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Everything posted by Visitor

  1. Focus ONLY on the work needed from you at one task at a time. Forget about semester results or your degree. Forget about how far you are behind, or not being able to (choosing not to) focus, or too anxious (too fearful) to work (and not finish in time). These are all distractions from doing the task in hand. You are projecting a self-fulfilled prophecy. Focus on the required procedures (not projected results) to complete the tasks, and the results will take care of themselves.
  2. You will always have more ideas than the time needed to act on them. Later you may even find that the only action of importance is letting go.
  3. For the ego-self it would be practically boring and potentially fearful. Boring because there is nothing to prove. Fearful because it might have to prove differently. For the true-self it would be fulfilling its purpose of expressing truth via unconditional love. Maximum potential would mean just that, the person would lose all pretense from the ego-self. Ego at maximum potential without living it, but dormant. True-self at maximum potential, would be released to express itself fully. A transfiguration of sorts.
  4. While thinking how to proceed, I realized that once the towers are in the bridge span will not be able to be removed for servicing. The bumper rollers and the pulley wheels atop of the towers are in the way of removal. So I decided to replace two of the fixed lateral bumper rollers with removable ones. Finally built and installed the road surface and footpaths. I was a real hassle orchestrating the the towers into a straight and level position. The pulley wheel needed to be aligned so that the cable will pass through the holes in the road and display table without touching anything. Well, that is what I am hoping. So now the towers are installed.
  5. Getting back to the original thread. A thread about having a forever body with a forever mind. Even so, this will not guarantee self-actualization. Imagine what implants would be available to the younger generation to explore. The planet will surely become self-will-run-riot.
  6. Consider this. You are not here for your self (ego-self).
  7. “If you are willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard. But if you are willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.” ― T. Harv Eker
  8. This reminded me of the hundredth monkey effect. However, that does not seem likely. Some say the more we learn and experience in life the wiser we become, but so too does the ego in terms of subtly, cunning, stealth, and other forms of deception. Many have started out altruistically and ended up self-will-run-riot without noticing the shift over time. A major shift in human consciousness, in the world, in my lifetime? The way people are behaving with more greed today than ever before? It would require a miracle.
  9. Because the bridge towers will be secured to the bridge girders the tower legs will need to pass through the road surface. So the road and footpath needs to be installed before the towers. However, the electrical wiring along the bridge girders, and those of the traffic lights, need to be installed at the same time as the road. My next task then was to create four sets of traffic lights using red, orange, and green LED lights. The first few attempts to drill 5 mm holes very close to each other failed, until I found the correct procedure. Bottom right photo only shows how the lights will appear on the bridge (not yet installed).
  10. Each person is response-able for every one of their own thoughts and actions.
  11. The fact that you get low on the thought of piontlessness means that you are experiencing a lost point in life. Perhaps it is time to find a new point in life. What do you wish to become? Anything will do because life changes, and when it does you are also free to change your point. Point to where you want to go, or where from where you are from. Obviously you do not want to be depressed (resentments of your past), frustrated (impatience), and neurotic (fearing fear). For starters, why not start accepting your past (even loss of points), accept that some things go slowly, and start facing (testing) your fears and accepting them too. In life we have to create our own points (thumbtacks). "Blessed is he who sits on a thumbtack for surely he will rise again". For as long as you have lived things have come and gone. So too will this feeling of pointlessness pass. Everyday is the first day for the rest of your life. It is a brand new start, don't waste it on what has already passed.
  12. Painted the towers.
  13. Depending on ones definition of pain and suffering. However, I see pain as inevitable but suffering is optional. That is pain is simply a sensation to alarm the min d that something is wrong with the body or emotions (body-mind). Suffering is the negative story we attach to the pain, like "I can't handle this much more". Without the story about pain, pain becomes simply a curious sensation. In this regard, I find pain as either a high frequency sort of sensation and/or it starts to fade away into insignificance (as if being ignored / denied).
  14. All can be seen as important and not important. It all depends on how see it (at the time). What is important for some is not for others. There are many facets to everything. By keeping an open mind the many facets to everything shows itself to you and life becomes open too all interpretations, including this one. Nothing is necessarily so. So, to find what is important to your self is totally up to you, and don't be surprised if it changes over time. It is much like re-reading a book after a period of time. When re-reading it you find things that you don't recall reading, or you see the whole book differently. This is because during the interval, between reads, one has learnt more stuff from other aspects of life. They re-read the book with a different mindset. So too with what one finds important in a job. So go with what is of value for you today and be prepared for it to change.
