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Everything posted by MiracleMan

  1. @Martin123 And also, the psychic band, or ancient trauma, its karma in a way, unresolved past fear, unfulfilled desires, guilt, passed down from organism to organism... almost how fear of humans can be bred out of a species over a period of generations...its strange to notice the same mental quirks in both my mother and fathers family tree, such as addiction. The fear lives on through continued resistance, never being allowed to die, never coming into the light of awareness, almost trapped if you will. The body seems to contract around these impulses, and the mind doesn't know how to resolve the fear, so it pushes it away. The cycle seems to have no way of ending once it builds momentum. There is such a seeming amount of momentum with this cycle, it feels impossible to overcome. This has been my experience if you can relate.
  2. @Martin123 The wound...How would you approach the healing process?
  3. @Martin123 Amazing, I really thought you jumped the gun at first but once you elaborated further I thought you nailed it...
  4. F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real. ??
  5. In my opinion you guys are in total agreement, just seeing it from a different point of view. From what I read I didn't interpret it as meaning that enlightenment isnt real, possible, or fake. It's the individual really believes it can understand the all. A piece believes it can be greater than the whole. The realization is the whole, total, no one ever was and ever shall be. Maybe it is a bit of semantics to say no one is enlightened, but it kind of has a ring to it! Who is enlightened and who isnt? Nobody knows or ever could!!! (And by God I've fallen flat on my face in the conviction of others and their claims!) And @Nahm, such a great post. The apparent internal conflict is projected outward, the world I see of pain is false, because it's my own conflict projected outward. I created this world of madness. The greatest evidence I see for this is joy, when another experiences love or joy they clearly dont see my own personal hell, therefore the world cannot be as it appears to me alone. To be free of that conflict, the projection falls away, nothing remains, and the world is truly seen for what it is. And the concession is I dont know, when I say I understand you, I dont really know for sure, when I look at a tree, I dont really know what I'm looking at. I dont know what 'this' is, and a lot of my suffering comes from apparent knowledge, because of my arrogance I think I know what this is, have control, can influence reality, when in truth, I've never left a mark.
  6. Yes, at least, conceptually so. Thank you.
  7. @FacelessCan you explain some of the compound words you use in your writing, such as time-thought-fear, accumulation-projection, etc. What is the relationship that entails putting them together?
  8. @Faceless Have you read any Douglas Harding? You talk about headlessness a lot and so does he! www.headless.org
  9. @Stoica DoruIt's like being totally trapped, no way out. Fighting the ego is answerings its call to war, and more conflict won't bring peace. So much inner judgement and punishment! An illusion can't be sacrificed but I think that's what it would have you believe: that fear and not love is the way. I came across this the other day and bolded the part I thought applied to what you were talking about. From ACIM: "T-15.XI.4. You who believe that sacrifice is love must learn that sacrifice is separation from love. 2 For sacrifice brings guilt as surely as love brings peace. 3 Guilt is the condition of sacrifice, as peace is the condition for the awareness of your relationship with God. 4 Through guilt you exclude your Father and your brothers from yourself. 5 Through peace you invite them back, realizing that they are where your invitation bids them be. 6 What you exclude from yourself seems fearful, for you endow it with fear and try to cast it out, though it is part of you. 7 Who can perceive part of himself as loathsome, and live within himself in peace? 8 And who can try to resolve the "conflict" of Heaven and hell in him by casting Heaven out and giving it the attributes of hell, without experiencing himself as incomplete and lonely?"
  10. Who is the one inquiring? How does any kind of practice or exercise or movement produce stillness? Wouldn't every second of meditation be used to imply a doer? Same with inquiry, it implies there is someone asking the question right? If separation isn't possible, then how could any activity (meditation, masturbation, running, self-inquiry, eating, shitting) bring about a desired result? It's as if we believe there is something magical or special about meditation compared to other activities. It's such a mind fuck. If separation is an illusion, how could an activity make separation unapparent? No activity was required to make separation apparent. There wasn't a doer who made things appear seperate, so then why is it always implied that there is a doer here to end the supposed illusion of seperation? All spiritual exercise implies there is a 'you' and there is some 'thing' you can 'do'. So I'm wondering what to 'do' at this point, lmao!
