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Everything posted by Visitor

  1. Good to read. Remember, one day at a time. And if that seems too long, then cut that time down to half a day at a time, etc. It works if you work it.
  2. Seriously, with regards to your family, what would you tell your best friend to do if they were in your situation?
  3. CuteYTDawg, how is it going today?
  4. mikeyy, whats with the change of writing? At first I worked for no life purpose, then I turned it around and worked for a life purpose. It was my best career change.
  5. Hello mathieu. A suggestion. Some lone entrepreneurs work from home and before actually getting into it they go through the whole routine of going somewhere else to work. They get in their car and go for a short drive and come back home. When they come back they pretend they are at there office. and work 9 to 5 like any other job. Also, there are other ways of not losing your civil engineering skills to freelance graphic design. You could do graphic civil engineering designs. Or contract yourself to civil engineers which require a graphic image of their plans. I once worked for an architectural rendering company. My job was to convert the plans for some skyscraper, etc, into a perspective drawing of about 3 foot square, them traced that onto a bainbridge board for the artist to colour it in. It was an illustration of what the building would look like when constructed. Alexander Calder was a mechanical engineer who turned his knowledge into constructing those beautifully large steel sculptures. Another idea is to specialize in large graphic design artworks for new civil engineering office spaces. I am sure they would pay big money for artworks that depict civil engineering, even abstractly, for hanging on their office walls. Try to marry both the engineering side to graphic design. It could be a unique niche for freelancing, and something you may enjoy doing.
  6. We are thought machines. Its true nature is to recognize truth and to initiate reality. However, most people are ruled by fear which denies truth. So their thoughts have become deluded.
  7. Perhaps we are here to discover what is true about our self, and to express that truth for others to witness. To help others to be the same - a true person. In that truth we may find that suffering is only a story about not handling pain. Without that story, pain may simply be a sensation. A sensation for the purpose of letting us know that there is a need for a change.
  8. Remain soft and gentle to yourself, and this will put a smile on your face. Smiles can be infectious.
  9. Hello egoeimai, thank you for your response. The first paragraph about fears from judgement is my own truth. The rest about self-honesty and self-judgement was learnt, and practiced, from the twelve step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Particularly steps 4 and 5, then 8 and 9, with a daily practice of step 10. These steps can be used by anyone. I used them to overcome my addictions to alcohol and drugs nearly thirty years ago. Here is a link that lists the steps. There is the book I used as my guide through those steps. You can download it as a PDF document.
  10. The primary ego fear is judgement. From this is the fear of rejection, then the fear of segregation, then abandonment and finally annihilation. All these fears stem from the fear of judgement. If one can overcome the fear of judgement then all the others will not arise. In my experience, the best way to overcome the fear of judgement is to deeply judge yourself to the very core of self. Self-honesty about self, and nobody else, from birth to the present. All your secrets, imperfections, good points, bad points, likes and dislikes, ...everything about yourself. And accept every bit of you as you are. Don't worry, everybody has defects of character, and shortcomings. Once you have come to this point of total self acceptance, then two things happen when someone judges you. 1) You may recognize some truth about yourself that you may already know about, or not know about but you do now. Your response will be to say 'yes I know', or 'thank you for revealing that truth about me'. 2) Through self honesty you may not recognize their judgement as true. In either case, you are no longer fearful of any judgement, because you know your truth and accept any further truths that may be revealed to you. In this case, rejection is no longer an experience, for you will realize that if the judger rejects you then it is something they have trouble accepting about you or themselves. But in either case you have already accepted yourself warts and all. So if the other cannot accept you then it is their problem and not yours.
  11. Thanks aryberry for your response. I am not talking about the facts of existence. I am talking about our truth. The truth about our thoughts and actions. The why we say and do in life. For example. The truth about an angry person is that they are afraid. Anger is just an expression of avoidance to their truth of being afraid. A truthful person would see this truth and disregard the other for it is just a story of avoidance, which has no value to the fact that they are afraid. However, a truthful person will understand why they are afraid in the first place. But if the angry person cannot see it then all their thoughts and actions are not true, and not of any value to them or for the truthful person.