  15. Lorenna pointed to something that answers your question. That is, the bad stuff, such as embarrassment (or any other fear based experiences) get remembered more easily for most. The reason is that the ego-self only wants validation for, and not losing, self-esteem. The mind remembers what to avoid. Yet it can be very irrational because it governs what to avoid by feelings and not necessarily by logic. That is why some people commit suicide over emotional pain, which will pass in time. The ego wants to stop the emotional pain at all costs, even willing to die (though the ego does not even exist except in the mind. So what the ego censors to remember or kept hidden can be a tricky thing to understand. In regards to drinking, or getting drunk, there is a matter of short term memory loss. Alcohol effects the brain's capacity to store memory. So if a person drinks too much they can experience what some call 'blackouts'. These are extremely short memory loss, where anything new does not get recorded in memory. But that same person can run on memory stored from the past. Example: a drunk person, driving a car, finds themselves at a place but cannot remember how they got there. They used past memory of how to drive a car, but the actual journey from one moment to the next has not been recorded. Note: there are many people in goal due to drunken blackouts (like hit-and-run incidences). Other seemingly lost memory is not really lost as such. It may be still there in memory but takes a longer time to re-assemble. Memories are quasi. They are like a scar. Some are deep and easily recalled, others are fine and hard to find. Though if one keeps finding a memory the scar gets deeper and easier to recall. Also memory recall works by association. Each associated bit is like a piece to a jigsaw. As we try to remember something, the mind assembles associated pieces to form a memory / story but not necessarily exactly how it was first experienced. That is why witnesses to a crime recall the same story in a different way. Memory is quasi and what it recalls is not necessarily so. Hope this has helped you to understand what you are looking for.
  16. @Dragallur To recall, I said "In theory..." Of course in the practical world one can draw and cut a complete circle because things overlap and nothing is perfect. But in the practical world the infinite is finite. After all who is going to worry about the closing gap of a circumference at atomic level. Yet the gap keeps closing between one atomic nodal point of energy (atom) to the next.
  17. In a nut shell, humans comprise of body-mind-soul. Body-mind focus is external, mind-soul focus is internal. Facts and knowledge is recognised by body-mind (ext). Truth and knowing, is recognised by mind-soul (int). All problems can be solved by the truth and knowing (int). IMHO
  18. Thank you Annetta for your 'likes'. After securing the pulley wheels to the towers the servicing gangways got built. Used split bamboo skewers, matchsticks and fly screen for the railings.
  19. Is not 1 x pi = 3.14159....... a circumference that never meets its beginning?
  20. Sorry. I don't know more than what I have already shared with you. But I am sure you will find plenty of answers on the Internet.
  21. Helping the fearful lose their fear so they can express their truth lovingly.
  22. @Annetta Some vitamins are not readily absorbed by the body. Many vitamin suppliers know that. For example, iron is not easily absorbed without vitamin C, that is why iron tablets have vit C in it. Other vitamins are absorbed more easily when taken with certain foods. So do a research to find out what compliments or what allows the vitamin to attach itself to for absorption. Tip: The body only absorbs the vitamins it needs. Surplus vitamins, as found in multivitamins, get flushed out. That is why (with excess multivitamins) urine might have a orange to green colour.
  23. @Edvard No because I still have an ego that will raise fear in me. It is not about not having an ego, but having one in control (humbled). If I didn't care if an offensive would kill me then I would have to be mind-soul prepared to leave the body-mind (in reference to body-mind-soul). I would also be sad for the mind-souls who are not prepared to leave their body-minds yet. This is the point I am saying, in today's world most are not yet prepared. If this world overcame their greed for validity of ego-self then the world would not want to sabotage itself by starting wars.
  24. My thoughts on it. Imagine a military offensive aiming to kill all those that wish to self-actualize. Wouldn't there be those who are willing to fight to protect the right of others to have a chance to self-actualize? Is not killing members of the offensive equally depriving them of the chance to self-actualize? So both sides lose. The thing is there are offensives which just want something the other has, like land, or a valuable resource, and are willing to kill for it. The innocent, like our children, will be killed without a chance to grow up and see and accept the truth of this insanity. The real sad thing is that the governments use the innocent infants to do the killing. Ironically they are called infantry. As long as this world is greedy for validity of ego-self, there will always be wars. Always depriving others from awakening. I done six years in the RAAF. Got my instruments and avionics trades out of it. Luckily I missed any theaters of conflict. If one wishes to be in the military and avoid direct conflict, it is better to be an officer in the army, or a non-officer in the air-force. I took the later. The reasons are: In the army it is the infantry that fight, and the officers stay back and out of danger. In the navy, both officers and non-officers are in the same boat. There is no advantage here. In the air force it is the officers that fly the planes and non-officers stay back and out of danger.