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  1. Self hypnosis works well. While in a sleep position say to yourself on each breathe out 'deeper'. This works very well for me. One time I could not sleep because I had something going on in my life which I did not know how to handle. I was doing head miles throughout the night. I tried everything to get some shuteye. I even tried counting sheep. The next day I told my co-worker about this. He, being a Christian, said, "Next time, instead of counting sheep, go talk to the Shepherd". So that night as I laid in bed I spoke to the Shepherd. I soon fell asleep and slept like a rock. It makes a big difference to share your concerns with someone (real or imagined) who will understand.
  2. What causes these emotions of tension is the fear of not coping with your lost investment of things not going your way. What I do when things don't go my way: Realize that I had created an investment, for my self-esteem (ego-energy). I created a situation that if the outcome manifests to my plans, then I will be validated. I will get what will make me feel okay, worthy, blessed, right, loved,... Because of the lost investment, and validation due, my self-esteem feels threatened. Plus, not having a Plan B (coping strategy) in place, I feel exposed and vulnerable (to possible negative judgment). Now is the time to let go of the situation. I know that I need to accept it. If i do not accept it, I will continue to struggle with it until I do. What helps me to accept the situation? I have a few self-talk cliches such as: "It was not meant to be at this time". This usually means I was not properly prepared, because the definition of good luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Another cliche is: "I am still okay without the outcome". This usually reminds me that deep down I really do not need anything to be okay, because I am already okay, but have forgotten that. Now is the time to accept what I already have, because that is the situation I am in without my planned outcome. For some reason I wanted better, more, of something different than I am in. So I need to be honest and ask myself what it is that I cannot accept. Once I see what it is, it is time to either change it if I can, or accept it. Altered attitudes works very well for most unaccepted circumstances.
  3. The wiring from terminal strips to the D-connectors at the back panel is complete.
  4. Is not awareness what is perceived. Does not something exist that is not yet perceived. Is not infinity (the immeasurable) contain what is so far perceived and what is not yet perceived.
  5. @PetarKa The needs of the other, or others, are seen as outweighing there own need.
  6. One day at a time. Keep it simple. How important is it really? Let go, let God. Easing God Out. What can I do about it now? First things first. Acceptance is the key to serenity. If I won't let go, then don't hang on.
  7. Amazing what changes when something we rely on a daily basis, such as electricity, is no longer there. As you said you get used to it, to some degree. I lived in the bush for a few years without electricity, running water, telephone, or transport. When i did get back to civilization it took me awhile to get used to a toilet again, and I had trouble getting out of lovely hot showers. On a full moon, a few neighbours would walk the few kilometers through the bush to visit me without using a light. They would invite themselves over for dinner, but they always bring lots of fresh vegetables from their gardens. Sometimes they bring musical instruments to play some blue-grass music. Everyday I collected water from a nearby dam and I would split and break up dry fallen wood for fire. many birds would come as soon as they heard the axe or splitter. They would surround me by about 10 yards radius and wait for me to finish so they can get the termites from the split wood. If I didn't produce any be the time I gathered my quota I would seek out an old stump, full of termites, to break open. They were good times. Though I have to admit the town comforts are very good too. Thanks for sharing your thread@Extreme Z7, it brought back some fond memories.
  8. It is very difficult, for some, including me, to control pride. Sometimes one has to be aware of their own pride wanting to exploit itself before realizing that they really do not need to do that to be okay. Other times, one may become aware that they are about to enter the arena for pride, such as a gathering of friends at the cafe'. In this case, they may keep quiet until asked to speak. The best way to keep pride in place is to be aware of its truth. That one's ego will always seek validation to stay in the picture (to be seen). It takes a knack to be seen, yet not to be seen. That is, to be seen but not noticed. Seeing other people propping up their pride can be used as a reminder to not do the same. Ask yourself what changes in you when the need for exploiting your pride arises. Visualize what that feeling, or behaviour is in terms of something easy for you to identify. Have this image imprinted in your mind. Then when the need to be proud arises that image comes to mind, and then you will be reminded to settle back down to that calm humble self. For me it is a rise of urgency, a shift in rising posture and a larger draw of breath. As if getting ready to interject myself into the picture.
  9. @mattstivender Good luck.
  10. Just to remind you that a random act is random. That is, it is not planned. You cannot say I will do a random act of good faith today. This random bit has caught me out a few times, and I didn't come through acting in good faith. It takes some faith to act spontaneously in faith. It also requires to be in awareness and mindfulness of other than self.
  11. Getting others to deal with your anger, by them changing to suit you, will keep you believing that others ought to change to suit your ways. The idea is to change our own attitude to accept the things that don't go our way. The serenity prayer is good for this. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. I used to say this many times, for years. Now it works automatically. We cannot change others without causing some resentment, so we accept them. But we can change our attitude, and it is by acceptance that the attitude changes, or by changing our attitude we experience acceptance. The singing in the shower may become a humorous thing for you, besides its just a short while. Secondly, the singing becomes your next challenge to take out (erase from consciousness) during your meditation. Meditation ideally can be done during all sorts of distractions. The more important way to deal with anger is to see it as a fear of yours. Treat yourself as you would treat others suffering from fear. That is, we would listen to what we are afraid of, not the story of what is not going our way, but why we are afraid of it. It usually is about believing you won't cope with it, like: "This singing is going to drive me crazy!". Really? I don't think so. So use this as an opportunity to practice patience, tolerance, forgiveness and acceptance. After all, these virtues are not just given to us, but require practice to obtain them. Also, to be with a scared person is to remain calm, soft, listening, reassuring, and loving. So do the same with yourself as you would towards a scared (angry) person.
