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Everything posted by Slade

  1. @John Iverson Have you considered interviewing people?
  2. @Joseph Maynor Okay but isn’t it possible to trick ourselves into thinking, “oh I must be more conscious because...”. Pragmatically, how do we know?
  3. @SaltyMeatballs Do you think you just need to take some time to re inspire yourself? What got you into the course in the first place? What big dream did you have in mind? Take some time to sit down in a quiet place with your eyes closed and let yourself dream and get back in touch with your inspiration.
  4. @Nathan I feel like if you’re torn between the two then you should pursue both until it becomes clear which one you want more.
  5. @supremeyingyang If that’s what you really want then you won’t let anything stop you, regardless of what anyone else thinks. I admire that you know what you want.
  6. @Light Lover Sounds like maybe you’re meeting your first threshold guardian ?
  7. @MarinM I started July 2017 and am just now reaching the end of the course. Don’t expect to finish it fast. Doing anything right takes time, doing it any other way takes longer.
  8. @Empty I give playful affection, making others happy. Thats the statement I’ve come up with after taking Leo’s life purpose course. The most meaningful thing I can do with my life is to show others my love for them in a way that’s playful like teasing, joking around, etc...
  9. I’d love to hear from you guys if you’ve taken Leo’s life purpose course! Did you find your purpose? What are some of the biggest challenges you faced? Whats the most exciting thing you’re looking forward to? What’s your bliss? What advice can you give to anyone taking the course? Anything else related to your purpose and how you discovered it is welcome!
  10. @Michael567 If you had the power to change one and only one thing about the world with the snap of your fingers right now, what would you choose?
  11. I’m taking the life purpose course and I found that my top strength was humor(which involves the ability to make other people laugh and smile). Being my top strength I want to build on it and I can’t help but notice how much Leo is building on his top strength of perspective. It seems clear by how he talks in his videos that he does a lot of fucking research on a wide range of topics and all of that helps expand his perspective. On top of that, he seems to go so much deeper into that strength than what one might initially think is possible just by looking at what the strength of perspective entails. Here’s what the VIA character strengths website defines perspective as. ”Perspective is distinct from intelligence but represents a high level of knowledge, the capacity to give advice and to recognize and weight multiple sides before making decisions. It allows the individual to address important questions about the conduct and meaning of life.” Isn’t Leo doing exactly that? But he’s doing it so much fucking deeper and that’s how I want to be with my strength of humor. I don’t want to tell jokes, I feel like that’s shallow and wouldn’t be fulfilling. I want to go deep as fuck into what really brings happiness, smiles, and laughter to others. Am I making sense or is this gibberish? Haha How do you take your top strength and go deep into it like that? Does anybody else have experience with taking their top strength this deep?
  12. I’m curious as to what causes depression and how some of you have overcame it. I had an idea for my life purpose to help people specifically with depression but I’m not sure if my zone of genius would bring value to the table for depressed people. I’m really good at being playfully affectionate. With animals, friends, family etc... I have a way of making interactions playful and it usually brings smiles to peoples faces. For example, when I’m with a friend and I can see they’re feeling down, I’ll do some sort of teasing or crack a joke and it’s pretty easy for me to make them smile. Once I give them that first smile it’s usually a snowball effect and they feel better and better. Another example would be when I see a dog pouting. It comes so natural to me to go up and play with the dog and make it happy again. Or even a child in the supermarket who I can see isn’t happy to be there. I’ll make a silly face and cross my eyes or something and it usually cheers them up, or they look at me like I’m an idiot. Haha These questions are for anyone who is currently depressed or has ever experienced serious depression. Would someone being playful with you help bring you out of depression? To know that you’ve got a friend in them? Would it help to have someone “see” you so that you feel loved and not alone? Whats the main thing that makes you feel depressed?
  13. I was a little hesitant to post this given the stigma around cannabis but this was one of the most mind blowing experiences I’ve had and I wanted to share. I no longer use cannabis or condone the use of it so if you decide to experiment with psychoactive substances, please do so safely. One night I was smoking weed with a friend of mind and cracking jokes like my naive young self did at this point in my life. This was before I had any knowledge about spirituality so all of my deep philosophical understanding I had from using cannabis made me feel like a crazy person at times. However, smoking cannabis always seemed to make me really contemplative and bring me powerful and strange(hint hint) insights. I look into my friends eyes and as we’re having a conversation I start to think about some deep shit. Anyone who’s ever smoked weed probably knows what I’m talking about. And what happens next completely mind fucked me to the point of hysterical laughter. I look in his eyes, and I realize that me looking at him, is myself looking at myself... He is me and I am him. But there never was a me or a him it was always just me. Hahaha If you’re confused, good because I am too as this makes no logical sense whatsoever and that’s why it was so funny! I made this realization and what was even crazier is that I was conscious of the fact that I made this realization in my “friends” body as well. I was aware of this strangeloop of perception. I was not only looking at myself, but I was aware of myself looking back at myself. It was seriously like looking into a mirror! We, or should I say I, looked at each other with this look of, “Holy fucking shit no way!” ? I became aware of the fact that it was me looking back at myself and having a conversation with myself this whole time. Haha Needless to say we started laughing uncontrollably for a long while, until eventually, I rationalized it away that there’s no fucking way what I just experienced was possible. I watched Leo’s strangeloop video when it came out and sat on it for awhile. Today I made the connection that what I experienced back then with my friend was indeed a strangeloop that I became conscious of. For the longest time I thought I was crazy for believing that happened, but now I see what it was and I’m so thankful to have this understanding. For anyone who may have their curiosity peaked by this, maybe you can have a similar experience when contemplating with a partner as you look into their eyes. The quote, “Eyes are the window to the soul.” has such a deeper meaning for me now. I look forward to more mind blowing experiences like this. Thank you @Leo Gura for putting out such great content that helps us put together the puzzle pieces in our own minds!
