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  1. @Afonso Thanks for kind word. Yesterday I spent some time mixing a light grey that will look like new cement. There are many shades of cement from light grey to white. Also, the paint I used looks darker wet than dry. Aesthetically, I want a pollution free looking bridge. It seems every modeler likes to weather their models. But there is something nice about pristine architecture. Maybe it's because I worked for an architectural rendering studio many years ago, where all illustrations were weather perfect.
  2. Normally we take in what is needed at the time. Some things need to mature in us before taking the next step. We need to stop along the way to smell the flowers, and take in the scenery. Sit with it for a while to see what unfolds within us, or outside of us (seeing with a new attitude). Let go of needing to read a book by a certain time. or needing to apply something intellectually (as such). But go along intuitively with what has been grasped by you. With patience, gentle and softness, the truth of the matter will surface. Much of the self-development books are just that, they develop, more cunningly, the self. One side effect is intellect without sense. Satisfaction does not come from outside. We buy, get, read, gather, all sorts of things only to build a giant bonfire (pyre) for the self. Realizing all this time was spent finding not what is, but what isn't. However, that is what is needed to be done to grasp what isn't (paradox). We go through stages of hanging on, letting go; hanging on, letting go; until we start to realize that letting go is the key to our serenity. But first we need to hang on to understand the importance of letting go (another paradox). So don't worry about it. It's part of discovering who we really are (not the self).
  3. You want a girlfriend? Then just be a friend to a girl. No hand holding, kissing, etc., unless she makes the first move. Friends do not use emotional blackmail, teasing, coaxing, etc to exploit each other. To have a friend you first need to be a friend. Be a friend for a year will teach you much about relating to a girl. Relationships are about relating.
  4. It's lonely at the top of the mountain, unless your life goal is to be alone. What have you got? Fear of losing control.
  5. This realm the body senses is so thick that it is almost impossible to not get caught up in it. As a result, most think they are the body instead of having a body. Life is about the body (flesh as some may call it), coupled with a fabricated story about the body (ego). See this in people, including myself, is a sad vision indeed.
  6. @phoenix666 Some words/phrases/meanings are deeply imprinted from early age. Truth can best be described with no words. The best expression of truth is unconditional love, for truth is liberating, fearless, doubtless, reliable, constant, and always present. Words, from one to many, is the thread that weaves a cover-story that can veil the truth.
  7. Your answer maybe hidden in your personal definition is of the word impact. Write down what that word means to you. You might find what is holding you back.
  8. To afraid to leave an abusive relationship for fear of being alone.
  9. Painted the railings. A fiddly job which patience can master.
  10. When I was a lad at school we were taught that the sun was 93 million miles away from us. I was awe struck by that distance. When I got home I said to my mother with great zeal, "Did you know that the sun is 93 MILLION MILES away"! She said as she pointed out the window, "Don't be silly, it's just over there". The laws of relativity apply to everything.
  11. Turned the whole display table on its side. Then routed the wiring towards the centre of the bridge where the control box will be.
  12. Don't work on it. You are trying to make it work your way. Relationship is about relating to the other. Just relate to her and let her relate to you. Keep it simple.
  13. @Dizzy I never used the beach for star gazing before. What a great idea. I only live a mile from the beach, but at the moment it's getting a bit cold as winter is heading towards its peak. I also live in the rural areas, so I do not have to travel far from town to get away from the town lights. Away from city lights on a clear moonless night is the best time for star gazing.
  14. There is a lot of railing work on both the road and footpath. As usual, they are made from matchsticks and split bamboo skewers. I am happy that part of the bridge is finished. I knew it would be a long steady task to complete. The gaps that you see near the traffic lights are for the swing gates. These swing across the road to block the road traffic. They will be operated by servo motors attached under the display tabletop. Still waiting for servo circuitry parts, so there is a delay in this part of the creation. It's looking better from day to day.
  15. To repeat your question: What will actually bring you happiness, bliss and fulfillment? Answer: Loving. To be free from fear. Which is manifested in such things as greed, want, validation, etc. These are all forms of tension. To be loving, unconditionally, requires total release of tension. No fear. So one can open their heart like a blossom of radiance. A self-development goal, in this regard, would be to be fearless. Which is manifested as being soft, open, allowing, accepting, forgiving, tolerant, patient, and listening, because all these traits is what truth is. And it's full expression is unconditional love.
  16. Only the ego-self has a need, a need to be validated. The higher self, as you said, has no needs. Ego wants to be true. Higher self is already true.
  17. (A) = concentration target. (B) = do nothing. (A) Learn to listen to other (B) than your self. (B) Do not listen to self when (A) listening to somebody or reading something.
  18. Your website is about teaching. Your testimonials should testify that you can teach.