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  1. @beatlemantis Apathy usually has a mantra which says something like "What's the point of doing this?" You have to find your point again. "Blessed is she who sits on a thumbtack for surely she will rise again".
  2. The wiring in the span substructure got installed and routed partly up the framework. It took a while to find the appropriate springy metal for the contacts. Then I filled the trench work with wood putty. When dried it was sanded and painted with acrylic undercoat.
  3. PART 2 Below, the wand is used for the throat chakra (blue). So how has crystal therapy contributed to my self-improvement? It has mainly contributed to my realization that we are quasi beings. We are not fixed animated beings like a robot. Everything is quasi and everything is not necessarily so. Everything changes, which makes for a lot of room and freedom for change. We have the ability to change our attitudes, habits, beliefs, emotions, even physicality to a degree. And most importantly, nothing is impossible. What seems impossible is what we do not yet understand. Those that want to change can - sometime quickly, sometimes slowly.
  4. I have tried post my last wand, on this thread, twice and just at the end it got lost in submission. Perhaps the post had too many photos, or it was simply me pressing the wrong buttons (most probably the later). Anyway, I will try again but this time in two separate posts, part 1 and 2. PART 1 The following wand is basically a sonic wand, but it has a few unique qualities added to it. The quartz crystal is known as a laser wand mainly because it is tapered to a point for concentrating the flow of energy. They are intended for metaphysical psychic-surgery. However, this crystal also has a scalpel blade termination on it. The crystal also has a trigger crystal grown out of its side. This can be used as a chi (life force) energy release from the finger (Reiki). The sonic part of the wand comes from the use of four wire coils which can be arranged in series, parallel, or any combination of the two. Electromagnetic impulses can be induced , via the coils, into the crystal. On release of the impulse the induced energy, in the crystal, then releases it out of is terminal point (scalpel tip). The impulses and configuration of the coils can be made to do many things, primarily it can induce or withdraw energies through the crystal. Various electronic devices can be attached to the wand, such as a signal generator, audio frequency generator, musical keyboard, even as a sonic speaker (though inaudible to the ear).
  5. Personally, I see black tourmaline as a stone which can absorb a lot of energy, including negative energy. It is used for grounding a person. In crystal therapy, an agitated person often becomes settled after holding a black tourmaline for a while. It can also be used, by the therapist, to ground any negativity transferred from the client. Barry used to hold one in his left hand while treating a person. There are many Internet sources of what stone is for what. However, there is a lot of outer/personal info too (like what I just gave you above), that may not apply to you. My suggestion is to read many different sources and find what is common in all of them. Write that down as a reference. Then discover if this inner info is true for you. Then anything other than that inner info is your outer info that only you know is so for yourself. If you decide to practice this form of therapy for yourself, remember as things change for you, so does your flow of energies. Crystals will then behave differently for the outer info accordingly. Homeostasis is what crystals are primarily used for. They can aid the person to reach a metaphysical homeostasis which usually transfers to a physiological balance for the human body.
  6. Thank you pluto for your post. I have been thinking somewhat differently. These wands are already 17 years old. So, for me it is nothing new. If anything, I think today there is too much emphasis on selling things which imitate by appearance and lack metaphysical foundations. Harry Potter wands, and such, have taken over. The use of tools which aid and bridge between the physical and metaphysical are being watered down. Also, the metaphysician is losing insider vision and faith to make things happen. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) had this ability more than most. He could build and make an apparatus perform in a way that nobody else could reproduce. Because of this, others blamed Tesla for being a charlatan. I believe Tesla was able to see something possible and work out how to make it happen. It was his conviction (faith), a metaphysical principle, which provided the means for creating what he deemed possible. For example. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was a close friend of Tesla, and whenever he visited Tesla, Tesla would show him what he was working on. At one time, Tesla lit up the room they were in and Mark could not source the light, because the air itself was the light source. It was shadowless light. Tesla was able to vibrate an air gas, lets say Nitrogen, to release photons. Yet today we have not been able to do produce a room full of shadowless light*. Imagine its uses, every bit of air is lit up. Nothing hidden in the shadows. It could benefit surgery, and inspecting things in dark areas without the aid of a torch, etc. Tesla was able to do many such things because he had insider vision plus conviction to make it happen. I think there is a decrease in the number of faithful visionaries among metaphysicians of today. I might be wrong, but that is how I see it today. With regards to me in further developments in this field, I have ceased in doing so. Other avenues have come along. The lessons learnt have contributed, and still do, to furthering my journey down the rabbit hole of truth. * Interestingly, there has been reports from alien abductees (from MUFON reports) that they were in a UFO room of light that had no source point. Investigators/researchers have considered the walls and ceilings must have been the light source, but the abductees never (as far as I know) regarded that was the case.
