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Everything posted by ttm

  1. Same way as previously, just use your imagination.
  2. You think it's weird that someone else doesn't engage in illegal activities that you enjoy doing? I'm sorry, but that's just stupid.
  3. Perhaps, but you might still hugely underestimate "the levels of awakening" which are achievable without it. Yeah. But the problem here is, that it could very well be the case, that actually you would want to be able to walk around. And still, it's possible to get such unable-to-walk-satori without psychedelics too. You might have made incorrect conclusions about what is achievable without psychedelics, from your lack of achievements without them. Why do you think it's so important to you in every turn and corner to underline how much more awoke you are than everyone else?
  4. It's both easier AND funnier to play stupid!
  5. Maybe guilt is a sign that you believe you should be meditating more. And there you already answered to that. You just haven't considered that those guilt and thoughts "I should be doing this instead of that" are just a new form of ego. Instead of focusing on "how am I going to get rid of my ego" you probably should focus more on "what is ego". That first one already assumes a lot, and there's a possibility that not every one of those assumptions are correct.
  6. Thanks but that was not what I asked. Of course it's kind of trivial to notice when you're more conscious than someone who's clearly asleep, but it gets trickier. How do you know if you are more intelligent than other? If the other person is stupid, it can be easy to see, but what if you're both geniuses? But, Leo said in his video that he knows this from "subtle clues which cannot be explained to you".
  7. Ha haa, that's hilarious! Work stuff for Libra: You can perform very well, or you might worsen your performance. Having a goal may help. Also, be careful with finances! Love stuff for Libra: You can have exciting year, but to achieve it, you have to be active. There might be small clues about feelings of others. If you and your partner have a problem, talk about it. How thoroughly did you think about this? Do you feel that connection with "You can have good or bad year. Doing something to make it better can help to make it better." is with Libra or might that be something which applies to every human being? Do you have more information on what astrology originally was? That would be interesting to hear.
  8. That may be due to the fact that most people have those assumptions and for the most of the rest those things are ideas and believes. It’s same with Leos videos, he keep telling how the viewer does not understand anything from his or her current consciousness level. Sometimes it feels like maybe those things could be said in different way, but it’s easier to ignore when remember that 99% of viewers probably match the description.
  9. @Leo Gura never mind, I just watched your latest video, you had foreseen these questions.
  10. It's beside the point whether or not the contents of a statement is "correct" or not. If it was somebody shouting "you fat stupid bastard" to another one and the question was whether or not there was judgement going on, conclusion "hmm, he sure seems fat, his mother is not married and based on our conversation I would say that he is not very smart, so no judgment there, only a statement of fact" would be.. misfocused? Is that even a word?
  11. Before this goes on the wrong track: neither there nor here I made any claims about whether or not the statement was "correct", or who is more conscious or isn't. I spoke about what was going on there at the background. But, you do think that Truth is not realizable without term "Love"? In the other thread, many pointed out that same thing as you do here, that Love = Truth (= Consciousness). Nobody there answered my question: if Love = Truth, why is it not possible to point to Truth by speaking of Truth? In the end, words are words, and embodying Love do not in any way require speaking about Love. It is what it is. Words are always pointers, at best. Besides: where does Leo's embodiment of Love actually shows?
  12. Mm-m. That statement of his sounds pretty much confirmation to what I was suspecting on the other thread where I considered that his "teachers who do not speak about Love has incomplete teachings" may be ego trick - he created his attachment to concept "Love" as a reason from which he could confirm that he is more conscious than Ralston. I'm not even sure how it could be more obvious.
  13. And even more important is HONESTY. It does not even require pre-existing knowledge, but it is still required when applying knowledge on oneself. Every time I try to recall his name, Benito Mussolini comes to mind. Coincidence?! But, Leo has himself spoke in one of his videos that because he is Love, he could do any harm to anybody and it would still be pure Love. Even if he became the most evil person on planet, it would be still be fine, because everything that happens is pure Love. Or something closely along those lines. Although it's true in the absolute sense, some might argue that formulating it like that, i.e. creating that concept, might lead to that kind of behavior if there still was confusion between concepts and what is.
  14. We have a body, we have a soul, we have this and that. Okay, so we have a bunch of stuff, but what ARE we then?
  15. @inFlow I didn't think you were angry. If you thought my post had that as presumption, you might have misunderstood something. That paragraph you quoted was of course exaggeration from multiple threads and from multiple people, not just your post. But you have to be in denial for not to see that there is that kind of mindset and behavior going on here.
  16. How do you know that? Edit: and what does that even mean?
  17. If you behave like so that you "objectively deserve banning", your message goes unheard. And if you are criticizing the reasons one could be banned, it's not very effective way to bring it up in the most non-constructive way imaginable - and if you then get yourself banned, your "I knew it" would be intellectually dishonest conclusion. This is kind of overreacting too. There's plenty of valuable information both here in forum and in Leo's videos, so there's no need to wash baby down with bathwater. "Cult" does not exist on it's own, "cult" is just a description of specific mindsets and patterns of behavior in a social community. So if it feels cultish, there's always the possibility to try to make own contribution to the community more non-cultish.
  18. What makes you think that I don't see what you are talking about? I think you didn't get my point, which was not about Leo's teachings or enlightenment work, or the benefits or psychedelics. It was only about how people behave and what kind of attitudes they have here.
  19. Perhaps. What I meant with "enlightenment has nothing to do with health issues" was more to say that it's not valid logic to conclude that if a person had health issues, he couldn't have had enlightenment (with psychedelics in this case).
  20. No, most paths lead nowhere near to the top of the mountain. Even the halfway decent ones are circleing on the bottom of the mountain. All the rest are usually going in the opposite direction as quickly as possible. - Adyashanti If Leo claims that he is wrong about that. Enlightenment has nothing to do with health issues. That of course does not mean that 5-MeO-DMT couldn't help with enlightenment, it only means that in best case it won't prevent health issues(, and in worst case it will cause them). It's kind of "doping in the sports of spirituality". It works, but not without it hazards. Why do you feel so threatened when someone brings up issues or doubts? That cult mentality here is so sad. On every other forum, if people don't agree on each others views, it's no problem as long as they don't cause trouble. Here Leo and his apostles start "Khhh, don't you dare to come here and break our bubble. Please go away or you get banned. You just don't understand anything. You this, you that. Stop projecting. Khhhhh." Yes, I understand that many of topics here are that kind of things, that it's not necessarily very easy to prove anything to doubters (or anybody else for that matter - much of this can only be validated by oneself in one's own experience, and "proof" is always hearsay). But there's a lot of ways how one can react to those situations (it is possible to choose understanding over arrogance, for example). In Leo's blog post "Things I've Been Wrong About" from December 2017 he said multiple times that he would be more compassionate and less judgmental. So why doesn't he? All that may sound harsher than was intended. Well, let's hope that there's someone who come and say that I just don't understand Love, because if I understood Love, I would also understood that even the most evil things are Pure Love, so actually this community is so full of Love that maybe I should go away. Or something?
  21. @Commodent well, perhaps Bill W did. But if he did or not, whether that consciousness level scale is linear, logarithmic, or complete bullshit, does not have any relevance to why his logic was fallacious. It was essentially the same as "if we let 10 first graders teach us, we could learn as much as if we let one 10th grader teach us". Thousand stupid people does not equal one brilliant genius. So the problem here is that he was adding up quality which is not cumulative like that.