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Everything posted by Torkys

  1. @NoSelfSelf If you build up to it, you can let go of control without any effort. I have been slacking off on meditation recently so it became really hard to not engage in thought stories.
  2. Set the intention to not control your mind If you take control cease the control It's really that simple. No need to philosophize. Just don't control your mind and you are doing it right.
  3. @Ether But affirmations change experience and experiences change you
  4. See my replies. Same applies for books. (these comments got a lot of reputation points back in the day)
  5. More of a reason to use the Do Nothing technique more. Yeah, it seems like you have serious shit in your subconscious.
  6. By thinking that these thoughts are negative, you create even more negative thoughts. Ta-da! This doesn't justify you suppressing your commentary on your self-talk though. It's just resistance and it speeds up the metaphorical treadmill even more. Other than that, I will give @Nahm a non-existent reputation point. You most likely haven't experienced deeper levels of comprehension yet. If you aren't aware this shit you are talking about in your current direct experience, you have just scratched the surface while thinking you are at rock bottom.
  7. No surprise! It's non-dual It is a consequence of my original statement itself: All analyses are false, but this itself in an analysis, therefore it is false, therefore all analyses are true. But wait, this was an analysis in itself, so this means that the previous analysis is false, therefore all analyses are false. But wait, this was an analysis too. ...
  8. These thoughts have a reason to be there, even if they aren't wishes. Have you had an experience related to death before you started having these experiences? Is there something that these people's deaths would bring you that you have an emotional connection to? Other than that, @Shin's advice is awesome. Allowing yourself to sink into these thoughts/emotions will help you tremendously. What I would add is: try triggering these thoughts before going into meditation if you feel comfortable with the Do Nothing technique. Observing them will bring you SO MUCH information about the situation. I can't express how much this helped me in the past.
  9. Mine is my current signature: All analyses are false. By analyzing, you turn experience into something that it is not - symbols -, making any analysis false. By that logic, you can call logic metaanalysis. This is why science won't arrive at truth using the scientific method.
  10. @John Iverson Going meta is a concept that has no real definition, best understood by citing examples, but it is basically using a thing on itself. Examples: Making a film about making a film Falling in love in falling in love Beliefs about beliefs (metabeliefs) Passing away of the passing away Judging judgements Not resisting not resisting etc. @Sahil Pandit This is a real golden nugget. Going meta destroys double standards and generally destroys ignorance. If you apply this: You will stop judging other people who are judging because you see a double standard Stop calling people egotistical because by doing so you are serving your self-agenda just like them You arrive at true skepticism because you start to question the evidence of evidences etc. This is a real golden nugget, people.
  11. @Shin BuT tHe BrAiN DoEs NoT eXiSt
  12. Including this one Skepticism is self-defeating and it's just beautiful.
  13. @Shin Got ya! Now you are really feeling like this:
  14. I started laughing alot in the past weeks. I realized alot of things, laughter is my reaction to absurdity.
  15. Do your plans include activating your 2nd chakra? Well, meet me in the astrals
  16. @Shin Welcome, you are. You made my day by telling me that this made your day. Meta-making-of-each-others'-days! Much non-dual!
  17. @Shin When you make a post that would get you so much easy reputation points by fondling others' egos' balls, but you realize that the reputation system is disabled.
  18. The baby is Mister "ASKANDTHOUSHALTRECIEVECLICKBAITMOTHAFUCKA" (he made clickbait titles promising to be a reaction video to Leo's videos but he talked about completely different things).
  19. Well, he suffered so much and resisted so much that he realized that it was just an illusion and pointless. Until then, there was no growth. The dropping of resistance was his enlightenment.
  20. pain × resistance = suffering resistance = 1 / growth Therefore: growth = pain / suffering Increasing suffering won't directly lead to growth. Notice that if you only increase suffering, growth will actually decrease. Decreasing resistance to suffering will make growth happen, you can only do this if you suffer, but don't think that mere suffering in itself will bring growth.
  21. @Omario I have the realization deep within me and it is my automatic "reaction" to most events, but I fail to realize it being in more intense situations and sometimes fail to go meta (judging other for being a victim while being unaware that I am being a victim when I say this). Awareness alone is curative. Self-reflect and allow.
  22. Hate to break the chain of positive comments, but make sure you do not delude yourself. You may get motivated by a video, get a piece of knowledge, and start to take action, but the question is: will it stick? (I may have just triggered you unconsciously) I remember thinking the same thing before I was proven wrong by a shocking event MONTHS later. It was horrible, but still a huge wakeup call. This needs to be hardwired. Even though I have been conscious of the fact that I am not a victim for at least 10 months now, my mind still does shit that contradicts this. Even language supports you for having low consciousness assumptions. Come back months later and if you say the same thing, I would be amazed.
  23. The fact that you think this is a problem means that you still resist. Resistance and disinterest are different things. But what do a bunch of symbols even mean? Allow everything. Surrender. Resisting will just worsen your situation. Good, @Shin, good, let the depression flow through you! Stay strong, my friend!