  14. @kieranperez You have an intention for taking a psychedelic already otherwise you wouldn’t be taking it. See, whether you’re aware of it or not there is always an intention there. The reason you’re taking it is to get clear on your life purpose right? That is an intention. I think what would be useful to you is to clarify what sticking points you’re experiencing with identifying your life purpose. Literally write them down. For example, write down “Why doesn’t my purpose feel authentic?” Read over what you wrote before your trip that way they’re fresh in your mind and continue to look back at what you wrote throughout your trip if you need to.
  15. Does anyone here know of a psychedelic that can be used to remember past life experiences? I feel like this could be useful for uncovering life purpose and one's own struggles in Samsara.
  16. I'm glad you guys liked it! It's quite eye opening.
  17. I just wanted to recommend this movie to anybody who is into spirituality. Its a documentary about Jim Carrey and I don't really know what else to say other than its a must watch. It'll blow your fucking mind. Its on netflix so check it out. Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond
  18. I'm sure most of you have heard the term, "Build on your strengths", before. But how the fuck do we actually do it? Are our strengths an actual skill that we can develop and put 10,000 hours into some how? For example, my top strength is Humor. Here's the VIA character strengths definition of it. Humor(playfulness): Humor involves an enjoyment of laughing, friendly teasing, and bringing happiness to others. Individuals with this strength see the light side of life in many situations, finding things to be cheerful about rather than letting adversity get them down. Humor does not necessarily refer just to telling jokes but rather to a playful and imaginative approach to life. So when they say, "build on your strengths", what does that even mean? Does it mean just putting yourself in a position where you can use your strengths often or is there a way we can actually break it down to practice the strength itself and develop it? Other strengths like Leadership or Teamwork seem like they'd be easier to pragmatically develop, but what about abstract strengths like Humor, Love, etc... @Leo Gura I'd love your input on this as well as anyone else who has a great answer.
  19. For anyone who has taken the life purpose course I'm assuming that maybe you had some trouble finding the right medium to work in. I'm experiencing this right now and I have a lot of resistance to actually going out and doing the thing I love to do the most. My greatest fear comes up as well as a lot of other excuses and rationalizations about how I have other priorities. Time and time again I've heard Follow Your Bliss and I know that's exactly what I need to do. Buuuuut, I'm scared in all honesty so I'd like to hear from you guys about some resistance or fear you experienced when wanting to follow your bliss. How were your fears related to following your bliss? Did you have any fears around your bliss or was it effortless? Did you ever reach a point where you just said fuck it and did it anyways? What happened and what did you realize after following your bliss?
  20. I was sitting on the beach watching the sunset. It was absolutely beautiful out. The wind had blown the footsteps from the sand so all that was left down the whole coast was little rolling hills of white sand. The orange light from the sun reflected off the green water and glistened in the windows of the houses along the beach. Clear blue skies as far as you could see. I was trying to relax my mind and just become reality. I was looking down the beach at all the houses and condos in the distance and for a brief few moments it felt like my awareness encompassed everything that I could see ad it was all there NOW. It blew my fucking mind so much that after a few seconds I said to myself, "oh my god is this it!?". And then the feeling went away and I struggled to get it back. As soon as the thoughts came up I went back to the monkey chatter and lost the expanded awareness. It was frustrating as hell. Does anybody else have moments like this when they feel their awareness zoom out into everything and get sucked back in by thoughts soon after?
  21. @Leo Gura It was fucking awesome. Lol You know how you explained it as sort of a 360 degree camera? That's what it was like and as soon as I tried to label it with words it was gone.
  22. @nice shot I think sometimes the thing we're most passionate about is the thing we have a hard time grabbing onto. You can have many passions but what is the passion that runs the deepest for you? Whats the thing you want in your life over anything else? I've noticed that passions sort of link together down to one common thread. Ask yourself why you're passionate about certain things in your life and find the common ground between them all.
  23. @mathieu Wow that's awesome! haha Thank you that definitely helps. I'm really interested in synergistic ways of socializing. I've noticed this especially when I'm laughing with girls. There's something that happens with how receptive the feminine is with eye contact and laughter that creates this channel for positive energy to flow through. Somehow the space between us in the interaction becomes a sort of sanctuary for presence and joy to arise and it feels fucking amazing. Haha I get this glistening look in my eyes and my whole face lights up smiling. Rather than how some forms of socializing can leave you feeling drained afterwards this way gives me so much energy is insane. I'm going to follow this and see where it takes me. Thanks again!
  24. @AlexB check out The Millionaire Real Estate Investor book by Gary Keller