  12. In awareness you know without knowing. The know is the source of truth as far as I can articulate. In the know there is no question, no doubt, no fear, nothing to point at physically of mentally. It is potentially everything at once, yet it is not. Anything that arises from the know is not a surprise because it is true, and you knew without realizing it before it arose to consciousness.
  13. @nahtanoj Good on you for opening your mind to possibilities. Because we limit ourselves to a small number, compared to the vast number, of dimensionalities we tend to see impossibilities. Impossibilities are seen that way until we understand how it is possible. What seems impossible is not necessarily so.
  14. @Weltschmerz Fear feeds what is (perceived) evil in your mind. The more you feed it the more likely for it to manifest. So stop feeding your mind with fear. Change your thinking to what is loving.
  15. Nothing wrong with that, as far as I know. I do the same. Remember that most people read stuff about what is easily observed on the surface of life. Now and again some polished stuff among the rough is found, often thinking they found something of great value. We collect these polished bits as prized possessions of self value. Then, if you are lucky (preparation meeting opportunity) a diamond in the rough is found. A diamond which nullifies nearly everything you thought was of value. Even some of the polished stuff becomes tarnished. A whole new perspective to life evolves.
  16. Yes. But the less words used the better. Using a single word to contemplate on really focuses on the issue. Things we have trouble finding is hampered by some sort of fear. So don't be surprised to find the truth about what you fear. To ask a general question like "what am I hiding from myself"? is better ask what is it about me I am afraid of. The common ones are labelled under the single word 'secrets'.
  17. @sweater Law of attraction: "Nature abhors a vacuum." - Aristotle. The real question is how to create a vacuum, and a specific one at that. Here are some keywords which create vacuums: unconditional, acceptance, letting go, and unexpecting. Here are some keywords which create attraction: truth, love, patience, allowance, acceptance, and fearlessness (faith). The unexplainable bit is having a need without having to need it.
  18. self (ego-self) is not Self (being-self). Being is the true self, the self based on your truth. It knows the truth and does not need to intellectualize it. It knows the truth about intellectualizing - pulling apart what is truth into something else. Each part gets claimed by the ego and part then contains a story of how the mind had the smarts to understand it. To remain constantly in the Self is like hitting the 'pause' button on self. In that 'pause' the ego-self is off the stage of life and has allowed the Self to take its place. Both Being and Truth has no need to be validated. So the only way for it to be present is for it to be invited, by giving it space to emerge. In our 'pause', softness, humbleness, the Being of Truth emerges, often with the expression of truth and love.
  19. That's good that you trial-run certain things through visualization. It could save you much time and money otherwise. But remember you will mostly visualize what you already know about. So other aspects of your visualizations will have missing bits (from the real) because you have not experienced them yet. For example, as a last resort someone may take up a job in aged care, then after awhile they end up liking it, because they found aspects of the job more valuable than the unpleasant bits they first visualized. On the other hand, many elite athletes regularly meditate on visualizing themselves doing their sport, overcoming possible difficulties, and winning the event. They do this so well, the mind cannot tell if it is a thought or if it was real. To the athlete's mind, they have already experienced winning the event. And as a result, there is no doubt that they can win it.
  20. Nobody does something consciously for nothing, and since you wish to find out why you do it. Please consider the following. Remember, a lot of our truths have been censored and heavily veiled to keep our ego's interests alive. So your answer is most likely found in the subtle. That is why a deep introspection / meditation is often required (until you become more attuned to the subtle). My ego used to ridicule me (shaming) for wanting to look at things which I (my ego) feared to find out. My mind would say things like "This is insane, there is nothing to find." "We looked here before." "Don't be so stubborn and give up". But I do not pay attention to this. Then after a while of silence something comes to the surface of consciousness (a revelation) as if to say "Is this what you are looking for"! At last some truth, and because it took so long to be revealed, sometimes an hour, it usually reveals what I did not want to know, because it usually requires me to let go of what I was hanging onto. You may find the more you have invested into doing something the harder it can be to let go of it. I was in my fifties when a revelation nullified all my life's work in creating a legend in my own mind. The slate was wiped clean. Even today I hesitate to talk about my passed. When I do, it is only to explain something, and not to boast.
  21. Before you start on this project spend a good amount of time doing a marketing research on your idea. Find out if your idea is what people want. Ask all sorts of people in the area you wish to start your business in. If you are not familiar with this approach to testing the needs of the people, read up about it. You will need to anyway because all good businesses spend a good deal of money and research into marketing - it's a big part of their annual budget.
  22. Good on you. Great start. Once you start always finding/seeing the positive in every negative, you will start see multitudes of positives to every single negative.
  23. Your answer, if you are honest, is in what do you get out of it. You wouldn't be doing it for nothing, so ask yourself "Why do I do it"?
  24. Still waiting for certain parts to arrive from China. I checked the supplier, and I found out that I am not dealing with the actual manufacturer, but some in-between agent. The agent reputation via eBay is the worst I've seen, with close to 500 complaints by customers. I'll check who I am dealing with next time I make an eBay order. I always place more trust in people than some think I should. Some say that is a fault of mine. But I still rather trust and be sometimes disappointed (for a short time) than to not trust and be fearful all the time.