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Everything posted by Visitor

  1. Do, or have, you partaken in crystal therapy? If so, what has been your experience? What crystals, and in what way have they been used? What have you learnt, from crystal therapy, that has contributed to your self-improvement?
  2. Nearly every night I step outside to check the weather. If there are any stars to see I usually get transfixed on them for a while. It creates a shift of perspective. In my mind I get off this planet. Every time I look at a star I get reminded of how far, and long in time, light (photons) has traveled to reach my eye. Lets say the star I am looking at is one million light years away. The photons I see (or register) have traveled a million years to enter through a 1/4 inch aperture (pupil) of my eye. As I stare at the star there is a stream of photons continuing to enter my eye. If I moved my head a little to one side, I still see the star from another stream of photons. Imagine how much light must be coming from that star to fill the surface of a sphere, with the star at its epicenter, one million light years in radius. Astrophysicists thirty years ago calculated there are about 100 billion stars (suns) in our galaxy, and 100 billion galaxies in the universe. This is about all the grains of sand of all the beaches on this planet. Mind-boggling isn't it! Here is a photo of a small (black) dot in space, according to a human eye, but revealing from a telescope. Look at all those galaxies. ___________________________________________________________________ Please feel free to get off this planet. Explore and share your experiences or views about space and astronomy.
  3. True, for those aliens that perceive our visible spectrum.
  4. Lets look at this a bit closer. Is this feeling of not good enough for being a worthy person for receiving love? If so, then it is better to be genuine and true by being loving (unconditionally) than to be doing things (conditionally) to gain/receive love. Fulfillment is to be filled with love. You already have the capacity to be filled with love by loving. There is no need to rely on fulfillment from other peoples love towards your doing things for them. That is a form of emotional blackmail. The deeper, truthful, part of you already knows this to be true. That is why you always feel you are not good enough. Most people are in the same boat as you are in this situation. It is a global epidemic of false beliefs which only serves our ego and not our true Self. Believe in your own capacity to be true and loving. It is the ultimate fulfillment and liberates you from needing that fulfillment from others. In my relationships I am not dependent on others love towards me. I am just so grateful that they allow me to adore and devote my love towards them. Some people cannot handle it because of their own false beliefs. Those that can handle it, when they genuinely say they love me, all I can say is "I know you do", because I am loving their love that loves me, and they know I do so unconditionally. It is better to be genuine and true in any relationship so you can relate to each other's true Self. In that way, there is no more concept of being good enough or not. You are just being true, and that is the pinnacle/crown of loving.
  5. @ShadowWalker There are not many people who value their integrity above anything, or anybody, else. Meaning, if your integrity is intact, regardless of being alone, then you are 'okay' _ nothing to worry about. Most people cannot handle that, and compromise their integrity and become, as Leo mentioned "...lazy and unambitious." Be your own man.
  6. As far as I know, to live permanently in another country requires certain expectations to be met, such as employability in the new country. If you have a qualification that the country can use then you have a better chance of being accepted into that country. Why not get any job that allows you to save up some money to immigrate where you wish to live next. Lets say, in the next five years. If that sounds too long a time, it really isn't for someone without a trade or profession. Get any job to save money. Re-educate yourself to get into college or university. Gain qualifications for some professional career you wish to participate in. In the meantime, learn what you can about the new country, even its language if you don't know it. In the final year of (1) and (3) start applying for immigration and employment opportunities in the new country. Immigration may take longer than a year, find this out first. When applying for immigration, let them know that you are gaining qualifications which will suit the country you wish to immigrate to.
  7. Hi John. Thought is not a machine, but all our thoughts come from brain activity. The brain is a biological machine so to speak. The cause of all frustrations is the imagery (impression) of fear (ego-fear of losing validation) presented to our consciousness. Frustration is generated by our mind's identity of itself (ego). I agree that the ego is very seductive and tricky, for it will try and claim everything we think and do (even what we write on this forum).
  8. @Amit Thoughts are images (associated impressions/sensations) of all forms (visual, sound, taste, auditory, smell, touch, intuition). That is what our organism is, a thought machine, making endless images of what reality might be.
  9. @Ilya Enlightenment is to know and allow Truth to become you. The Truth is that little bit in you that is pure, soft, quiet, calm, gentle, and unconditionally loving. To 'replicate it', or to become True again, is to unconditionally love that little bit of love that loves you.
  10. Why not use your art to depict what a better world would be in your mind?
  11. Self-inquiry is a way to know yourself, truthfully, from moment to moment. It is a way of life for staying actualized. There is no 'next seven years'. Many years ago a mentor said to me. "you would expect that the minimal requirement for a human being is to know themselves." I agreed, then he said "Well you don't!" I was crest fallen. Ever since then I have been self-inquiring. Personally, the hard part is by-passing my own ego-fears of really seeing how afraid I am of being nothing but a deceptive story in my own mind. And how that deception has been purely exploitative of self and others without realizing it. Then realizing I had nothing knowable that I can find that is actually of value, or true, about me without some story of exploitation (promoting self and using others). When I was able to accept this truth, my whole perspective of life started shifting, and still is, to 180 degrees (opposite). Your motivation: To achieve minimal requirement for a human being _ to know yourself. To discover your Truth _ not facts about your story, but to discover Being. Liberation from ego-fear enslavement _ able to realize when being shackled and then unshackling yourself. The ability to discern what is true about thoughts _ both your own and expressed thoughts of others. A life of serenity and unconditional love.