  11. There is like a 99.99999% chance he was using sarcasm.
  12. So I've been single for over 3 years now, I made the mistake of talking to my ex recently and found out they cheated on me during our relationship. It didn't upset me, it was more of like "Yeah that seems typical" and it's true. A lot women I've had relationships with have never been the open sort, but they've always been the type of women I preferred to have around, they were all pretty amazing in bed with some exceptions, and I don't know how I do it, but I always look for the "bad girl" and any chick I meet who might actually be a decent fucking human being is just always unattractive to me. So a lot of these girls I've been with have cheated, I think monogamy is either a thing of the past, or I'm lying to myself and so afraid of being with someone "for life." I'm not a typical guy in a sense that I don't want to fuck everything and anything, but I have my own problems when it's comes to healthy sexuality. I'm always worried about a girl not being able to satisfy me on both an emotional and physical level. I'm worried about being with a "nice girl" because I don't want to hurt her. Every time I see a woman like that I just have this fear of "I don't want to break her heart and cause her pain." So I feel attracted to other type of girl, the one more likely to handle rejection but also more likely to reject me or cheat on me. So I don't feel like I've been single for 3 years, I feel like the wounds of my past relationship are still fresh, I still feel on edge that someone is out to hurt me and if I don't choose correctly I've gotta go through all that pain all over again. I feel this is why my spiritual practice and personal development is so important, because I want to reflect a healthy energy in order to attract someone who is going to be good to me. I feel like being in this state, believing I'm in a fixed position, if I'm feeling low quality and negative all the time I'm going to attract negative situations, especially romantically. Maybe I need to work on myself a bit more before I put myself back on the market. Because these past 3 years I've been in a state of anger, resentment, and self pity, and I'm still dealing with fruit of those seeds right now. Only in the past few months have I really amped up the meditation and exercise, and maybe I need to cultivate that a bit more to sort of unwind a lot of negativity still present.
  13. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/06/14/opinion/sunday/meditation-productivity-work-mindfulness.html Corporate authoritarianism at it's finest. This is actual fake news. Text book example of how medicine, science, and education misunderstands and then misrepresents meditation, mindfulness, spirituality.
  14. "Your expectation of something unique and dramatic, of some wonderful explosion, is merely hindering and delaying your Self Realization. You are not to expect an explosion, for the explosion has already happened - at the moment when you were born, when you realized yourself as Being-Knowing-Feeling. There is only one mistake you are making: you take the inner for the outer and the outer for the inner. What is in you, you take to be outside you and what is outside, you take to be in you. The mind and feelings are external, but you take them to be intimate. You believe the world to be objective, while it is entirely a projection of your psyche. That is the basic confusion and no new explosion will set it right! You have to think yourself out of it. There is no other way." Love this dude so much.
  15. I've heard that the Indian translation of Bliss is more accurately described as peace. Western society associates bliss/happiness with pleasure and fulfilment (sayings like 'fat and happy'. So of course a materialistic society would see enlightenment as a "goodie" when it's far beyond conceptual understanding, I think we've misunderstood pleasure and being satiated with happiness and fulfilment. Just my opinion.
  16. Do you believe Jesus is the only way to realize Truth?
  17. I've heard it refered to as a non experience. It's scary because selfing claims everything, every spiritual experience or state is claimed as "I had this experience" but the problem is that there wasn't a self there during that experience, or non experience, it's only after, in hindsight, that I look back and say, yeah, I had that experience.
  18. It's possible that these problems aren't as black and white as you think...
  19. The neo-advaita guys are charging upwards of $5000 per head for a 7-day retreat, and then telling folks things such as "all spiritual practice eventually arrives at you need do nothing, so why not start there?" Or "making a practice out of spirituality is disrespectful to what we are..." I was absolutely astounded by that man, couldn't fucking believe it. That being said the neo-advaita guys do share some very amazing pointers, but their approach to the actual application of it is just a hard pill to swallow, especially because most of these guys have spent a decade or multiple decades practicing a spiritual discipline. So why on earth, if the message is so simple, and no requirements are necessary, no practices are required, why charge such a crazy sum of money for a retreat? Simply because they can, because spirituality can be a lucrative business, it's not that spiritual services or teachings can't have monetary value, it's just awfully suspicious when an upper class, rich artist, who could have pretty much anything material, wants to spread 'the' message at a whopping $5000 a seat. And they quote Maharshi constantly, and really misrepresent his message, which from what I read, was why Maharshi didn't recommend his followers teach because their compassion would dilute the message. Maharshi said a majority of his teaching could taught in total silence. That being said, I think it's fine to pay for spiritual services, books, retreats, etc, but I think it requires a bit of common sense, else you get these strange situations with luxury retreats and private jets, or things like Matt Kahn charging hundreds of dollars for 'starseed' activations and Angel academy courses.
  20. Whatever can be perceived cant be perceiving. Humans aren't conscious, brains aren't conscious, rocks aren't conscious. Only consciousness is conscious. The only way a human could be conscious is if they were in fact a seperate independent entity. There are no separate 'entities', this implies duality, sepration, there is only consciousness
  21. I egged it on, not gonna lie, but we can't be derailing threads because we don't like the other person. I understand we are gonna have differences. Whether youre awake or not, I'm totally ignorant of it, I won't ever be able to know it, so if you say so, I can accept that. I wanted to see you're reaction My advice, from being the stickler that I am, don't be so in your face about awakening because people will test your boundaries. It's not personal, but I've seen it done countless times. If the enlightened man is not like a caged animal, he shouldn't flinch a words. I know a lot of folks don't like to talk about it. Maybe your looking for an outlet for that. Well this is a good place for that.
  22. The personal lives of some folks we put on pedestals has surprised me at times. Look into Trungpa's life, not judgementally though, I didn't have a clue about that when I was reading his book, but honestly it didn't change the content for me one bit, it's just really straightforward. But I agree with @Leo Gura's assertion that enlightenment doesn't ensure you'll be a good boy.