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About digirob

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/12/1985

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    Dallas, TX
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  1. Hello forum! This is actually my first ever post. I've been a longtime follower of Actualized.org, but never really needed to post until now. I'm studying User Experience Design and the project my group decided on was to design an app to aid in self-actualization. Leo is a definitely an inspiration for this, and with this community's input I'd love to build it up enough to show it to him one day! I will share mockups later this week, but for now I need to ask some research questions. If you could take a moment to provide your feedback it would greatly help this project! Just copy the survey below and insert your answers: Are you interested in an app for Self-Actualization? Why? What are the main things you would want in such an app? Rate your desire for the following features on a scale of 1 (don't care at all) - 10 (absolutely want): Learn about the history of different techniques (ie meditation, affirmations) Rate on a scale of 1 (don't care at all) - 10 (absolutely want): Learn about the implementation of different techniques 1-10: Connect with others via forums and messages in app 1-10: Watch videos 1-10: Watch videos with others and be able to chat during 1-10: Do worksheets/assignments on self-actualization techniques 1-10: Track progress in implementation of self-actualization techniques 1-10: Receive reminders of implementation of self-actualization techniques 1-10: Link to outside self-help resources 1-10: Any other thoughts? Thank you very much for your help, all feedback is appreciated. I will keep everyone posted