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Everything posted by kira

  1. @moon777light Thanks , i will def check it out... and if i like it in time i can follow your advice
  2. @noselfnofun @Salvijus care to explain what you mean ? Im interested
  3. @Jkris where you able to do it? the wholel 10 days?
  4. @King of Hearts Hi there I followed the ayuasca diet for about a week before my ceremony and let me tell you without trying i lost around 3 kilos in that week... you can do a quick google search to find out what it includes mine it included only soups, rice waffels... some fruits and veggies and tea.. NO sugar or animal products. ect good luck
  5. @Average Investor Back in the day when i just began running after giving birth to my daughter. I bought this app ´Zombie run´ let me tell you its the only app I haver ever bought. NOW ITS FOR FREE anyways... its like a story on your headphones while you run.. it helped me a lot... iot was so fun to run because i had a goal and that was complete my mission and save My town... and the story kept me motivated the whole way.. Now I run marathons and obstacle runs But that app is great for startes runners... give it a go ... it for free and you got nothing to lose... let me know if u liked it greetings
  6. @MM1988 I got a heart rate of 193/min from doingn sprinting ;D
  7. Hi there Thanks for the tip . I will def check it out.. i actually dont know what it is.. but that is about to changed. Just ordered them home in two days Enjoy ?
  8. Hi there In my experince.. when i had my awakening , I was just in peace with it, with the nothingness with being the universe , there is this level of acceptance.. that you cant just discribe with words. Accepting everything at such level is just soooo releaving, because there is literally nothing for you to worried about. Now .. this experince lasted for a short period while i was on my trip... the question being : would I like to have that same level of awekness 24/7 ? would i like it to become my reality ? very good question the answer is simply : I dont know ...... on one side it was the best experinced i had so far on the other side i wonder what it would be like to be like that 24/7... ?
  9. @Kensho Thanks u.... Someone who doesn't get so easy offended ?
  10. Hallo everyone here is goes a short trip raport it has been around 3 weeks since my ayahuasca ceremony and in a way i feel like i am still procesing things.. it has been a crazy ride. i went to the ceremony with a very clear intention, i wanted to understand why i was afraid. why was i afraid of being made fun of ? of failing? of losing? I wanted to understand my feelings and I also wanted a way to fix whatever was wrong with me. let me tell you ... Ayahuasca is every BUT pleasant to drink, it is in one word disgusting, hahaha but that is part of the experince. after having my drink and a couple of breathing excersices led by an amazing chaman my trip began : at first I felt like i was trap in my body, like someone had glued my body to the ground.. i wanted to move, to fly , but gravity was holding me down.. I knew i couldnt fight it so i just let it happen and soon ... the full force of my trip was hitting me.... Even though it feels impossible to put my experince on words i will try image looking up at the sky, a dark beautiful sky, filled with millions of stars, shining brightly, but every star wasnt just a star it was a thought a memory , from the past , from te present and from the future, all of them happening at the same time. there was no chronological time... that is where i was , not only that, but i was a part of that sky, i was actually THAT sky... The ´I ´ didnt exist, i was everything .... i was the whole universe. As soon as i managed to forced my mind to stop thinking things like ´´how will i remember all of this and how will i explain it to others´´ I asked aya my question why am I afraid ? the second i asked that question all those millions of thoughts i was having stopped.. just for a second... to then be sucked into a hole.... leaving nothing behind.. and in that nothingness was a strange sence of peace...right before i was trow back into being that universe experincing everything at the same time.... I couldnt understand why aya wasnt giving me an answer... so I asked again, and again ... and every single time... i was giving the same answer until it finally hit , aya gave me my answer the first time i asked the question i just didnt understand it at the time.. There was nothing to be afraid of... that was the answer to the question I been longing so long for, so simple... so obvious Now ...i get that for someone who has never gonna through that experience they would think " yea duuuhhhh... I could have told you that" My girlfriend being the first one giving me this reaction.... But there is a huge difference between believe something theoretically and understanding it with your heart.... And now i was understanding it with my heart at a deep level When i realized that, i was able to stay in that nothing for a bit longer.. and oh gosh it was the best feeling ever.... I was the universe feeling everything around me but i was nothing at the same time... This might sound depressing.... But it is the compleatly opposite.. is the most empowering feeling i have ever felt..... the aftermath of my experince have been amazing. The things that scared me dont hold the same power over me, the things that used to stressed me dont seem to bother me anymore over the last couple of weeks i have goten the same comment from those close to me ´ýou are different ´ my girlfriend couldnt believe it... every single time we were in one of those situations were at any moment before my ceremony i would have lost it I smiled at her and said ´ís okay , dont worry ´ she looks at me and frowned ´ this is weird... you are too calm ´ she would answered confused. I wont tell you I believe i am enlighted because i dont.... but i did have a small experince of what it could be like..... A second trip is surely in the near future. lots of loves and if you have any questions SHOOT
  11. @Serotoninluv hi... Luckily we got some small pieces of appel to eat after our drink to help with the taste.. After the ceremony we share a meal including soup fruits and bread and talked for hrs about our experience ? Thanks u.... Someone who doesn't get so easy offended ?
