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Everything posted by Torkys

  1. What do you mean by rewriting exactly?
  2. @captainamerica I can't notice any difference in my intelligence when it comes to everyday life because this is just a state that I can get into. However, I did a case study on myself just for you to test my problem-solving skills with and without Infinite Intelligence. So I present to you: The first ever amateur case study done on the forum (as far as I know) If I would have solved puzzles, it would have been a challenge to generate unique puzzles each time I solve a puzzle so didn't bother with that option. The game I thought would be the best at determining if Infinite Intelligence really increased my problem-solving abilities is Tetris. Hypothesis: Playing a game of Tetris using Infinite Intelligence will get the player more points on average than playing without it. (Holy shit, I take this way too seriously) So I first played 5 games of Tetris "normally" and after that, I played 5 games using Infinite intelligence. I made sure that it is as "objective" as possible and I leave no room for placebo. So here are the results: As you can see, on average with Infinite Intelligence ("II") got 38% more points than the one without it. So, according to this "study", I will increase my intelligence by 38% if I fully embody Infinite Intelligence
  3. @Pernani I don't how if it was the combination of the indirect way you asked and your profile picture but I was like this when you asked that question : By the way, while I was listening to Leo's video about Islam and he talked about channeling, I looked it up, I found a guide to automatic writing. It is very similar to what I do but I don't write shit down. So apparently I already know how to channel
  4. Even though I am not clear how I got to this state, I will try my best to break down my journey that brought me to this state. I have had a strong intuition since I was like 8 years old manifesting in different forms but the earlier forms were unpure and infused with ego - I am 15 now. Developing your intuition is essential. If you achieve this, you will be using the intelligence of consciousness - which is hard to believe until you experience it. This means purifying yourself to be connected to Being for Being itself without wanting anything from it. Reason is essentially intuition (the intelligent property of consciousness) - the only thing separating you from Infinite Intelligence is the rigidity of your mind and your beliefs. I have meditated for a year now using the Do Nothing technique which was really important for setting up the connection. Authenticity is the source of all spiritual purification and my number one value is authenticity - I embraced it as a lifestyle. Despite the fact that I have useless activities and habits in my life, I am somehow able to break through the crap, most likely I unconsciously anchored Infinite Intelligence to being alone. I think being alone is a great way to get this to work but this is just a theory - if any of you have done a retreat and experienced this, let me know. @abrakamowse You are welcome Now you have my "guide" to achieve it if you don't know how.
  5. I have 3 things to do to move along the path: Remove the distractions from my life Get more practice in Find my life purpose / passion. 1. Distractions are killing my ability to do deep personal development work, namely social media (which I ironically need for school), video games and entertaining videos. I struggle to find other "filler activities" and ways to relax without being connected to the internet (which is a serious subtle addiction of mine). Video games give me challenges to accomplish which without a purposeful life is close to impossible to get in my life. 2. Even though I realized my whole life should be a spiritual practice and meditation / conscious life is the lifestyle, it is still challenging to sit down to meditate or to contemplate. I always did meditation for the pleasant feelings that come from being conscious, not for consciousness itself which frustrates me. Contemplation is hard because of the crap I consume and I don't have the motivation to do my spiritually beneficial hatha yoga practice. 3. I think this will be my saving grace. I am doing life purpose work which got catalyzed by the fact I have been channeling Infinite Intellgence. I am getting really, really close to finding my life purpose but I think I might not be ready for the emotional release Steve Pavlina's exercise may bring. Even though I am sorting these out, I want to read your advice and see what angle do you come at this from. And thanks for being awesome!
  6. I have experienced this - even though I am still identified with my body. "Oh, this sensation supposed to be painful." "This supposed to hurt but I am not resistant to this anymore" - I have said these to myself multiple times
  7. I have never experienced vibrations - seems like alot of possibilities are ruled out just because of this fact. I will observe an unpleasant sensation next time it arises - thank you so much for telling me for to experience vibrations. Pain threatens your body/identity.
  8. Remember that pain and suffering aren't the same thing. suffering = pain × resistance 1 / suffering = freedom Pain does not create suffering by itself, resistance is the multiplier. So no, pain by itself isn't the way to freedom, releasing resistance is. If you torture yourself for 10 hours straight, the pain itself won't liberate you, it's the surrender to it that will. Also, see this post where we discussed a very similar position:
  9. @iamme If you have the balls, go and work towards enlightenment directly and as much as possible. Don't settle with being mentally metastable. With total enlightenment "you" will get the ultimate emotional and mental center which nothing can disturb.
