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Everything posted by sheenp24

  1. @SFRL That's a great start! Now make the weight room your best friend!
  2. Added sugars would be a good place to start. Most individuals get cravings for sweets from time to time, but those sweets with added sugars can have a negative impact on your health in the long run. You can always substitute fruit for your sugar cravings!
  3. A couple of years ago, I had very similar symptoms and the doctor told me that I was deficient in potassium and vitamin d. Although, it could be a multitude of things, try getting some vitamins from your local GNC store and see if that helps. Drinking plenty of water as well because I use feel extremely sluggish and weak very often, and it turned out that I was dehydrated from not get enough fluids daily. The body needs a plethora of things in order to work properly. Just like a car for example, if your car got extremely low on oil, it won't run the way it is suppose to. So in a nutshell, I would make sure to get enough rest, nutrients, exercise, and water. If that doesn't help, I would go to a family doctor. They like to check thyroid functionality; If the thyroid isn't functioning properly, then that can also be producing some of your symptoms. Good luck!
  4. @Dan Arnautu Tuna sounds amazing with egg whites! I never thought about eating tuna for breakfast, but I'm going to definitely try that out! @pluto I could definitely use the mushrooms! I just recently started eating them and they are great! @SFRL Steak and eggs sounds like a powerful protein mix! that would be a good idea in the mornings of my heavy workout days! Thanks guys! All of your suggestions sounds wonderful!! You all really helped me out!
  5. My kitchen is quite healthy, Theo might have a little competition here!
  6. I have heard of this for a brief time period years ago. I even saw something about this broadcasted on the new years ago and it had a lot of people concerned about using their cellphones.
  7. @Anirban657 If you haven't already made a decision on what gym you are going to join, I would highly recommend joining a Planet Fitness if you have one in your area. Planet Fitness is geared towards beginners and each exercise machine shows you a diagram on how to properly operate them! With all gyms, come the risk of injuries but this gym reduces the risk of injuries because they have almost completely eliminated stations that are composed of free weights. Free weights is basically lifting weights freely without supporting mechanisms for safety. It's a very friendly atmosphere with a "Judgement free zone" ply enforced.
  8. @John68 Hey man, I can relate to this situation all to well, as I'm actually going through a similar situation. I was dating this girl for 2 years and it ended just recently two months ago. I did everything for her, paid her bills when she was down and out; I was always and I mean always there when she needed me. I worked a lot so I didn't have much time in the day for her and that caused a lot of problems in the relationship. I'm a career driven individual and she wanted marriage and a family and I wasn't ready for that. I loved her very much and still do and she could have been my wife in due time. I tried to come back but she didn't agree. We still talk a lot! we even hang out still. We had lunch at this place and she received a call from some guy and didn't answer it, telling me his whole story and about how they were just friends. I played it cool but she knew that I was feeling awkward about it and insured me that nothing was going on between them. What you are going to probably have to do is stop giving her so much attention. As much as I hate to say this, but she is probably playing the field but believe it or not, you have the ammo! I can tell that you are a sincere and genuine guy and it sounds like you have already laid the foundation of love, compassion, dependability, and affection in the relationship. Now, take all of that away from her. Act like she doesn't exist and focus on you. She has weakened your heart and you have to make it strong again. A lot of guys don't care that way towards women as they should and she'll see that and when she starts coming around, it will ultimately be up to you. But I'd recommend just focusing on making yourself better because at the end of the day, you will always have yourself and a woman can always walk away out of your life.
  9. @Siim Land Great info man! I agree with this 100%.
  10. Trying to stay fit or become fit, can easily become a quite challenging task, especially when there are so many delicious food establishments around. If you have a problem with overeating when you're out dinning with friends or on other occasions, here is an interesting trick you can use! According to an article from "Readers Digest", a number of French women tie ribbons around their abdomens under their clothing. The ribbon serves as a form awareness, making them conscience of the amount of food they're consuming! That's a pretty neat trick if you asked me! I'm actually going to use this one!
  11. I use to be that way! What really helped me was kind of similar to what @Sambodhi and Leo was saying about the sale person. I actually became the salesmen! I stepped out of me comfort zone and made it my job to interact with people. It was very scary at first but I got use to it and now, I am totally confident in my ability to generate conversations with others.
  12. As we all know, our heart plays a crucial role in survival! Without the little guy, we would definitely cease to exist; or maybe we could exist in the physical, but we wouldn't be moving, breathing, conversing with others, or seeing the vividness of the world. For lack of a better phrase, "we'd be dead" and that's a true story. Without further ado, allow me to introduce you to the term "resting heart". Our resting heart rate, is the measurement of the amount of beats per minute produced by the heart while the body is at rest. Did you know, the lower the resting heart rate, the healthier the heart tends to be? According to the National Institute of Health, the average resting heart for healthy adults ranges from 60 to100 beats per minute, while well trained athletes tends to range from 40 to 60 beats per minute! A lower resting heart rate in healthy adults, is a good indicator that the heart is strong, using fewer beats per minute to effectively accomplish its goal! So get out and do some cardio and help the little guy out! After all, he's the only one you got!
