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About kieranperez

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  • Birthday 05/10/1995

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  1. YES. Ketamine can often be cut with opiates like Fentanyl. Buy a test to make sure you’re getting sold real stuff and not accidentally fall into opiates without you knowing it. Better be safe than sorry.
  2. @RightHand reminded me of the time 10 years ago in Leo’s first video about SD when he was cheekily pointing out ‘yes, green is actually above you. Not below you.’ Granted, I think Tony’s analysis and explanation of Mangione using SD is rather stupid and overly simplistic and just a bad take. But wasn’t expecting that at all. So that was kind of cool. Bad take though imo.
  3. The only time I’ve ever heard TR actually reference SD outside of one talk I remember listening to between him and Wilber. Simplified but succinct, concise, and to the point explanation to PBD. Wasn’t expecting that when I clicked on this. @Leo Gura
  4. Find a teacher who will initiate you into the practice. Read prior comments.
  5. People aren’t wrong for this either. In the sense that… it’s really hard to find something or someone trustworthy. The thing is, anything you find in the relatively trustworthy. However enlightened one might be, they still occupy a relative perspective, in a sense. And the trouble is, we are yearning for the realization of what is Absolute, which is to say, absolutely trustworthy. That which we can always have faith in, in a sense (not blind belief in). However enlightened one might be, and I’ve met many impressively enlightened people, that doesn’t they cover all their bases. This doesn’t necessarily mean they all have the best conventional views on science, religion, politics, other traditions, other ways of living, nor makes one a good parent. I personally have struggled with this A LOT precisely because I see teachers that may be cognizant of certain biases or short sighted views. And if I find a teacher that’s not absolutely perfect (from a relative pov which, if we get honest and truly see deeply enough, we’ll probably find that that “perfection” is based on our own sets of biases and preferences). Perfection is truly recognized when we are unburdened from the need to have things fit inside our own preferences and seeing and reality be exactly what it is. I was living in a Zen monastery a few years ago that is quite Green. They did the whole pronoun thing and found a whole slew of people doing the whole “they/them” and even “zi/zir” stuff. Internally I was walking around debating and trying demolish all of them in arguments in my head. ‘Why the fuck are you even here?!?! You aren’t even a fucking body, much less a stupid fucking person whose illusory existence is made up of nothing but language, concepts, conditioning, and mental constructs! Why would you go to Zen monastery, of all places, to adorn and cherish your own bullshit!’ Even some teachers on retreat would give dharma talks about what if The Buddha was trans and would go on covert ramblings that reflected their own prejudices of capitalism. I would go on a tirade in my head because that has nothing to do with Zen practice. It’s about waking up from ALL personal views! And then talks were set up in such a way where the was no discourse, dialogue nor means to challenge what was said. Ironically though, that became a huge medicine for me because as I would sit there I would see I couldn’t let go of my own hatred and anger for this. And the more I sat with it the more I consciously suffered. People were doing and saying things that I reacted to on the basis of what I liked/disliked and loved/hated. I’m a rather intense guy and this would be worked through and shed in very cathartic ways that were both very painful and heart opening. So in a way, bad teachings can be quite the medicine believe it or not. Obviously there’s a limit to that of course. Beyond that it was a pretty damn good monastery but hopefully you see the moral of the story. This is something I still struggle with but ultimately, it’s never really about the teacher because the external form is merely an aid to your Realization. It is true it is on us. The true teacher acts through the form and both is and isn’t it (nor both nor neither). And when the student is ready the teacher will come.
  6. No human is perfect in this regard. That responsibility lies with the student. A human having flaws and being incomplete in certain areas or perhaps wrong doesn't negate the utility of a powerful teacher to truly humble oneself to and learn from and be willing to be truly vulnerable. Yes, it's important to pick the right teacher in the same way it's important to pick the right person to whom you end up marrying. Be so stringent with your criteria though you'll up learning from no one. I've been and studied directly under some great teachers and none of them ever suggested that one shouldn't question or just believe them. And more importantly, the quality of their direction as a teacher is integrity with what they utter out of their mouths. Some are better at it than others. But again, that's the responsibility on the student to see that. You can't outsource that. And if you want one quality teachings that all teachers worth their salt preach - the responsibility begins and ends with you. The paranoia over "human biases" and needing someone to say all the things you think they should say can become a very paranoid defense to truly being vulnerable and open. Most people here over the years are just people that insulate themselves on the internet and just try emulating Leo anyways. Best you GTFO of your heads and truly find some quality teachers. You'll save yourself years of time and misdirection down wrong roads. Up to you though what you do.
  7. This is all 100% accurate. The only thing I would add, and I would include this for most of the traditions, and especially the one's that lean more into the yogic schools of meditation, is the emphasis on transmission, initiation, or diksha for teacher-student, guru-disciple. A lot of people play around with practices they have no initiation or transmission into. Getting transmission from a truly accomplished teacher makes a world of difference. Good on you for finding a real practice that works for you and sticking with it every day. Realization is assured. Be well and be free.
  8. You’re an idiot if you think you’re going to predict or outwit the market. Nobody knows. All this is is just gambling. Create REAL value by doing REAL shit with a REAL legitimate career and then invest a portion of all your earnings into the S&P and do that for 10, 20, 30, 40 years. It’s that simple. People don’t like simple though. @Leo Gura is on the money with this one.
  9. Haven't read the full thread but if this is a real shift and breakthrough and you're struggling, reach out to a teacher that can assist you and maybe help you. I can help provide some resources to some people if you need it. Just send me a message succinctly explaining what happened (I know it can be hard to explain) and what's going on now and I can try and refer you to some good people to work with.
  10. You’d be a fool to get that.
  12. You’re back to being a dick again. Stop being an asshole.
  13. If you’d like to see it happen, contribute. Beyond that, it doesn’t really matter. As the story goes, after the Buddha’s enlightenment he was walking towards the Himalayas where he was going to live out the rest of his days. He was stopped by someone and suggested that he help others in realizing what he did. He replied how no one would get it. The person who approached him responded saying how someone might. The Buddha acknowledged and said, ‘yes, someone might.’ And so then he helped others as best he could.
  14. Hello, Some folks that have participated in Peter Ralston and Brendan Lea's workshops, retreats, and intensives are making an effort to create the opportunity for Peter to possibly be a guest on Lex Fridman's YouTube channel. If you've participated in some of Peter's workshops or intensives and have benefited from his contributions you're welcome to fill out the form down in the link down below. My personal invitation, for those that would like to fill it out, is to be honest and please be mindful of your fantasies when you fill it out. Please don't write nonsense that's likely just going to repel the possibility of actually making something like this happen, should you actually to see this come to fruition. With that said, may you be well.