  10. @Samra Your art is amazing. I love to see such dedication. Keep it up and don't stop growing! I will request when I will find my life purpose. I need to do some life purpose work, I am getting so fucking clooose to figuring it out!
  11. Are you siding with Truth or ego and homeostasis here? Truth = Radical honesty no matter how much the ego is hurt and what is lost in the process Ego = Withholding authenticity to keep getting benefits / to avoid punishment from a relationship that otherwise would be damaged / collapse from radical honesty Being sided with ego is being metastable and the tendency to be metastable destroys lives. There is no balance. You would ideally move towards 100% authenticity and honesty on your journey of self-actualization. And no, do not worry, brutal honesty fully purified is not egotistical.
  12. @Ether You started out being the biggest threat to my ego here and now you are my hero. I still remember the good ol' times when I had more posts than you. Now you have 7 times more than I do. *insert crying emoji*
  13. @Ayilton And that's how the two legends met. If you two will become big rappers, we can say we were here at the start. @Ether, @Shin would be proud of ya.
  14. @Ayilton There are exactly 50 shades of grey
  15. As I said, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Becoming completely yourself and seeming more confident may go different ways. If you want confidence without purification and ego destruction go to the youtube channel "Charisma Matrix" and learn some tricks. Real self-acceptance and confidence come from living an authentic life which will cost you parts of your ego and giving up resistance. And if you want to hear that you being authentic will destroy your insecurity - even though I haven't had social anxiety - I am the living proof.
  16. @wakeel55 The end of the tunnel is your death - or your ego's death if this makes it seem less frightening. Don't be so quick to look at spiritual purification as a quick solution. Even though it is a permanent solution it is emotionally challenging. I discovered the power of authenticity in an enlightenment like experience, I took the insight to heart and this is what I got: Deeper connections with people Truth Reduced anxiety Caring less of what people think of me Integration Consciousness Being clear about my values What authenticity releases may never hurt you again. Apart from raw purification work, contemplation is a really good tool as well.
  17. @mohdanas @egoeimai You are welcome! Maybe I will make a post about this crush experience because it was intense and profound and I learned alot from it. I just gotta make sure that I don't share too much personal info.
  18. @mohdanas What if I told you that you aren't actually in love with someone, and you want to defend an emotion, not the person itself? You stay in love even if seems irrational because the emotional highs are worth the suffering you will endure. I wouldn't have experienced being in bliss for 2 hours if it weren't for a crush. I can't speak about breakups but yes, having a heartache isn't accidentally linked to being rejected or breaking up. Yes, it's about the energy system. As for truly letting go? Trigger the emotion and let it wear off (meditating while doing so is extremely powerful).
  19. Sounds like stuff is being repressed here, not expressed. As a Do Nothing technique advocate, I would recommend trying the Do Nothing technique. There you allow these violent pull-backs to express thenselves. If you are developing concentration and/or mindfulness with awareness of breath, shit ain't gonna work if you repress your reaction and backwards rationalize not expressing it. It will always be there and bite you in the ass. Even if you don't go for Do Nothing, at least notice your reaction and observe it happening, then return to your breath.
  20. I have experienced this. You need to have a subconscious reason for these thoughts to be here. Try to find what is in the blank space in this next sentence: "I would rather die than to _______________". If you can figure this out, you are on track. Feel into it and contemplate why this emotion is there. It's okay; don't beat yourself up for feeling this way - unless this is the things that needs to be released, you shouldn't rationalize it away if that's the case. What all emotional healing comes down to is authenticity. Authenticity is the source of all spiritual purification. If you add to your personality, shit isn't gonna leave you. Some useful links:
  21. You know what? This forum actually is nothing but a circle jerk. Yes, the hedonic treadmill is a bitch and you won't get unconditional fulfillment unless you die but be careful not to project. There is blind chasing and there is conscious life purpose. Two completely different things. And yes, Leo does get ALOT of satisfaction from what he's doing with "The really "spiritual" people would say: "Hey, but Leo, there is nothing to do, stop chasing" [...] Well, what I have to say to you is to go fuck yourself! Because [...] this is the stupidest idea I have ever heard" - Leo Gura, 2k17
  22. Calm the fuck down, @egoless. Most likely some things happened to you which made such an impact on you that you are still shaped by them. "I need no conceptual knowledge" "Follow only direct experience" "The subconscious exists" "All teachings are beliefs" These are nothing but beliefs you are trying to rant against. Teachings can be useful. They are the reason (+direct experience) you even started following this path.
  23. "The only way to truly surrender to reality is to not fucking care"