  13. @Max_V I think that this is very interesting! I'm going to try this tonight and see how it works. Thanks!
  14. I actually get a fair share of cardio as well but I would like to get my resting heart rate down to where yours is @Michael569. Right now I'm at about 51 bpm; that's good, but it could be better.
  15. Starchy foods can definitely help you gain weight, however, if your not careful, too much unused starches can easily convert into glucose. This conversion, can trigger the overproduction of insulin, which tells the body to go into fat storage mode, possibly leading to unwanted weight gains. I personally eat a lot of blueberries in the morning because I love blueberries and they are very healthy. If you want to gain more weight and build muscle, I would suggest figuring out how much calories you consume on a daily basis, eat about 600 more calories on top of that, and incorporate high protein foods with weightlifting at home or in the gym! Good luck with your journey!
  16. @egoeimai I do believe a quarter of that statement. The idea of being successful varies amongst all consciousness. In other words, your idea of success may differ from others. You maybe innately successful at being successful at being a good citizen. Different agendas may require one to start out at ground zero, like being millionaire and then again, some people inherit success. I guess it just depends on how you perceive things.
  17. I agree with @Dead_Mouse your probably trying to come off of the drug too quickly. You should probably talk to your doctor, they may start lowering the dosage so that your body slowly gets use to not having the drug present.
  18. Being unsuccessful. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure..."-Nelson Mandela
  19. @heisenburger I'm an aspiring actor as well and I have definitely been in your shoes before and still somewhat is. What you have to understand is, there are many paths that can be taken a destination. Remember that there is always a solution, you just have to find it. It is true that some actors lived in there cars and worked server jobs to get where they are now. There are also actors that practically got famous over night. My advice to you is, work on your craft and continue to improve your art. Network! find people that have the same passion as you do and work together. Social media can be a big part of networking and marketing yourself. Create your own YouTube channel; even if you don't have much experience, do monologues and post them requesting feed back. Make some business cards and start out with some background work and/or make a Facebook page dedicated only for industry professional or fellow actors and learn from them. Like @Leo Gura said, you have to be creative! Good luck!
  20. @Anirban657 I have a question for you. Do you feel as though you have to be accepted by others around you? Think about it seriously.
  21. INTERVAL TRAINING/EXERCISE! Let me start of with a little story. I've played competitive sports nearly all my life and never had a problem staying in great shape. It wasn't a day that went by that I didn't get some type of compliment on my physique and it felt great! As life went on, responsibilities plagued my adult life and physical activities came to a screeching halt; I found myself out of shape and 20lbs overweight. So I knew that I had to start being active again or things were going to get really out of hand with my weight. I began using the treadmill which was something that I had never done before and was not getting the results I wanted and needed. I was definitely confused as to why I wasn't getting any results; I mean I ran the treadmill religiously so I should have been getting some nice results. Then it finally hit me! I began to think about the days when I had extremely defined abs and a very low body fat percentage and realized that the type of exercises that I was engaged in, in my younger days, were totally different from that of the treadmill. As an athlete, body movements are hardly ever the same while performing in a competitive event. The level of intensity is constantly swaying back and forth. For example, a defensive back in football's job is to cover the wide receiver on the other team, making sure the receiver does not catch a pass thrown from the quarterback. The defensive back's technique is to back pedal (backward running) with the receiver as he runs his route and then change direction based on what direction the receiver goes! This constant interchange in physical routine is apart of interval training or interval exercise. The act of going from one movement to the other or from one exercise to the other in a continuous cycle, tricks the body into burning more calories and quicker. So, even if you decide to use the treadmill, you can use the interval setting and intensify the speed levels as you exercise. Going from jogging to sprinting in cycles can help burn more calories and achieve great results, if done right! Ps: I'm not a personal trainer or doctor, this is based solely from experience. Please consult with physician or trainer before engaging in any unfamiliar physical activities.
  22. I have a question. Someone asked me today, which is more beneficial, running outside or inside. I have a take, but what do you all think?
  23. @Siim Land Haha burpees is a wonderful exercise. Burpees use to kill me back in junior high! You just took me back down memory lane. I forgot all about them, probably because it was so tortuous when I was younger. I need to add that to my workout regiment.
  24. Great information guys! I definitely agree with all of you; you all have great points! @Dan Arnautu From my own observation, I see a lot of people using only the basic features on the treadmill. Running constantly on a flat surface with no variables affecting their efforts. You don't think that running outside with varying surface changes, rather big or minute, changes the overall effort one needs to physically adapt to the changes in terrain? With running outside, you run into inclining as well as declining land formations, promoting muscle confusion kind of like with interval training. I have done both before and it seems like I can run forever on a treadmill, but every time I run outside, it feels like I become exhausted a lot quicker. But that's just my observation. @Michael569 I personally like running outside better as well! The visuals are so much better!
  25. @Siim Land I agree with you 100%, the body reaches a certain threshold with routine activity, so it's harder to lose weight when your body gets use to certain exercises. @ashashlov I'm with you, I'm not a fan of the treadmill either; I have never tried rowing, but I heard that it is great exercise to incorporate!