  12. Best thing to do to start self-improvement is take responsibility for all your thoughts and actions. Take a risk, and make your own choices. In that way, if they don't work out, you got nobody to use as an escape goat but yourself. This is one of the shortcuts to self-actualization.
  13. Don't worry, most of us who have an impasse/deadlock are not yet motivated enough to be willing to go to any lengths. Many in this situation have to get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Some even have to truly get mangled egotistically before surrendering it. And there are the unfortunate few how get so deluded by this that they end up thinking they are a mistake and rather die (suicide) than live another day with the impasse. However, there is a shortcut. Take a risk! Do the opposite. Feel lazy? well take a risk and go for a quick walk around the block. Can't set a goal? Take a risk and break your goal into smaller digestible/achievable pieces (one nail at a time so to speak). Negative self-talk? Take a risk and talk aloud your positives. Getting angry? Take a risk and calm down, be soft and gentle.
  14. The River Stir not, whisper not, Trouble not the giver Of quiet who gives This calm-flowing river, Whose whispering willows, Whose murmuring reeds Make silence more still Than the thought it breeds, Until thought drops down From the motionless mind Like a quiet brown leaf Without any wind; It falls on the river And floats with its flowing, Unhurrying still Past caring, past knowing. Ask not, answer not, Trouble not the giver Of quiet who gives This calm-flowing river. Patrick MacDonogh, Poems (edited by Derek Mahon) (The Gallery Press 2001).
  15. @TimStr All conspiracies are stories and are not real. It is a story that cannot be proven factually (not truthfully). Once proven then the conspiracy story becomes fact (not truth). Truth is not based on logical conclusions like facts are, but on personal experience and perspectives. Facts feed the head where the ego resides. Truth feeds the heart where the soul resides. I have a book at home on conspiracies. Every few years I have a read of it. Every time I read it, all I see is deception. It reminds my to not get caught up in it because I will end up with a mind of deceptive stories. It's not worth it.
  16. @kieranperez Thanks for being honest. As easy or as hard as this may seem, please give it a go. The first hurdle always seems to be the tallest one to get over. Speak only the truth. If you cannot speak the truth, then keep your mouth shut. When doing this, don't be surprised if you find yourself grimacing and sitting on your hands while your legs are fidgeting about. It gets easier after each attempt to stay quiet until you can find what to say honestly. Don't be afraid of what others may think while doing this exercise. The end result will be worth it. It is liberating to be fearlessly honest than to be fearfully deceptive. In the meantime, meditate and include introspection to unveil all your fears. This may take a long time. We humans carry a lifelong collection of fears. It is the ego-fears I am talking about, because it is our ego which does not wish others to judge us negatively_so we lie (even a half truth is a deception).
  17. @Socrates Uncreated light (invisible) energy is the substance of the Greater Reality. This reality, what we sense, is uncreated light manifested into visible energy. In regards to us, the uncreated light is our spirit.
  18. @kieranperez Just a thought: Why not incorporate other professionals/specialists to supplement your training program. Use other runners who are already trained in other areas, such as nutrition, sport psychology, sports medicine, physiotherapist, and you as program manager and trainer. In this way, your clients get access to the best support at a discount or for free. Also, the other professionals get more marketing value through sponsorship of your clients. This actually requires no relocation for doing research, but may require relocation for business to a more central location with easier access to the other professionals.
  19. @Zane Try these two tips: Employers will be more interested in you if you already know something about the employer (business history and where it is going). Do the research before the interview. Be prepared to answer most likely interview questions, and have it related to the above. Job interview questions
  20. What would happen if you truly believed you were okay?
  21. @Consept For me, my ego cannot be eliminated because it is my mind's identity to make sense of itself. My mind will never lose its sense of self. It fears losing itself, its own mind. So the best I can do is to becalm it, by remaining soft and gentle. However, in that becalmed state it operates within the subtleties of thought and its main tool for validity is 'claiming' whatever it can for itself. So while I am writing what I consider to be the truth, even the truth about the ego, my ego seek compensation by trying to claim its own truth in the hope I will be satisfied and not dig deeper. At the same time, while I am writing, I am aware of my heart and any tension in me. If what I write fills my heart with unconditional love, then I know I am writing truthfully. If my ego tries to claim that, then it shifts to my head and I can feel tension in my body, as if somewhat restless. Also, after a write a response. I cannot remember what I wrote. When I get a notification that somebody liked a response, I cannot remember what I wrote. I read the thread title and can remember that, but not my responses. I believe this is because I have not claimed it.
  22. I have several notebooks laying around my place. Some are for Truth, some for creativity, and some for cycling. The funny thing is that I hardly ever read them. When I do, it is because I wish to reacquaint with something I have basically forgotten. Most of the time I remember what I wrote in them. For me, it is spending that little bit of time actually writing the notes which helps me to remember. But over the last year or so my memory is somewhat fading (having senior moments).