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Everything posted by ttm

  1. Two questions: Why would anyone have to do it a)at all b)in a very specific way?
  2. Hi. You should consider, that when you are experiencing "those elves", it's still ALL YOU. Now, when you say that you should check everything they are saying, and that there are "opposing groups" (I assume by that you mean that they have "different messages") - think about this: isn't that exactly like with your everyday thoughts? That "elves asked me a question and told me that I shouldn't talk about it"-business sounds a lot like you're creating yet another private bubble for yourself to exist as something separate from others. Isn't that exactly what we do regardless of whether we believe in elves or not? We believe in "I", and it's clear proof of "I"'s existance, that there's this place where "I" can have all these problems and questions and challenges "I" should do something about and nobody else could ever undestand, no? I have no hard time to believe that what you have described is your experience of what have happened. The nature of experience is just widely misunderstood, as it feels so real, it's held as if it's the objective reality. And of course, everyone thinks that they experience the reality as it is, but those, who don't experience it the same way, are either liars or crazy people...
  3. Here's my take on this: class Person { public $fucked_up; public function __construct() { $fucked_up = true; } public function born() { $self->start_processing(); } private function start_processing() { $data = $self->get_input(); try { $this->create_feelings($data); } catch (StackOverflowException $e) { if ($self->get_random_boolean() == true) { $fucked_up = false; } else { $this->self_destruct(); } } } // in order to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion private function create_feelings($input) { $this->create_thoughts($input); } private function create_thoughts($input) { $this->create_feelings($input); } private function get_random_boolean() { return false; // value was randomly choosen by fair coin flip } } while ($people_are_still_having_sex == true) { $person = new Person(); $person->born(); }
  4. Counter-Note: If you are sleeping in your own room, consider buying a light alarm (or blackmail your parents to buy one for you). It's easy to wake up without making noise when artificial sun shines through your eyelids.
  5. Yes there is. Do you have something specific in mind?
  6. And dancing does not differ from any other activity in the terms of what happens when "I" just let go. When there's no attachment, everything just flows. Be it dancing or washing dishes.
  7. That's a whole another issue, but there is a good evidence from countries that decriminalization of drug usage is overall harm reductive policy. And it is obvious that it's against human rights to punish from a victimless crimes.
  8. And then realize that a new "I" just sneaked in, and that is the one, who realized that there's no "I" and who's feeling so much better than the previous "I", because of all the realization. Repeat ad infinitum. Happened to me once or twice.
  9. Yes, I know exactly. And how liberating it is to get rid of every red line in your mind. Yes, and the demonization of drugs and dehumanization of drug users is a worldwide issue. It does not mean though that you couldn't liberate your mind without starting to use anything or even speaking about it publicly. I think that even your country is not strict about having no opinions at all about unknown things. What consequences do you think there would be if you went to public saying "I really don't have enough knowledge about drugs to form an informed opinion" instead of "drugs are bad, mmmmkayyyy?"
  10. There's no reason why you couldn't think about my questions right away. My message was not "you should take psychedelics" but "you shouldn't have so strong opinions about things you have no knowledge of". It's always good to ask "are my opinions grounded in reality". If opinions are very strict, it's often a sign that they are based on emotions.
  11. Why do you think Leo has changed his mind after that video? Don't you think that generally people have more accurate opinions of things when they have more knowledge of them? Don't you think that first hand experience gives you more accurate information than hearsay? If you do, why is psychedelics the subject of exception, why do you think that opinions about psychedelics are more accurate when they are based on hearsay rather than first-hand experience? What do you think about the positive results from scientific study of psychedelics, for example
  12. I should keep Poe's law in mind when participating in drug discussion...
  13. I'm not sure if a point I was trying to make was correctly understood. The whole point of that last line (and the planet deaths -image) was to be humorous in its absurdness. All I tried to say was that there is a whole lot of successful people who has used and will use cannabis (and other drugs). I did not say that it's because of weed that people has or has not accomplished things, but that it's at least proof that one does not have to fear that cannabis usage itself prevents from accomplishing great achievements in life. I had about a decade in my past when I used quite a few kilos of cannabis and I'm doing so great nowadays that I wouldn't ever imagine it to be even possible for me.
  14. Maybe they would've achieved the world peace by wiping out all human civilization except them (so, thank god for them being potheads!). It was only a sarcastic counterargument...
  15. Here's also few people who didn't let their cannabis usage to prevent to reach their full potential: ...then again, maybe they would've achieved a world piece or something if there was no pot to slow them down? Right?
  16. Is this some kind of competition? With a requirement to be an adult to participate? “When asked how many paths reach enlightenment, the monk kicked a heap of sand. ‘Count,’ he smiled, ‘and then find more grains.” How can you be so sure that the extrapolation from your experience to other people's experience is valid? For a person who dropped arguing, you surely seem to argue a lot.
  17. Ego

    No it's not. It's just another aspect of human experience which needs to be unconditionally loved. It's enemy only as long as it's treated as enemy.
  18. Yes, it's a matter of choice whether you love every being or allow your ego to lie to you that you can not accept reality until things go like you want. “To those who are good (to me), I am good; and to those who are not good (to me), I am also good;— and thus (all) get to be good. To those who are sincere (with me), I am sincere; and to those who are not sincere (with me), I am also sincere;— and thus (all) get to be sincere.” - Lao Tzu When true love comes from pure heart, it's completely effortless, so there can be no waste of effort.
  19. It's not so much that I want you to read books, but that if you want to grasp things, you want to read books. And the sooner you get from the position "I should read books" to "I want read books", the easier it becomes (obviously..). And remember that if it's so hard to read some books that you just can't get it done, there's no need to get stuck. It's better to skip a book and start another one already, than to not read at all.
  20. I do not see the connection there. Maybe it's the lack of true love in their lives that make them selfish? Why do you hate true love?
  21. Read books. All books you can find on subject. Even if you can't understand most of it at first. Everything seems vague at first and grasping things require constant practice. But with time anything you keep doing becomes an effortless part of your experience. Think about how many years you learned the language you are speaking now so effortlessly. Don't allow yourself to get frustrated from not getting results immediately and get the inspiration and motivation to continue from even the smallest improvements. Learning curve really is exponential, it can take months or even years without apparent progress, but it'll start to unfold eventually, and then it takes a rocket to previously unimaginable heights. And of course, as others said, continue meditating. It might be the most important habit one can ever create. "To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." - Lao Tzu
  22. I wouldn't be too worried. In any case you can not undo the past smoking, so it's best just to focus on the things you can do from now on to improve your experience of life. Also, in the end, all things happen just like they should. There is no other way, and one key to good mental health is accepting that. In my experience, that does not work so well. Much better thing to do is find the purpose for life and begin the path towards wanted things. Cannabis will drop out if it's so meant. As long as actions are arising from the idea that something should be stopped doing, it's constant struggle. Especially if there's no alternative things to focus on. Instead, if days are filled with meaningful activity, there's just no need to smoke that joint. And if then occasionally one is smoked, it doesn't have to create bad feelings and thoughts of failure.