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  1. Self honesty to the core helped me to realize that nobody is perfect. Not even my carers when I was a child. We are all in the same boat. After accepting this truth, I realized that I was truly okay. Sure, bad things happen, but not to my inner self which is capable of being caring, gentle and loving unconditionally. Only my ego's self-esteem (ego-energy) seeks validation 24/7. But my inner Being is okay and seeks nothing, not even validation, because it knows it is real. Where the ego is just a fabricated story, by the mind, so it can make sense of itself. My self is a delusion, but my Being is real and it is okay. By the way. Loving self is a strange way of asking the ego to love itself like a narcissist would. The Being would not love the self because it knows it is not valid. So its not about receiving love to oneself, but simply being loving. It is the act of loving which fulfills a person, not the other way around.
  2. Most people practice deceptions from their own truth. They fear that their truth will expose their fraudulent self. If I spoke to others in this deceptive way, all I am doing is supporting their delusion of self. I rather be quiet, and if they wish a response, I only speak what is true for me. All my friends know this. So whenever they wish the truth they simply talk to me. Otherwise they leave me alone in their company. This does not bother me. I know that they know they are avoiding truth. And they know I am avoiding deception. Many times I see my friends look at me in full understanding of what deceptions are being played out. In that way, without having to say a word, the truth is being revealed to them through themselves. So, I do not have to engage with others to be the most engaging of them all.
  3. Self honesty to the chore. Then accept every bit of it. Then you will know your truth and no longer fear anything.
  4. Hell Rajat. In the first part of your question, my answer is yes. In the second question, my answer is that I find human beliefs are based on either truth and love, or on deception and fear. Truth and love based beliefs promote growth, while the other hampers growth. Truth and love radiates, while deception and fear contracts.