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About Wills

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  1. Hey everyone, I've been meditating for about 4 months and recently began to do the Neti Neti method. What I've been doing is wait until a thought arises and ask to myself who am I or where are these thoughts arising from and who is listening to these thoughts. Usually I understand it logically and somewhat makes sense but this time I truly believe that what I thought was myself was wrong. I was watching a video on YouTube in my bed, preparing to go to sleep when a video caught my eye. The title was 'Are we all related?' and basically summarised that we all are, following the human family tree all the way back. After the video ended, I began to think a bit deeper about it, that we all can trace ourselves back to the simplest form of life on earth. At this point, I chose to sit in a meditative posture and meditate on this. I began to ask the question, so where did this simple life form that started life on earth come from? Did it come from another planet? I really had no idea. At this point I began to realize perhaps we're no more significant than a grain of sand, after realising this I began to ask myself the important question, if we're no more significant than a grain of sand, who am I? For a long time I literally thought I was my thoughts and feelings but came to the realization that my thoughts and feelings are nothing, so the me that I thought I am was nothing but a thought. I'm about an hour in and completely confused, I felt as if I really had no idea who I really am, after about an hour and a half of meditating, I came out with a new understanding. It was the deepest most insightful meditation I've ever done. I was feeling waves of euphoria every once in a while during practice, which I've never experienced and had no idea why this happened. Am I doing the Neti Neti correctly? How do I progress and can someone give me some insight into what was experienced?