  12. Anirban657, you are 17 and in a stage of development which requires a certain focus to get through. But you will need help from good role model adults too. It can be too difficult for many who do not have adults helping you to become an adult. Seventeen year old people are to old to be children and too young to be adults. They are in between the two stages. However, you know what it is like to be a child but still learning to be an adult who accepts responsibility for all their thoughts and actions. This stage of development takes time, and for some, a life time. To help you along, please remember what I have been taking about. So when things get too difficult, remember you will need guidance and help to see you through those times. Adults see the world with more mature experiences than a seventeen year old. Unfortunately many adults forget how it really was like for them to be seventeen, and expect a seventeen year old to be an adult already. That is not realistic, and that goes the same for seventeens to expect to be adults already too. Also remember, nobody is perfect, not even adults, so even adults can give bad advice, but more often than not they give good advice, even though the child in the 17 year old may not think so. Life is like an experiment, sometimes it blows up in your face. But that is how it is. It's okay. One of my best lessons I've learn is that it is okay if things don't go my way. In fact many things don't go they way I like them to go. Sometimes many times in a day. But I have learnt to accept that. Accept and move with the change of plan, even if you know it may mean more work. Acceptance is the key to dissolving most problems, because the problem is mostly about attitudes we may have towards them. Hope this has helped you to understand where you may be at now, and where you may need to work towards.
  13. If a person's world is not based on truth, then anything could be used to inspire further untruths. If a person's world is based on truth, then only truth can be recognized/known. The rest is of no value. Truth does not know untruths. If it did then it would become a truth. A truthful person reading a book, more times than not, will hardly find any truth in it. What they do see is the veils (stories of denial) still laying over the truth not yet revealed. When a truth is revealed, it would be like finding a diamond in the rough. Not only is it rare, but stands out like a light in complete darkness. And it warms the heart with its love.
  14. Warriors are for the fearful, not the peaceful. Fearlessness and love of truth creates space to pass through.
  15. Fulfillment comes from loving unconditionally. This comes from within a person, not from outside. Anything you chase, other than your own truth, has nothing to do with your fulfillment. Fulfillment comes from radiating energy from within, not by trying to suck it up. It comes from allowing your truth to be exposed and seen, and its expression is love. Remove the veils of fear and deception which covers your true fearless you. These veils are cover stories, fabricated stories of validation, by the ego. But the only thing valid in you is your own truth. Once the truth is exposed you will know what is truth and start living true, because you will know that truth is the only reality. Anything else is delusion and not worth hanging on to.
  16. Why Do We Keep Reminding Ourselves To Enjoy Life And Do Best Before We Die? Any story about life is one created by ego, which is only a fabrication, and not real. It's just a story, it's nothingness. Truth is the only reality. Anything else is not true and not real. Unconditional love is the expression of truth. By being true, unconditional love becomes our expression. This is the ultimate life joy and the best we can be. If we keep reminding ourselves to enjoy life and do our best, it is because we are not true and have become nothing in the first place. And deep down we know it. So the reminder is a declaration to wake up and be true and loving before we die as a person who missed the point in life.
  17. Be truthful and loving. It benefits everybody including yourself. It is the ultimate fulfillment for all. And all you have to do is nothing from your ego-self.
  18. I was a homeless addict-alcoholic for many years. First of all, get a secure place to shelter the weather. Keep warm by placing newspaper under your clothes. Get food from soup-kitchens. Ask for help and listen. I was introduced to AA and NA that way, but took another 7 years of arrogance and ignorance before surrendering to any help them or others. Help comes to those who are humble. Anyway, get involved with helping others in same predicament. This will help to raise some self-esteem (later, if you are honest enough, you won't need it any longer). Resolve to clear debts. See a financial counsellor about it. They have helped many others, such as problem gamblers. Look for any employment that will help you to finance re-education. I went to the library and started to study basic English and mathematics so I can enter a college. Day by day it all got better. Took many years to make amendments to others, such as repaying debts. Most people need to hit a so called rock bottom before they become willing enough to go to any lengths to change. Unfortunately many play the game of thinking that they have not yet hit rock-bottom. But do when they die and get placed 6 feet under.
  19. Speak only when asked to speak, and then speak only the truth. If you don't know the truth then either say nothing, or say that you don't know the truth. Sometimes you may know the truth and that it may hurt their ego, and possibly lose friendship. But I rather lose friendship over the truth than to gain friendship over a deception. Some call this tough-love.
  20. It is a dimension not restricted by time or space. Intuition, telepathy, are examples of receiving energies that may be regarded as 4th dimensional. However, there are other dimensions that are not restricted by time or space.
  21. Uncreated light.
  22. All manipulation has a common goal, to avoid what is feared and to gain what is assumed to be lacking. Only the ego lacks reality and fears this truth. That is why it seeks validation 24/7 through manipulation, and any other for of deception, to gain self-esteem (ego-energy), pride, self-worth, kudos, etc.
  23. They are looking for love from outside of themselves instead from their own source. They do not realize that truth/honesty is the source of love. They are also looking for a host to exploit, and to exploit themselves onto the host. This is often mutual.
  24. Hello Shin. Your signature says it all. "Be, don't try to become" - Osho To make friends is to be a friend. What would you expect a friend to be? Then be that way as a friend.