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Everything posted by MiracleMan

  1. It's hard to follow, at least in my opinion, because of the direct simplicity of what he states. He doesn't give the mind anything to work with, it's not something to get or understand, when he talks about unknowing, it's really an unwinding of the mind, relaxing the mind, almost coaxing it to rest and return to its source, almost to say 'stop searching for objects, just rest, be quiet, be still.' In essence this is the greatest teacher: silence. Really, in my experience, I find it's more like reduction than anything, I learn to let to go what I've learned, slowly, it's a winding down of mental activity rather than giving you something to think about.
  2. It was difficult, and still is difficult, or next to impossible to really have this discussion. A person genuinely has to be ready, to hear it, or rather not the person, buddha. If a person hears the message it doesn't go anywhere, if christ or buddha hears it then there is an unspoken guttural 'yes'. You'll find no home with the scientific crowd, nor with the religious crowd. You'll find little comfort in discussing it with those who are 'spiritual'. This is such a radical message, you WILL be called crazy, insane, and most will think your a nut case. It says a lot about the 'world'. Most folks who come here have been so utterly shit on, have been so engaged with a narcissistic, relativistic, and cynical generation that they dont know what else to do. They are sick of suffering. They become empathetic, they imagine they are feeling the pain of the generation but it's all in HERE and not out THERE. So, along with this package comes a dangerous level of empathy, low self esteem, inferior/superior ego structure that alternates on a dime, and then once there is a taste of Truth, then comes the inhabiting of the savior mentality. The savior wants to save the world, and rescue them from themselves, the savior knows what to do and understands the Truth. In reality, what thinks it knows the truth isn't real. Nothing that can be percieved can be perceiving, therefore all creation is ignorance. Or in other words, less harsh, 'apparent' matter or solidity, any object whatsoever, has no life on it's own. You are life, and nothing else. We can spend time trying to rescue others from their suffering, but how can we help those if we haven't helped ourselves. We are still putting the cart before the horse. Healing the self is healing the world. Our very first problem is the perception that what's happening in the world is wrong, and requires our part to correct it. We cannot have one foot in an illusion and one foot in reality. If people seem to be in agreement that the world is fucked, it's a choice to see it that way. Nothing here matters all the much, it doesn't measure up to anything. Relax into this taste of Truth, worry not for the morrow for the morrow will tend to itself. The world could be hit by an asteroid tomorrow, poof, everything gone in a flash. That's how insignificant all these goings on in the percieved world are. That's where freedom is waiting, in the now, because it's really all we have, in a flash it will be done.
  3. @Robert Great topic, I thought this related to what you refer, I bolded what stood out for me and I think is basically what you're saying: From ACIM: T-22.II.3. Illusions carry only guilt and suffering, sickness and death, to their believers. 2 The form in which they are accepted is irrelevant. 3 No form of misery in reason's eyes can be confused with joy. 4 Joy is eternal. 5 You can be sure indeed that any seeming happiness that does not last is really fear. 6 Joy does not turn to sorrow, for the eternal cannot change. 7 But sorrow can be turned to joy, for time gives way to the eternal. 8 Only the timeless must remain unchanged, but everything in time can change with time. 9 Yet if the change be real and not imagined, illusions must give way to truth, and not to other dreams that are but equally unreal. 10 This is no difference.
  4. I got a float tank, a keyboard, a bass, and a couple guitars upstairs, it'd be a blast. Unfortunately I'm all out of 5 meo