  7. The ego fears losing all the investment (self-esteem) you have conditionally placed onto your wife. The expected returns for your investment is seen by you as not going to you but to somebody else. The ego is trebling with fear of losing self-esteem (ego-energy). Any deflation is felt as humiliating. Ironically, the cure is to be humble to realize (wife or not) that every human being has the right to live their own life. Marriage does not mean having a slave to one's own ego. We have no right to expect anything from another person. Love is not about getting love, but giving it (for free). Find the unconditional love of your wife. Focus on that love and love that love back. Regardless of what the other does, though we may not like it, we can still love the love that loves us. This transcends any story of lost investment to one of loving. It is our loving from the heart which fulfills us, and we don't even have to do anything, except letting go of our ego fears. And even that requires us to do nothing. It is letting go of our fears which creates room in our heart to expand and radiate.
  8. Sometimes I feel the apprehension in me, more so than normal, as I adventure into unknown territory. Inlaying these wires is one of those times. Also, finding suitable contact metal for terminal ends. Now that I am thinking about it, the whole project is full of unknowns. Each step, event when worked out on paper, has its own unforeseen challenges. Before completing the span substructure I want to see exactly where the wiring needs to be routed up along the span framework. So I built the basic frame structure before doing anymore on the substructure. While building the frame a thought came to mind as to how to anchor the lift cables to the span framework. Fishing swivels would help to untwist any rotatory tension on the cable. By cutting them in half I would be able to sweat solder the swivel onto a filed (flat) head of a small bolt. It worked out as I envisioned. The framework got extra struts put in; and span is put in place to see how it will look.
  9. Here is a wand which has not yet been completed. It was to be, and still could be, a tool for hypnotherapy. I was going to use it after doing a hypnotherapy course, which I never started. Other priorities took its place. As a result, I felt it was not ethical to use without first completing the course. So the project wand got mothballed. The wand was originally called the Alpha Wand because the LED lights were going to rotate (LED Chaser Circuit) at a pulse rate of Alpha brainwave frequency. The goal was to assist the client to relax at a sort of meditative state. However, by slowing the Alpha waves by half, Theta wave frequencies occur. Both Alpha and Theta wave frequencies are present in the brain when someone becomes hypnotized. This wand could also be called a Hypnotic Wand. This wand was made to be a crystal wand in itself with the added hypnotic light pulses. The crystal portion where the light chamber is has been sealed off by aluminium foil. So no light penetrates the crystal. The crystal is Smokey Quartz, and is often used for grounding and cleansing.
  10. Back to the bridge. The bridge span will have electronics stored in the operations hut. Power to and from it will need to be ultilized while it is docked onto the bridge structure. So underneath the span plate will require electrical contacts, wiring and two sets of navigational lights (red and green). The wires will need to be entrenched. I have already attached the road surface and footpath (Masonite). Also drilled holes for railing posts and bridge frame doweling, which will be installed later.
  11. Today I was informed, by a member of this forum, about two other devices that use both light and brainwave frequencies, Lucia Light N°03 & PandoraStar. I have never heard about them before. Thank you for sharing that information.
  12. Don't let that stop you.
  13. @abrakamowse I will. @Scholar Math can also be a means to explaining things which common language becomes inefficient to do. Complexities of certain physics rely on mathematics, as a language, to explain what is observed and imagined (theoretical physics). So in this regard math is a language, when learnt, used for making sense where words fail to do so. Here is a slight diversion. Math can also reveal certain irrationals of the physical world. For example the circle. Pi is an irrational number (containing an infinite fraction). In theory, a perfect circle would contain an infinite circumference with a set diameter, or a set circumference with an infinite diameter. In other words, the math proves that the components which make a circle is quasi (or not necessarily so). Many square roots are also irrational and points to many 2D and 3D measurements being quasi. Many years ago I played with a calculator (No, not from Windows) for over a year in my spare time. I logged all sorts of math results in numerical order. My goal was to get a feel for the numerical world. I started to notice certain similarities and patterns. I tried to marry them, or find the bridge between them, but failed to do so. It was then that it occurred to me that the observed world is, because it is quasi (out of balance). If it were to become balanced, or in harmonized, everything would cancel out and collapse into itself. This I cannot prove by a math equation as such. It is a revelation I had after the above experimental search for meaning in the measured world.
