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Everything posted by clytaemnestra

  1. Sex is not only a penetration. Period. Sex is kissing with your partner, massaging each other bodies and relaxing each other from all tensions and worries; sex is touching a partner gently and enjoying being touched; sex is stimulating your sensitive zones with your fingers, fingertips, tongue, lips, body; sex is talking to each other and feeling emotionally connected; sex is penetration; sex is cuddling after you both reach an orgasm and sleeping naked and hugged. Can you do all of this with your arm? I don't deny that penetration feels good, but it's not all about in-out-in-out and done.
  2. Cute. I like touching male body and being touched. Especially on some sensitive spots such as back, hair and palms. I think it bonds people emotionally, because you usually talk during it and feel somehow closer than laying two meters away from each other and not touching. It just makes me calmer and simply feels good.
  3. To me it sounds like you have a lot of insecurities, so you want women's attention to fulfill the holes in your life.
  4. I was thinking like, make a family gathering for example, so she's surrounded by her family and sees how much everyone loves her and doesn't think about future.
  5. Do something nice for her what will keep her in the present.
  6. And you're not shallow at all by putting 3 billions of people into one basket and making them less worth than you are.
  7. It was the first time for both. He could get an erection, but wanted to, so we bothered with oral for half an hour so he's usable. He was usable for 10 seconds. Literally 3 times in-out and done. He asked me how was it and I was like: Erm, until I realized what happened it already finished. While he was sleeping I was asking myself why do people have sex when it's so boring. After 2.5 years we broke up and first sex I had with another partner I realized why people have sex.
  8. I prayed to God that my parents get divorced because their fights were impossible to stand. It's all a matter of perspective.
  9. I'm a girl and I feel the same with the men I'm surrounded with. Try meditating courses, some classes or events about spirituality, there were such things in my city where people gather to learn more about such things.
  10. How would you feel in this situation: You like one girl and somehow you manage to talk to her. You invite her to hang around together and you share some nice time talking about various topics. In a free time you text each other and you're 100% sure she likes you. I mean, you hang around together, you text each other when you're apart, what else you need? You prepare yourself to advance to a bit higher level and things are becomming serious. She comes and she tells you out of the blue that she likes another guy and you were just an option who with she practised her social skills. How would you feel? I know that some people date other people just for fun or even worse, date multiple partners in the same time. I find it highly immature and disguisting. It's about people and peoples feelings, not about dolls to practice anything on them.
  11. My mum also had been cheating on my dad. I don't see why it's a big deal to you. Many people nowadays are cheating on each other. I'm completely against it and I'd never cheat, but that's the truth I have to accept, my mother thinks it's okay, thus I opened my mind and accepted that it's okay for her and I let her do in her life what she wants. It doesn't influence me in any way, her body is none of my business. Sorry for sounding a bit harsh, but it's my honest opinion. Take care of yourself, leave your parents to figure it out on their own. edit: If you're a grown-up (18+) of course you should leave and live on your own.
  12. I don't think there should be any rules on how to date/attract/be with someone.
  13. It depends on the type of the text you send. You can wait two weeks and still be needy and creepy or text after half an hour and build up even more attraction.
  14. As a girl, I agree. I myself prefer respectful men who don't chase every female being because I feel as a prey and simply stupid, like just an option and object of his desires. I also prefer approaching men, but for girls who are shy and prefer it another way, I'd suggest to find out what her interests are and to jump in. You'll have a topic to talk about and she'll see that you're not approaching her due to her looks, but something she does. Even if she doesn't like you, she'll probably talk with you about that what she's doing in her life and she likes, thus it's a good start.
  15. I don't know where you live, but in Europe almost no one before, let's say, 30-35 has a car. I'd rather invest in a trip to some exotic land. What kind of girl expects by man to pick her up or to have a car? It's not equality at all. And it's so materialistic. Can't you both use public transportation? I mean you meet up on a public place anyways, she comes by car and parks somewhere, you come by public transportation and how could she know that you didn't come by car if you meet at main square let's say? Sorry if I sound stupid, but I really don't get it why one girl should care about your real estate.
  16. Your family doesn't want help. If they wanted, they would start changing themselves and you would know how to help, but they're actually trapped in their cycle of negativity and victim mentality and don't want to go out of it. You have two options: step in or run away. My mother was an alchoholic. She eventually went to rehab, but although she isn't drinking anymore the core issue didn't change: she's always a victim and ALL of us are guilty for her problems. She's unemployed and doing 0% to change it. Complaining about illnesses all the time (for example, her iron is a bit low and she called me few days ago to complain how sick she is and that all of us are causing her stress and doctor told her stress could lead to heart attack, thus I(!) have to change my behaviour towards her). What do I do? -> I don't give a shit anymore. Worse than toxic mother is being myself toxic together with my mother, thus I isolated myself and restricted calls (I'm 21 btw). I told her when I see an EFFORT from her side I'll help her but till then I don't have an intention to solve her problems, I have enough of mines. How does she react? Well, she calls me selfish, egoistic, greedy, cold, emotionless, swears a lot, when we talk it's always filled with negativity and anger... How do I react? Ignore her. You can't change others, only yourself. I tried, but after years and years I quited. It's a bad investment of your time and energy.
  17. Excellent. For me personaly it works better than with the men from the country of my origin (South Europe). I like shy, submissive and respectful blondes and in my country men are protective, approaching women and have macho attitude what repells me. About environment I don't give a shit. It's me being with him, not my environment.
  18. I'd like to get a message next day, just as a good sign that I'm not in a buddyzone. Few days is a way too much, it's how you treat friends, not an object of your interest. For me a phone call would be a total turn off, I hate talking over phone and a purpose of texting is not exchanging some facts, but FLIRTING.
  19. I recommend ketogenic as well, I lost 5 kilos that way (I got 5 extra). It's all about what, not how much you eat. I eat a lot nowadays, but it's usually some fruits or wholegrain cereals.
  20. they don't even know each other, it'd be too creepy. they just flirt, they should first hang out and get to know each other
  21. To invite her to grab a coffee together? If you know what any of her interests are, just mention it and be like "hey, I'm in a hurry now and I can't talk more, we could sometimes grab a coffee and talk a bit about it, like next week?".
  22. The best lover I EVER HAD was the one who didn't want anything in return. If I feel turned on he just satisfies my orally and wants nothing in return. He enjoyed satisfying me without him wanting to be satisfied. After some time, I wanted to satisfy him as well, so I initiated sex more and I started learning new things how to satisfy a man and became more proactive than I ever was in my life. Before that, I was super shy and wanted rarely sex.
  23. I guess water, food, oxygen...?
  24. Exactly! I'd say, the most important is too be busy and distracted in a life with some other things such as job, hobbies, and the things that one should usually do if he/she would have been single. I personally feel very needy when I'm sitting home and have nothing to do in my life. Then a man is a center of my life and I can't not to be attached. When I do things in my life, when I'm focused on hobbies and studies then a man is one part of my life, not a center of my life. I'd say, the most important in a relationship is not to loose yourself and the things one person enjoys doing alone. To deny feelings is actually running away from them, it's completely normal to be in love and have strong emotions to someone, but a problem is if that period lasts or if a person just lets it and doesn't work on it. So, now when I feel overly needy and attached when I meet someone, I just go to do my hobbies and remember myself how much I enjoy them.