  12. I in no way meant it disrespectful. It IS a sacred drink i agree. But that doesn't change the fact that it taste disgusting... Dont be so sensitive ... Didn't mean to step on your toes ?
  13. In what part of my comment did u read that i said that anger was a bad thing? Is not either good or bad. Its just what it is Have fun holding up to all your anger ?
  14. Do you have any hobbies? U might like to join a club of something you like to do .. and find friends in that circle
  15. I find it way too exhausting holding a grudge.. i have to carry it around in my heart. And its truly unnecessary anger/pain that you are draging with you.. How can u really live an actualized life when u are so "mad" and you are holding so many things against so many different people ? Let go
  16. Hi the Austin I think we are both on the same boat. I have been through some hard times on my relationship. This weekend was horrible.. from verbal abuse to physical abuse from both of our parts. To breaking stuff... It happened in the past already and ahe had forgive me and i have forgiven her. And after a constant 3 weeks of arguing. Plus the horrible weekend where we both lost it. We are back in some soort of honymoon phase. Im not gonna blame her for the things she has done. But im taking full responsibility for my actions. And i cant allowed myself to go to that place again. I cant let go of what we have done to each other what i have done to her. I can't allow myself to ever hurt her again. But its so hard to let go of her. Why don't you tell me more of ur situation?
  17. Have you published? I would like to check I out
  18. Hi guys Anyone listen to the video of avoiding disfuntional relationships lately? What i missed in that video is more info on how to get out of it ... Yes BREAK UP .. I know.. i know.. besides that.. Share your insights with me please!! Greetings
  19. Hi guys Im interested in doing ayahuasca and was wondering if they are anyone in this forum who has done so in Belgium where i corrently live or The Nederlands. Im looking for a good place to guide in on my trip Anyone who has done ayahuasca ? what was your experince ? kind regards
  20. so if i got it right.. u took LSD a drug, and had a bad trip, and are now wondering how to eliminate that bad feeling u had when u took it that bad energy ?
  21. @Prabhaker Thanks,even though thtat totally didnt answered my question
  22. Hi guys Know any of you about transcendental meditations, or do u have any experince with it ? I recently came across the concept. Greetings
  23. It would be interesenting to see a video about the different kind of meditation.
  24. Oh goddy The act of Persuasion, is a huge passion that I have been developing the last couple of months, there is nothing like the feeling u get when you just walk up to stranger and start a conversation you both can enjoy. I have been doing this just for the fun of it, and practiece. Its not enough to listen, u actually need to LISTEN, people usually tell u what they want you just need to listen carefully and watch them. Bodylanguage says a lot about a person. Also show them empathy the real kind not the fake one. That you show empathy doesnt mean that you agreed with them ( contrary to what a lot of people believe now days) It just mean that u can see the world from their eyes. Humor is another way te rewrite someone´s frame, Just be carefull with this one, dont offend or hurt anyone while doing this, insteed u can try self-deprecating poking fun ego busting It is true that when we are in our journey its hard to find people around us that are in the same place as us. I like to call them sleepwalkers its not like u can change them and your shouldnt try neither. Thats why sometimes opening up to those people and showing them your point of vieuw can be challenging. They are going to see you as weird, because your way of thinking its not the same as them , and they lack the ability to understand your point of vieuw. Thats why its really important that you speak the language of the person you are talking to, ( i dont mean English or french lol ) I mean the way they express themself the way they talk otherwise they will never be able to understand you. And you can peak and choose what you are going to share about yourself. Gosh i could go forever about this hahahah they are greats books out there to help you with this topic as well as awesome books ( if you can afford spending the money i would recomend you to buy the books insteed) good luck
  25. @Mario I totally understand your fear, there is just so mutch informetion EVERYWHERE , what are you supposed to believe huh ? My advise would be choose what you believe and agree with, trust yourself