is hard. In school, I read, I occasionally read books or meditate. People ask me: "What is this shit that you are reading/doing?", "Why don't you believe in God?", "Why do you meditate?". My best friend said that I am brainwashed by Leo. When everyone in focused on wordly success and joy, it's hard to stay true to your motivation. However, if you can't control the inner filter through which all infomation goes through, you will be a victim for life. Keep growing: Torkys.
  10. @Nahm I don't have a dry erase board, but I will try it on my laptop in a Word document for sure.
  11. @username Thank you very much for your response! My mind tends to go to other places. I already have a concetration exercise habit, I am at the start of it. I can focus on my breath for 2 minutes very well, today I will try 5 minutes. I can't find an online source which would explain the sattvic lifestyle. Can you recommend me something, please?
  12. @username It was just a temporary opinion, which I broke later on in my inquiry.
  13. @username This was a really helpful comment. Thanks for pointing out that I was in armchair philosopher mode! Another question I should ask myself is: "What is it that I am identifying as?" @Visitor Thanks for the tip! One question: what is it that I need to @Leo Gura This was my best guess. If I keep identifying with what I concluded before, I will never get anywhere. By the way, I did another 30 minutes of self-inquiry today. My conclusions are: I am NOT the one who is awere or percieving. Experiences can exist without 'em.
  14. @Leo Gura How to continue my self-inquiry? I feel stuck. Different angle? Continue from here? Ask the question again?
  15. @Leo Gura Thank you very much! Can you suggest any techniques for this? Sufi Whirling and Osho's Dynamic Meditation and Osho's Kundalini seem good for me, maybe I'll try those.
  16. Male instincts dude, male instincts... Leo also says in his "Masculinity vs Femininity" video that all that men want in women is just a nice face, body, booty and tits.
  17. Thanks for giving me the motivation to do a retreat! What techniques did you use and how many hours you meditatied per day on average?
  18. Leo explains it well in this video. Also, if you don't study, you don't know what you want. And yes,
  19. I think, I am not the only one who got inspired by your last retreat. I would like to see a guide on planning a retreat. I am also thinking about doing a meditation retreat at home, so I think that this would be useful. @Leo Gura, what do you think?
  20. You literally breaking your own "rule". And I am not hitting myself with a metaphorical hammer. It's the best description of what I thought and felt. (I need to check your Shadow Work post though )
  21. Hey everyone! My question is really serious, if I choose badly, I will piss away a heck alot of time and emotional labor. I am 14, I started this journey around 4 months ago. I came to know that the self is an illusion (not enlightment though), I am becoming more conscious of the fact what is worth doing. I think I watched 30+ hours of Leo's content, and it changed my preception of life. I came to a place where I think I need to decide how I should get emotional "control" and "control" over my "negative" emotions. I think I have 2 options: to experience pain to the point where suffering is no more, or I should find the beauty in physical and mental pain. I started doing Strong Determination "Lying" (because I am lying on my back when I meditate) combined with the Do Nothing technique for only around 30 minutes a day and I see drastic changes. I started seeing seperation between pain and suffering. It worked until I took a day off. After that day, I started becoming a fucking victim again and blaming others when I know deep inside that I am just a weak minded fucker. On the other hand, I am planning to become a (both materialistic and lifestyle) minimalist this summer and I have experienced finding beauty in everything a few times. One time I was sitting on a bus and looking through the window, I almost started crying seeing the beauty of nature and human engineering. This path seems valid too, but I find slowing down difficult (especially with exams comin' up and I don't have the right priorities in life). I see both paths valid. Which should I choose? Should I do both of these things? Are there other options? Thank you for your answers, I really appreciate 'em alot!
  22. @Nahm Thank you for making me awere of my own stupidity! I can do Strong Determination Sitting while just enjoying the present moment. @Visionary Can't be finding the beauty in everything just a surface level solution, aka fake growth? This caused me to seek help. Please write about your experiences! @SOUL Never thought of doing this through visualization! Thanks, awesome idea! Just to update you, I am really thinking about the "finding the beauty in everything" option. It would cover more things in "Leo's Sage Checklist", which is required to live a good life. Thank you for all of your answers so far!
  23. Hello, hope you are getting better! I have little experience with these kinds of existencial crises, but I will try to answer you questions. It may seem like that this mindstate will never go away, but nothing is permanent. Even though it may feel permanent, you can still get through it. According to Leo's research, it's a life of a sage. It can be painful to get to - your ego will mess with you alot, it will beg you to live an unconscious life. Notice that "negative" emotions always come from the inside, and that awereness alone is curative. Because the ego wants it's desires to be fulfilled. If it does not get happiness, pleasure or anything what it values as "positive", it will feel bad. And no, there is no absolute good and bad, it can be proved by logic and direct experience. All religions, cultures and people can have different ideas of "good" and "bad" and you can't prove any of them right. This is where I need to be very careful, otherwise I could fuck you up. An easier solution would be to chase pleasure if you can. Go out and find what makes you happy and do it! You will understand that there is better alternatives than being depressed and not doing anything against it. A harder, but more productive solution would be to see how you have low consciousness and dig into your depression. Watch yourself being depressed and see how you create the situation. Go, contemplate and meditate! Get the most out of it to raise your consciousness! Hope I helped you! I wish you the best!