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Everything posted by ttm

  1. As I have many times said, there's nothing wrong in it if it's placebo as long as it's understood that it will not cure any medical conditions, for example that cancer. Why do you think I want to hinder people from getting help from anything? Where have I said that? I want to people to get the most realistic understanding about what kind of help they can get and where. I agree that there's more to life than science, but it's really dangerous to just dismiss science as "delusion in itself". Because you know, scientific method really is a)best and b)only tool we have to gather reliable information we can about things that are scientifically observable. It's only bad to try to use science where it does not apply. But claims about physical health are things that really are physically measurable, and we can really scientifically investigate whether or not the claims describe the physical reality.
  2. Yeah, that's why it would be so important to teach people science. It's unbelievably easy to fool a human brain to believe just about anything and the biases are huge. What do you think is the reason why those significant results vanish when studied scientifically?
  3. Ideal for what? You can't fully experience your meal if your focus is on something else. Though, if you manage to get the food inside your body, it undoubtedly will get the physical benefits from that energy source. Do you want to use that specific moment to experience the food or the video/text/any other thing you might focus on, instead of all the sensations you get from chewing that dead piece of cow/lettuce?
  4. Yeah, it's not so simple that thing x is good/bad because it's natural/external/psychoactive. Things can be beneficial for health even if they also can be harmful to health. It depends. But I think that scientific research has shown that coffee consumption is not a huge issue if you're not extra-sensitive to caffeine, which then can lead to adverse effects when consumed excessively (which can be surprisingly low amount for those who react powerfully to caffeine). So if you don't feel it causes any problems I think it's pretty safe, although it could be interesting to have a few weeks without consuming any caffeine (or any other drugs for that matter) just to get to feel how addicted you really are to all these chemicals and how it feels to be without them. It might give some new insights and perspectives to the questions like why to use such drugs, are there more beneficial than adverse effects, is there too high risks etc.
  5. You're welcome. It's heartbreaking for me to see how gullible people are with these things. I've seen countless people to lose their money and health when trying to get results from different kinds of bullshit which scientific research has shown to be ineffective and worthless. I know that it makes no difference to that kind of mind if there's million posts telling and showing that it does not work, when there's even one who says that "ye, ye, it works", maybe with anecdotes how it really changed my sisters cousins life, the confirmation bias kicks in and another miserable soul has been lost to Satan.
  6. @Pallero I don't know, try to make a web search for "positivity/energy/motivation guided meditation [your location/online]". Or guide your own meditations. Or go to reiki, as I said, just be aware of what you expect from it and what you can get from it.
  7. There are lots of snake oil sellers and ponzi/pyramid schemes among these. At least here in Finland there seems to be something shady in about every MLMs business. So, I would be very skeptical, as usual. It's a good sign that you should stay away from it if it's hard to understand how the payment system works. So I recommend to get the information about how much you must sell to earn x amount of money and think if the effort what it takes would be worth it. If there's lots of bonuses and levels etc. variables and if you have any troubles to clearly understand how that money comes and goes, it might be better to stay away.
  8. @Henri I totally agree that this conversation is useless. You just blew my mind.
  9. Sorry, no effects there.
  10. @Henri I meant that it could be harmful if psychedelic drug is taken and mind starts to ask questions like "what if I damaged my nervous system now, it surely feels very weird, and now I remember that dude on the Internet said that it would happen" etc. But so I thought that the information didn't come from clinical studies or other scientific research. Do you really trust your guru so much that you don't check anything he says from external sources? What bell you hoped that dutch-thing would ring?
  11. @Henri Sounds like "argument from widely believed facts" and is presented in needlessly intimidating way even if the claim actually was factually correct.
  12. Yeah, well, I didn't say that. I did say that if you spend your life laying on the couch and watching tv, you don't get very far on your spiritual journey regardless of whether you was under the influence of cannabis or not. Which would be the primary evidence for that watching tv is growth limiting, but it isn't actually evidence of anything, just statements. But this is starting to feel too much like defending daily pot smoking, which is not my intention. I wouldn't recommend daily pot smoking, but given arguments for it being inevitably preventing has been in my opinion very questionable. @Henri What do you mean by saying "there's a change that it will harm your nervous-system"? If you're still talking about cannabis, I haven't heard of its possibly harmful effects to nervous system, so it would be interesting to learn more about this.
  13. @The Alchemist You shouldn't think that if it actually helps or if it's placebo. What you described sounds a bit like effects which you could get for example from guided meditation sessions. The effects are real and could be really helpful, as long as kept in mind that those are really the effects of you allowing yourself to feel those things (energy, positivity, motivation) and not hoped that yeah, it will cure my cancer if I just believe enough. Although there are those who claim that modifying physical objects is possible through meditation, always of course they would actually demonstrate that "later, when it resonates", I find that one a claim not to be believed until proven.
  14. Yes, it is important to understand that, but unfortunately many does not. But if that is understood, does not the question "is it real" really become "does this reiki get my energy flowing and healing minor issues such as demotivation and tiredness better than if I used all the same time and energy in meditation or other self-actualization process?"? If yes, then it's helpful, if no, then it's better to do something else.
  15. It's good to be open-minded, but not so open-minded that your brains will drop out. If you do some research on the subject, you'll find out that Reiki is not effective treatment for any medical condition. Although reiki can really be as effective as any placebo, it could be harmful to believe that it has some mystical unkown-to-science ability to heal beyond that, because it can lead to a mindset which causes someone to not get real treatment in time. Steve Jobs was one sad example of this.
  16. Isn't every state chemically induced? I would say using cannabis does not have to prevent you from anything (just like coffee for example), it all depends on your intentions and motives, and the actions you take while high. If you take cannabis to escape reality and all you do is sit on the couch watching television while high, it's guaranteed you're not making much progress on your spiritual path (or any other path for that matter, you just keep getting better at watching television, which of course is fine also, if the best television watcher of the world is something you really want to be). But it's really the sitting on the couch and doing nothing aspect which prevents you.