  14. @Posho She believed that window washers don't feel any success at cleaning a window perfectly clean, because it didn't pay well in her eyes. Her approach was finding a job that will make you feel successful financially and in status. Do that first and then adopt this success as a passion that will maintain that type of success. It is okay to get a job that pays the bills and gives one status as a definition of success. But there is nothing wrong with finding a heart felt passion and going for it either.
  15. Very funny video. What is worse is that a lot of fast food packaging (plastics) which break down into mouth-size pieces for birds and fish to eat. If you buy sea salt for cooking you more than likely to find small pieces of plastic in it.
  16. Sorry Paleas, and anybody else, for any misunderstanding from my post. I made an assumption which may have been incorrect. I thought alcohol was causing the attitude problem as it did me for nearly 16 years.
  17. To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume them. To lose weight and be fit is to burn calories by doing exercise. For me, cycling was fun, adventurous, living in the now, and easy to do. It is one of the few sports that allows you to sit down to do it.
  18. Altered Attitudes has helped me to stop drinking other than water for 29 years (this time tomorrow week).
  19. I joined the military (RAAF) and after basic training I was walking straighter and got fitter too. O increased my height another 1.5 inches. Another time was when I became fearless. It seemed as if I was seeing the world from another set of eyes, a few inches above normal.
  20. The above pair of wands were mainly made for chakra healing/re-balancing. Since each chakra has it own unique coloured (frequency) energy. The light probe has a pair of LEDs for each primary colour (red, yellow, green, blue) and white. Other colours [A] can be produced by mixing the primary colours. Variations of a mixed colour can be produced by varying the intensity of each LED. From this the 15 chakra colours shown below can be created. Here is one of the wands showing the colour green. Here is the 15 chakra colours produced within the quartz crystal.
  21. Holes were cut into console to accommodate connectors, power socket, and speakers. The museum president said if only the visitors would know what is in the console, seeing all the wiring etc. So big mouth here said 'why not show them via a perspex front panel'!. As quick as I said it the console became an extra display to the diorama. So now the console will be a diorama of sorts, about electrical wiring and electronics. So now the console interior needed to cleaned and painted. I am hoping a dark bluish grey background colour will contrast the coloured wiring and circuit boards. The paint shop had exactly what I envisioned, and ironically it was called Boathouse. To add extra lighting and drama I decided to add a indicators for the voltage outputs. The green LEDs indicate that power is okay. However, if the voltage line fuse blew, the green LED would turn off and a red LED will turn of, to indicate a blown fuse. The terminal boards were cleaned, replaced, and with new numbers attached. The Power Supply Unit was now installed. The console diorama is starting to look promising.
  22. Seven years ago I went to Austria to compete in the Worlds Masters Road Cycling Championships. They have this event at St Johann in Tirol every year. There I came of my bike and hit the road head-on. As far as I recall I was alone at the time. My carbon fibre bike broke into four pieces. I was knocked out for 40 minutes before paramedics flew in to revive me. I lost a lot of blood from my chin. A blood clot the size and thickness of my hand was next to face where I lay. I was flown to St Johann's hospital and received eleven stitches to my chin. Two days later I was allowed to leave the hospital. Despite all this I was in good spirits. Here I am back in the holiday cabin. I was very curious to find out what caused me to hit the deck. All I can remember is my head suddenly moving forward and down a short distance, then waking up with the paramedics. Nobody could fill in the gap. After I got home to Australia (the next day) I started convalescence, because I had slight brain damage for the next six months. I would lose my balance when walking and was very slow in responding to questions (which was a blessing in a way [most questions are not worth answering]). During convalescence I started another art therapy project. This one was a vane attempt to recall anything about the incident. This time I needed to have plenty of time to do and think this artwork through. I used the blooded jersey and gloves, and broken sunglasses for the collage. The rest were other bits around the house to represent the incident. It's a large piece 51 x 49 inches (1.3 x 1 m). The beam from above to my helmet represents divine intervention. Result? Absolutely nothing. When you are unconscious you are unconscious. If I was dying I would not have known about it. Sometimes we have things happening to us which simply cannot be explained, and this is one of them. And it took me over a year to accept that. I think it is because I had a large investment in completing the event. I trained for many years. It seemed such a loss at the time. But I still love riding and have very fond memories of being of such peak performance and fitness. Hopefully I won't have a need for any further art therapy exercises. Today I am retired and wanting to rediscover the creativity I had a a young lad... and it is starting to feel as if I am doing what I was meant to do - create.
  23. Found that Amethyst crystal I inadvertently sat with.
  24. Had a look at my crystals again. It has been a few years since. Here is the 'Recorder' I am assuming this is a 'Lemurian'.