  5. He funned me good. Funned to the max!
  6. I'll bring this pic next time for my barber. "A little of the top?" "Take it all off my dude!"
  7. Serendipity! Light be one though the lamps be many.
  8. The closer your face gets to this fire, the more it burns it away, until there nothing left.
  9. More headless quotes and other fun things: 'A monk said he had the precious sword. Ten-t'ou stretched out his neck, saying: "Well, then, cut off my head." The monk said: "Your head is off!" at which Yen-t'ou laughed loudly. But the monk did not perceive the meaning of that laughter. -Blue Cliff Record The precious Vajra sword is right here and its purpose is to cut off the head. -Tai-hui When thou seest in the pathway a severed head… of it thou wilt learn our hidden mystery. I am free from head. You have never beheld the head of Man: you are a tail. Behead yourself! -Rumi You must choose one of two things - either have your head cut off or go into exile… He who loves Me, but loves his head better, is no true lover. -Attar If He sever one head from the body, He at once raises up thousands of heads for the beheaded one. -Rumi He played away his head, laughing and rejoicing. -Rumi This travelling hat may look small, but when I put it on it covers the whole cosmos. -Huang-po If sense-data are literally inside the brain we are committed to the conclusion that they are always smaller than the things to which they belong, (or else) that our own head is very much larger than it appears to be from touch. -H.H. Price That head of clay is from the earth, and this pure Head from Heaven. -Rumi How can a world be contained in the clay of the body? How should a heaven be contained in the earth? God forfend! Thou art beyond this world both in thy lifetime and at the present hour. -Rumi How wonderful is the path of love, when the headless one is exalted. -Hafiz'
  10. From "I am That" by Nisargadata Maharaj. "Q: Sir, I am an humble seeker, wandering from Guru to Guru in search of release. My mind is sick, burning with desire, frozen with fear. My days flit by, red with pain, grey with boredom. My age is advancing, my health decaying, my future dark and frightening. At this rate I shall live in sorrow and die in despair. Is there any hope for me? Or have I come too late? M: Nothing is wrong with you, but the ideas you have of yourself are altogether wrong. It is not you who desires, fears and suffers, it is the person built on the foundation of your body by circumstances and influences. You are not that person. This must be clearly established in your mind and never lost sight of. Normally, it needs a prolonged sadhana, years of austerities and meditation. Q: My mind is weak and vacillating. I have neither the strength nor the tenacity for sadhana. My case, is hopeless. M: In a way yours is a most hopeful case. There is an alternative to sadhana, which is trust. If you cannot have the conviction born from fruitful search, then take advantage of my discovery, which I am so eager to share with you. I can see with the utmost clarity that you have never been, nor are, nor will be estranged from realty, that you are the fullness of perfection here and now and that nothing can deprive you of your heritage, of what you are. You are in no way different from me, only you do not know it. You do not know what you are and therefore you imagine your self to be what you are not. Hence desires and fear and overwhelming despair. And meaningless activity in order to escape. Just trust me and live by trusting me. I shall not mislead you. You are the Supreme Reality beyond the world and its creator, beyond consciousness and its witness, beyond all assertions and denials. Remember it, think of it, act on it. Abandon all sense of separation, see yourself in all and act accordingly. With action bliss will come and, with bliss, conviction. (...)Just catch hold of what I told you and live by it." There is so much to say about this movement of "doing" and thousands of hours of meditation. It's called Spiritual Materialism. 10,000 hours of meditation may work, and it may not. If you believe you have free will, use it however you like. I know for a fact that I can't become what I already am through effort, and I'm at peace with that. When I meditate, it comes naturally, and is never forced. If I dont feel like it, I never fight myself. It just works for me and I get results through daily awareness and faith. I still meditate and self inquire, but it isnt necessary to force it. The interest WILL arise and get stronger. That is when meditation is serving your highest self. God speed my friend, may you awaken NOW. May you find God NOW.
  11. A Course in Miracles was channeled through Christ, it is the true teaching of Christ unmitigated by the thousands of hands who wrote and edited the bible over millennia. It's free of dogma, it never tells you what is right, what is wrong, only implores you to search for Christ in the self. Christ = Buddha = God = Is = This = Reality = Now = Peace = Love. I implore you to be open minded and just READ the book. It is NOT an easy read, but the entire course starts with the idea of seperation and eventually works it's way towards unity. It is essentially a path toward a nondual realization. This book IS a nondual teaching. It will take months or years to read this book, just a warning. If you do the course workbook as reccomend that will also be exactly a period of one year. If you REALLY want to know about Christ, and can accept the fact that channeling is possible, then this book will blow your fucking mind.
  12. Who is this and where can I find more? The uploader on the youtube said Bo Laursen but google gave me limited results.
  13. @Martin123 @Feel Good Serendipity..."The art of healing comes from nature..."
  14. I'm a textbook example. I have diagnosed chronic pain syndrome (lower back, intense physical burning pain for years) without a document physical cause (inflammation shows on MRI but no physical cause has been deduced). THAT orange area is exactly where my pain is, it's extremely intense. Sometimes the pain runs from the tail bone almost up to my naval. Quick rundown of my situation: Sexual addiction, drug addiction, major depression, severe anxiety, panic attacks. Difficulty forging relationships with men. Difficulty maintaining romantic relationships with women. Drifting sexuality, homosexual fantasy, bisexuality. Causes guilt, shame, breeds a cycle of dependence. Hopelessness, fear, death. Family dynamic: narcissistic father (the bully, the psychological and physical abuser, the child harmer). Neurotic mother (chronic worrier, expressed despair and emotional burdens to son, son is a special guy for her).
  15. While it will still seem to require some effort and further investigation, understanding this dynamic is a relief in itself. You've really blown me away with this insight, I feel like you closed a gap around my understanding of this issue. I had educated myself up to a certain point, and luckily I was ripe when you laid down that wisdom. I plowed over the initial resistance and this really just clicked. Now, if I can keep my head level and not judge or blame, I can really start to clean the wound. And if judgement arises, that's okay, it will be noted. Cleaning the wound is painful, the area is tender and inflamed, but it must be done, there is no other way. Now is always the opportunity for healing.
  16. I don't know why you're not fair I give you my love, but you don't care
  17. Spiritual bypassing is a motherfucker, but it's good to realize this early on. In one sense, spiritual bypassing can lead you away from the goal by occupying time with more fluff that isnt really going anywhere. It entails an addictive and seeking nature that wants security. But there is also something in its opposite, where basically your attention and energy is used up trying to put out fires, so many problems, and boy, if you're looking for problems the ego has an endless amount to give if ask for them. One fire is out, another one ignites, it becomes endless. On the topic of discussion, I think addressing that core wound, the knife (or knives) in your back, is the way to freedom, and this is really all you can do, is continue to shine light (awareness) on the wound and not let it fester in the darkness. It lives on ignorance, depends on your fear of it to keep your attention elsewhere so it can grow.