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About sanam

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  • Birthday 01/12/1993

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    Karachi, Pakistan
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  1. Every significant piece of work or art has its own set of delays and preparations. Smallest of tasks have a period of no result and progress.
  2. keep doing it despite all the thoughts because they would not matter at the end. these thoughts are part of the process. stop worrying and being concerned about removing them because they are things which you can't control.
  3. A person needs to believe in himself when trying to learn, so you don't keep asking how its done but rather gain confidence by doing it yourself. learning is hard and its requires alot of patience but its benefits are very good. Its like doing something and getting rewarded for it later. Honesty and learning go hand in hand. sometimes we try to rush its ok but after effects of it are also in proportion to it. focus on your goals why you want to do something then tailor your approach. make good timetable. take exams they are very good to build pressure and nothing is better than taking exams which can make doing something possible whose chances of becoming possible are very low. removing distractions. reviewing, also help. At the end of the day you would be working not studying. Pray for strength. Never consider what you do as insignificant because that is a gimmick and also perfection is a gimmick of trying to protect yourself. Be grateful.